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Transcription Assistance

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Guest Pagerunner

Brandon Sanderson was at BookCon last month, and somebody asked him a Wheel of Time question that the audio recorder didn't pick up very well:




Tell me Rand went to <the Wise Women>.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

I believe he did. Absolutely. Now Robert Jordan did not say for sure. He just wrote what he wrote. But if I have any influence over it, yes.



If you follow the link in the "source," you can play back that portion of the recording. (Warning, there's a lot of ambient noise from other parts of the con.) The part in brackets is what the transcriber thought Brandon was saying, but they were unsure about. I don't think it makes any sense as currently transcribed; it seems to me like it should be a place, somewhere Rand went after the end of the series. I'm much more of a Brandon fan than a Wheel of Time fan, so I'm having a hard time coming up with a plausible alternative that fits the recording. All I could think of was returning to Emond's Field, but I couldn't convince myself that's what was on the audio. Can anyone else hear anything different on the audio? Or maybe piece together what the question should be, if it was one that's been asked before?

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