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To PREFACE: I did this simply because I had the curiosity and time to do so. I wanted to know how the DM OP scores would compare to WoT canon, so I tried figuring it out.


Also, I felt like doing this in case DM ever decided to go with canon WoT OP scores, which I think would be cool, but seems a bit complicated. Maybe I'm doing it too simplistically.  But, I sort of wanted to be ahead of the game, in case someone wanted the work done.


Ultimately, I really wanted to answer the question, "What would DM AS scores be on RJ's canon scale?"


So, I began by copying the table of the DM Aes Sedai OP scores. I then arranged it by strength, figuring out that there is a range of 13 strength levels (or categories) that Player Characters fall under per the WT rule of "Females [receive a strength score] from 22-34".


Unfortunately I came upon a part where I can't seem to figure out any more, so I'm posting what I hashed out in a Notepad on my computer. Feel free to leave a comment if anyone wishes. I can now see why Jordan had to go into + (positive) scoring... I went into - (negative) high scores, myself.



13 categories of scores listed on the DM WT page/ 13 different strength levels with all current AS DM characters;

Thanelle (NSW) is highest at 34; lowest PC AS are at Strength level 22.

(For all intents and purposes, this is potential strength, since DM has made it clear female channelers cannot change their strength score.)


Eldwene and Elnora add 5, and Nynaeve adds 3 more.


This gives a total of all strength level categories at 21.


Cat 1 (strongest) = Strength 42
Cat 13 (weakest) = Strength 22
Cat 27? (weakest possible AS DM Score) = __? (see below)

The highest recorded strength for an AS are for Cadsuane 5 (+8) and Meilyn Sedai at 10 (+3)
Egwene and Elayne are 8 (+5)
Strength 13 (1) is for Elaida
Level 45 (33) is the minimum strength to be allowed to be Aes Sedai; strength level 46 (34) is too low to be allowed to test.

So there are 45 levels where a woman can be Aes Sedai, but Nynaeve tops the list for modern WoT AS at 3 (+10)
1 (+12) is Lanfear, Alivia


However, DM gives a range for Player Character female scores (for female AS) to be from 22-34; this is a range of only 13 levels/categories.


We know that there are *at least* 21 possible levels for AS to be at DM, and this number goes up to 27 (see conclusion). The OP Strength system is also noted to be out of "50 levels" (according to the WT page).


Lanfear                   __                                       1 (+12)                                           __
Nynaeve                   42                                      3 (+10)                                           -7
41 = -6
40 = -5
Eldwene + Elnora   39                                       8 (+5)                                           -4
38 = -3
37 = -2
36 = -1
                                35                                           --                                                0
Thanelle(NSW)      34 (Highest AS on DM)       --                                                1


33 (strength score) would be a Strength category 2
22 strength score is category 13.

Between Nynaeve and Eldwnee/Egwene: 3 point difference on DM; 5 point difference in books


The problem is, the ratio doesn't work out. Nynaeve's score should be raised two more points so the difference is the same. But if we ignore that....

Questions I'm trying to solve:

If Lanfear (1(+12)) was the highest DM Category, her strength score would be __.

If Lanfear became DM Cateogory 1, then Nynaeve would move to category __ and Thanelle to __.

If every 5 points of the 45 strength range are condensed to 3 each, then all DM AS would have 27 levels where they can test to be AS. Therefore the lowest category a DM AS can be is Category 27, which would be a strength score of ____.




Feel free to correct anything potentially wrong or misinformed.

Edited by Jagen Sedai
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