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Tor Updates KoD Internet Hunt

Guest webmaster


The organizers of Tor's internet hunt sent us this update over the weekend.

Dear Hunters:


We wanted to thank you again for all your patience during the technical difficulties we have been experiencing with the Hunt. We have always wanted to put something great together for our wonderful Jordan fans. As you know, we have experienced delays in the posting of the weekly questions, which have impaired the administration of the Contest. Despite our best efforts, we are unable to assure that the integrity of the Promotion can be maintained.


Consequently, we have been forced to modify the Hunt. Though participants can play the Hunt for their own personal enjoyment, the Hunt will no longer be tied to winning prizes. Instead, prizes related to The Wheel of Time Series will be awarded separately as part of the Knife of Dreams Sweepstakes (the "Sweepstakes") (click here for the Official Sweepstakes Rules). The Sweepstakes begins on October 11, 2005 and ends at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday November 29, 2005. If you have registered for the Hunt, you will be automatically entered into the Sweepstakes.


We will continue to run the question and answer portion of the Hunt and will post a question each Tuesday of the Sweepstakes Period at 3:00 pm Eastern Time. You do not need to play the Hunt or answer any questions to participate in the Sweepstakes but you can continue to play the Hunt for fun. Each week, the names of ten participants with the fastest response times as we've recorded them, if they so choose, will be available on the


Knife of Dreams website and in the e-newsletters.

After examining many options, we feel that this is the best way to continue. We really want fans to still be able to enjoy playing the Hunt. And we really want to give away our neat prizes.


Next week, we'll post the clue for week #5 up at 3:00 pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, October 11th. Again, we will publish the names of the 10 fastest fans to answer, BUT REMEMBER, this will only be for fun and will not be tied into the awarding of any prizes. The following Tuesday, October 18th, we plan to post the question for week #6 up and thereafter, we expect to post a question each Tuesday at 3:00 pm Eastern Time til the last question for week 12 is posted on Tuesday, November 29th.


We hope you continue to enjoy playing the Hunt, and good luck in the Sweepstakes!


Its a pity the game won't be able to go on as planned, but those nifty prizes will still get out there.


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