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Robert Jordan Tour Report: Half Moon Bay, CA

Guest webmaster


Chris sent us this report from the Half Moon Bay Book signing.

I just came from the book signing in Half Moon Bay and it was quite enjoyable. Mister Jordan is a warm, inviting, and well spoken man. He was looking well when he appeared, and I almost did not resognize him because he looked thinner and younger than his last book signing. He talked about the series, his experiences in writing, and a possible new book that he might write after Wheel of Time is over. He gave one tid bit about it, saying it would take place on a pangea like continent.


[Editor note: that refers to RJ's confirmed upcoming series, INFINITY OF HEAVEN.]


There were a few questions about his series, one that I asked was: if channeling was genetic, did the forsaken need bodies that were genetically compatible for them to be able to use the power. His answer was that channeling is not just a recessive or dominant gene, rather both genetic and in the soul. Another interesting question was about the scene with all the flies in the house in book two. This scene where Rand sees the same thing over and over again was actually Fain's doing, a trap devised by him to put Rand in a time loop forever.


On a personal note I must say it was a humbling experience. Mister Jordan speeks so well, that one can recognize his superior cognitive skills in his eloquent dialouge with the many fans. After asking a few questions and listening to him, I realize that his mind is on a whole other plane of thinking. It was very humbling.


Thanks, Chris!



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