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Episode 49 - The Forsaken Revisited, Part 2

Guest Virginia


The Forsaken Revisited, Part 2. Please join Andrew, Virginia and Jessie as they continue their new discussion of the inimitable villains of the Wheel of Time, the thirteen Forsaken, or as they prefer to call themselves, the Chosen.


Part 2 covers Lanfear, Rahvin, Moghedien and Mesaana.


As always, we go into all the books of the Wheel of Time series, from New Spring through Knife of Dreams, so if you haven’t finished your first read-through, you may want to come back to these podcasts when you have, as THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.


Part 1 covered Aginor, Be’lal, Ishamael, Balthamel, Asmodean and Graendal.


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Guest Virginia


We have many episodes recorded - it's the editing that is the bottleneck. Thanks David K for the fast work on these Forsaken ones!

Guest Charlz Guybon


Rahvin's balefire death is odd because Rand used so much. Rand used a bar as thick as a man on Rahvin, while he only tiny amounts on his other victims.

Guest Charlz Guybon


Messana is a the prototypical Hitler Youth leader; one who has the Nazi's said, reaches for her gun when she hears the word culture. An avid book burner, she wants to destroy all worldly knowledge and civilization itself.


Many of those novices in the tower that Elaida's so proud of (100 is the most the Tower's had in a long time) have likely been corrupted by her, including Nicola.


Also Moghedien shows up to the meeting chapter 3 of KoD. Wouldn't it be interesting if she really was no longer fearful.

Guest Virginia


But at least the HORDES of novices that are with Egwene's Aes Sedai haven't been corrupted by Mesaana, though I do often wonder if Mesaana doesn't make side trips to the rebel camp herself.


Do you really think Nicola has been corrupted or turned, Charlz? She seems to have turned over a new leaf with regard to Egwene. But then, perhaps those are her orders! It seems to me that Min had a viewing regarding Nicola, but now I can't recall for sure. I'll have to search it out, unless someone here has it to hand.


Moghedien not fearful - that's a scary thought. But how easily will she be able to turn around the habits of a lifetime?


I don't get the book burner thing from Mesaana as much as a desire to destroy ay work done by those who called her "not suited for research". I think it's a revenge thing rather than a hatred of culture in general.

Guest Charlz Guybon


One of Nicola's flaws, is that like Egwene she wants to advance faster than her teachers think prudent. I think that she would be easy to tempt with secret lessons, and before she's knows what's happened she's in to deep to get out.

Guest mike


Something about Nicola's desire to advance versus Egwene is that Egwene was groomed a bit before she really got into that mode. I think she is most likely far more natural in the power rather than forcing it. If Nicola is being corrupted she will likely expose herself more than she has already. We already know where Egwene's head is at - maybe. Who know what the future holds?


The fact that those that are power hungry are easiest to turn has proven to be true.

The same holds true in real life, think from a politician's POV.

Guest Kamarile Sedai


Hm, I've never considered the idea that Lanfear might be a bit mad. It's definitely possible. I could see how drilling the bore and surviving, or going to Tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh could do it. But when it comes to Tel'aran'rhiod, you'd think she'd no better than to do that. She is said to know a great deal about the place and how it works.

Although she didn't stake a claim to a country like some of the others, that's because she has a much bigger goal. If she gets Rand and convinces him to work with her, then she can eventually rule the entire world. Who needs to rule one or two countries when you can overthrow the creator and the DarkOne?


Moghedien, not scared? That's scary! What kind of person would she become? If fear didn't stop her, she might come to preside above the rest of the Chosen.

In a way, you really have to admire her bravery. She' scared of almost everything and everyone at such a high degree, yet she almost never shows signs of it. What do you suppose made her such a fearful person? Was she always that way, or was it something that happened later?

Like you guys said, it is quite ironic that being the spider, she's the one we see most of. I really can't bring myself to dislike her.

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