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The 4th Age Podcast - Episode 40

Guest Virginia


Welcome to Episode 40!


Join Andrew and Virginia as they begin a series of discussions on some of the more minor but no less notable and fascinating characters in the Wheel of Time.


Spoiler warning - as usual on the 4th Age podcast, we discuss ALL the books in the series, so if you haven't finished your first trip through the Wheel of Time, you may want to come back to this later!


The topic for this episode is the intrepid Illianer smuggler Captain Bayle Domon and the rise and fall of former Seanchan ship captain Egeanin Sarna, who now goes by Leilwin Shipless, the name given to her in disgrace by the High Lady (and now Empress) Tuon, Daughter of the Nine Moons. Bayle and Egeanin have both been around since the first books, and we think this sea-faring duo have even more important roles to play in the upcoming Last Battle and beyond. Come aboard for the ride!


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