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4th Age Podcast - Call for Volunteer Editor(s)

As I am sure you have noticed there have been many big gaps in time and delays in the release of the podcast. We are in dire need of either one person with a lot of time to devote to editing, or several people to share the workload. This is a volunteer position, like all 4th Age team positions.


For those of you who have audio editing skills and the spare time, you can send in a audio sample to podcast@dragonmount.com. For those who can’t send the file via email, you can upload it to a file hosting site such as www.filefront.com and send us the link. Or contact Virginia at the podcast email for her ftp information.


Specifically we are interested in finding people who can edit audio clips in a program like Apple Garage Band, Audacity, or any program of your choice, as long as the finished files are exported to mp3 format. Editors don't need to be audio professionals, we don't mind if you don't know everything, but have the skills to get the podcasts out on a timely basis.


Please do NOT apply unless you know what to expect in the editing job or if you don’t think you’ll have a reliable amount of time over the long term. We’re looking for a partner in producing these podcasts. Expect to spend at least several hours a week on each show.  Most finished podcasts run 45 min to an hour or occasionally longer, and the raw files may run up to 2 1/2 hours. Currently, the team is recording weekly, and we have quite a backlog now.


Once we have some help we will be back on a regular schedule. We are so far ahead on recording maybe we can release a couple a week for a while.


We look forward to hearing from you


Virginia and the 4th Age Podcast Team


Recommended Comments

Guest Virginia


Thanks, we'll be looking forward to it!



Guest Virginia


We save them in mp3. Usually they are in 2-6 segments, depending on the length. If they are too big to email (generally), I upload them to my ftp server where they can be downloaded from a password-protected web page. You'd need an ftp client to upload them when done. There are a number of good free ones for PC or Mac - Filezilla, SecureFTP, Fugu, Fetch, etc.


I usually record at a high bit rate for editing, then save down to a speech rate. for a lower file size for iTunes.


Cute vid. All you needed was the Zohan to go with the disco ball..



Guest jim


Not 2 be a pain, but i recently sent in a sample of my editing for the vol editing job and I

asked 2 receive some feedback on what i need 2 do better or learn in order to get the job. I've

yet 2 receive any at all. I know that u guys must be busy and you probably received alot

of samps. But i really love the podcast and want 2 help.


In short please at least send some feedback on the quality of my samp.



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