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4th Age Podcast

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Podcast team seeking on-air personality

Guest Jason


The 4th Age podcast team is seeking a third on-air personality to work with Carrie and Jayson. At first it may only be part-time (once or twice a month), but possibly may move to being the full-time (weekly) role.

If you are interested in taking part in the podcast, please record a 1-2 minute audio recording of yourself. Just introduce yourself, let us know why you want to do this and how long you've been reading Robert Jordan, etc. We're looking for somebody who is comfortable communicating, somebody with a fun personality, and somebody with good knowledge of the books and online WoT communities.

If selected, you will need to have a Skype account (free, www.skype.com), a decent computer microphone, and the ability to record your own voice in a quiet environment.

Time committment is a few hours per week. Shows are typically recorded on Sunday evenings. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME. Our goal is to publish a podcast every 7 days.

Send in your audio files (mp3 preferred) to podcast@dragonmount.com


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