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Ask The Chosen ...Wha?

Guest Asmodean


Dearest Forsaken,


As I peruse thy comments on this fantastical forum, I see no end to thy animosity towardst each other; there is naught but ne'er ending strife. Is there no respect to be found among any of thee? Cannot we all just get along?!? 




If thou must needs say one nice thing about thy fellow Chosen, what would'st it be and and who would'st thou say it about?




- Woeful Well-wisher


You're kidding, right?  Does the Great Lord know that you're stealing His manner of speech?


Anyhow, I want to make sure I've got this straight: you want me to say something nice about the rest of the Chosen?  You see, it's not as easy as all that.  We've spent years plotting against each other, and most of our plots picked up at about the same place they left off upon our awakening, although we had to change an idea here and there to accommodate the new times.  However, I guess I could give it a try:


Lanfear is amazingly attractive, even more so than this Angelina Jolie person that they keep mentioning.  She's also quite observant, and she always seems to know exactly when to remind us of this little fact to the point of aggravation!


Sammael is a military genius, although all his other attributes seem to be more along the lines of shortcomings.


Mesaana is brilliant, a well-educated mind worthy of the Ages and the attentions of all, Shadar Haran not the least among them.


Rahvin definitely has a way with the ladies, even if that way involves copious amounts of Compulsion.


Graendal has impeccable taste in music and art, a worthy woman, to be sure.  If only she didn't remind me so much of Paris Hilton...


Aginor doesn't smell nearly as bad as he used to.


Balthamel has never looked better.


Moghedien is a hide-and-seek champion.  Too bad she's so lousy at Risk.


Demandred is almost as impressive in every manner as Lews Therin was.


Ishamael most certainly knows how to light up a room, though I wish he could do it without activating the emergency sprinkler systems.


Bel'al is an excellent fencer, and his convoluted mind works amazing traps.  Too bad he's deathly allergic to balefire from a small Cairhienin woman.


With her height advantage, Semirhage would be an amazing basketball player, if they could get her to stop "playing" with the opposing team's coaches in the locker room.


There, that should about cover everybody.


However, just for the record, I still hate all you, and I can't wait to see what that sniveling farmboy does to you.


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