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KNIFE OF DREAMS prologue available now

Guest webmaster


Tor Books has published the paperback copy of NEW SPRING: The Novel. At the end of the book is an excerpt from KNIFE OF DREAMS, the upcoming 11th novel in the series.


The prologue chapter is entitled "Embers Falling on Dry Grass".


Tony reports that the excerpt has some exciting materials in it:

I was at a local Wal-Mart this evening and they have New Spring in paperback now. I just happened to pick it to look at it and low-and-behold there was the prologue to Knife of Dreams in the back. I don't know if it was the full thing of not but it was pretty short and only contained one point of view. Since I only had time to skim it, a very brief follows. Some may like to know that it does have action, and something important does happen and a major decision is made...one that a lot may not have seen coming.


Dragonmount has confirmed that this report is indeed true. The excerpt is 16 pages long, and yes, some shocking things do happen. If this is an indication of the rest of the book, then many fans will be pretty happy. There is no indication yet of the length of the entire prologue.


Simon & Schuster Online has the eBook rights to the entire prologue. Very soon we will know what their plans are regarding a possible eBook release for the entire prologue.


KNIFE OF DREAMS is set to hit stores in the US (and presumably the UK) on October 11th. It is available for pre-order now.


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