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Status report on the Dabel Brothers and the WoT comics

Article revised since original posting.

For the last several years, Dabel Brothers Publishing has been the company behind the creation of various Wheel of Time comic books. They have produced six issues which collectively tell the story of New Spring. There are two more as-of-yet unpublished issues which will complete New Spring. In addition, they have released two issues for The Eye of the World.


Over the course of these past years, there have been production halts, artist changes, and rumors of lawsuits and poor business decisions made. Despite this, each issue of their Wheel of Time comics has proven to be a quality product that was well-received by fans. Some fans have become disgruntled by this, and certainly not without cause in some cases.


Dragonmount recently had a chance to talk to the Dabel Brothers, in order to figure out what was going on.


In December 2009, a press release was put out which stated that a company called Dynamite would be acquiring the rights to most of the Dabel Brother's licenses. The Wheel of Time was not mentioned anywhere in the press release.


We heard from the Dabels that Dynamite has not acquired the rights to The Wheel of Time. Those rights remain with the Dabel Brothers. As a matter of fact, the WoT comics are going to be the flagship series for the Dabels, and they say they are going to increase the rate of production immediately. The next issue of The Eye of the World should be out sometime in Spring, 2010. After that, they will come out on a regular monthly basis.


Currently, issue #0 ("Dragonmount") and issue #1 of The Eye of the World are available for purchase through our online store. Orders are now shipping.


In 2009 Tor Books--who owns the distribution rights to the New Spring comics-- announced that they will be releasing all six issues at once as a single graphic novel. No release date is available at this time, but it looks like it will be in Fall, 2010 or early 2011. (Probably around the time book 13, Towers of Midnight is released) We will, of course, keep you posted. This graphic novel should include the final 2 issues which will complete the New Spring story.



Finally, here are some black and white preview images from the upcoming Eye of the World issue #2. (Spring, 2010)

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