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Site Maintenance

Guest Kevin Dean


Tonight I will be doing a forum upgrade to make sure we're running the most current version of the forum software. Also, I am adding several new features aimed at preventing, locating and deleting spam.


The forums will be locked later tonight for about an hour for all non-Admin members while I migrate all of the content. Once the forums come back online, all of the posts, private messages and usernames will still work fine, nothing will be lost. I am only locking the forums to ensure that nothing changes unexpectedly as I work.


I'll update here once the changes are done, or if something goes wrong (which I doubt, I've been testing this for a few days) and the changes can't be done tonight.


Thanks for your patience.


[uPDATE: Sorry for not filling this out afterwards... I'll do my best to ensure that the NEXT time I post, I follow up. The site maintainance was put on hold, unfortunatly. As the technical reason? phpBB handles headers slightly differently now, and our DM template sends out headers that conflict with this new method. Put simply, our look is not compatible with the newest version of the forums.


It's going to take me a little bit of time to get this sorted out, but as soon as it is done, I'll be able to get it done rather quickly. All of the new features worked fine, and as soon as I have time to sit down and hack at the template, I'll get them up.


Sorry for the delay...


-Kevin (AKA Fader) ]


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