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New Photos from RJ

Hi everyone,   Here are a couple of photos from RJ. His comments:   ...here are a couple of me, one with the dragon do-rag and one without. Liese Corrigan is coming by this afternoon to take some pics, and I'm pretty sure there will be something better among them. Ugly customer, isn't he!       Personally, I don't think it's THAT bad. The new look reminds me of somebody, but I can't quite put my finger on it. (Maybe James Cromwell)? Hmm. Maybe not. It'll come to me l

Guest Jason

Guest Jason

A message from Wilson

Hi everyone,   Jason here again. RJ asked me to post this message from his cousin Wilson. To give you some context, read over the previous few blog entries.   Enjoy. And thanks, Wilson!     To those of you that have said nice things about my small show of support for my brother-cousin, thank you. He's what this is about however. To Nynaeve, you were absolutely spot on. He would have done the same to support me were the tables reversed.   I have read all your comments and well

Guest Jason

Guest Jason


I should have a long list of thank-yous for folks who made donations to the Mayo in my name, but that will have to wait until next time because I left the pages with the laptop. I'm sending Jason something to post, either here on the blog or elsewhere. It's from my brother/cousin Wilson. I thought a long time before deciding to include it. It's awfully laudatory. Besides, you don't think he writes stuff like that for free, do you? I made it out in record time, and would have made i

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan

Pictures of Wilson from RJ

Hi everyone,   Jason here. RJ asked that I post the following pictures of his cousin Wilson. (See his other blog post to see what he was talking about) Here's the note he sent along with the photos:   Here are a couple of pictures of my Cousin Wilson which I would appreciate you posting. He is as close to me as a brother, and in fact has always been called the fourth of the three Rigney brothers. He is also the first to come through with the promise to shave his head when my hair fell

Guest Jason

Guest Jason


Okay, guys. This will be another short one. I don't have a lot of energy right now. But I want you to know I'm still kicking. First off, a few thank yous. The Mayo Clinic -- Amyloidosis Research Program has acknowledged receipt of donations in my honor from Mr. Kevin Woulfe, Mr. Richard Maxton, Mr. Noam Krendel, Dr. Robert Kluttz, and Mr. Chris Peterson. My deepest thanks, and to you in particular, Bob. The good news is my numbers are climbing. Five days ago I hit bottom, the nad

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


Well, the appetite is beginning to slip, and last night was miserable. I wasn't sick, per se, but I felt as if I were about to become sick shortly and I couldn't sleep worth a damn. Oh, well. I'm still doing pretty well. I managed a good (if bland) supper last night and a decent breakfast this morning. I am beginning to look around for any possible sources of calories I can get down for the future. That does mean anything, dark chocolate bars, ice cream, peanut M&Ms, anything. I'm not

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


I received some additional acknowledgments from the Mayo of people who have sent money in honor of James O. Rigney, so here goes. My deepest thanks to Mr. Michael Nemeth, Mr. Ryan Tibbetts, Mr. Steven Odden and Mr. Spencer Martin. I really can't say how much this means to me. One thing I should point out is that won't receive an acknowledgement, and you won't get one either, not from me, if you send money in honor of Robert Jordan. Their patient is James O. Rigney, and they don't have a

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


I've received some further acknowledgements of donations to the Mayo Amyloidosis Research in my name, and I'd just like to thank Ms Joanna Stampfel, Ms Lelon White, Mr. Ryan Kelly, Gospodin Dzmitry Ludzik, Mr. Steven Rowell, and Ms. Krisztina Radnoti. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Also, many thanks to all of you who have posted about your own experiences with severe illness and chemo. Chemo treatments are all different, but I appreciate your posts. You are all fighters, or you

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan

Photos from RJ

Hi everyone -- No, this is not Robert Jordan writing. I am invading his blog in order to upload some pictures that he asked me to pass along. I've not quite figured out a way to have him post this many pictures directly to his blog. Here they are: the eagerly-awaited before and after pictures. Click each image to see the larger version. The first batch of pictures he sent along were all of the "Before" pictures (with hair). In reference to those Before pics, RJ wrote the following:

Guest Jason

Guest Jason


I just got some mail from Brad Condray and "all the Maniacs at wotmania," pages and pages of get well messages. And never a troll in the lot of them. Thanks, guys. I can't tell you what it means. Thanks a lot. RJ PS Had my first chemo this morning, and though they say the side effects won't kick in for a few days, I have to say, so far, so good. PPS I decided not to wait on my hair falling out in patches. First visit after leaving chemo was a barber shop where I told the m

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


A running commentary on the Mayo Clinic. I had intended to post before this, but it didn't work out. This began life as bits and pieces and notes I intended to use. It turned into something a little different. Sorry about that. I hope it's coherent.   The first week has been interesting. If you find needles interesting. There have been other sorts of tests – X-rays literally of every bone in my body; a pulmonary function test with me coughing all over the place and the tech sighing and s

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


First off, many, many thanks to all of you who have offered your prayers and/or good wishes. There are far too many of you, both here on the blog and elsewhere, for me to acknowledge you all individually, but believe me, you have my thanks.   I promised you some answers before I go off to Mayo, so I will give you some here. A few.   For Sidious, thanks very much for posting the overview of amyloidosis, but after conferring with my hematologist, I have to disagree with you on one point. Yo

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


Well, guys, the letter in Locus is indeed from me. I had hoped to be a little more focused with this and get a post up here before anything came out in Locus, or anywhere else public, so you would get it first, but I flat forgot that Charles has his on-line version of Locus now, too. Sorry about that.   Don't get too upset, guys. Worse comes to worst, I will finish A Memory of Light, so the main story arc, at least, will be completed. And frankly, as I said, I intend to beat this thing. A

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


Sorry about the long stretch without a post, guys, but things were a little hectic here for a time. That has a tendency to happen, especially around the Holidays.   I've noticed here and there that some of you have caught errors -- sometimes mine, sometimes printers' errors -- and commented on them. When you do that, would you please give the chapter where you found the error and also the edition -- American, British, hardcover, trade paperback etc -- as well as the title, and the printing if

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


First off, thanks to NaClH2O and to Anonymous. I didn't know that Pentangle had gone on beyond their first two albums. I remember walking down the corridor in my hooch in Nam and hearing music coming from a doorway that made me duck in and ask who it was. The next time I could get by the Air Force PX, I picked up Pentangle, and later the second album. After that, I heard nothing, so I suppose I simply assumed they had vanished like so many other musicians. They're like writers, you know. I can't

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


Well, I've recovered from the tour, gotten a little work done on A Memory of Light, and I'm slowing down for the Thanksgiving descent of family on the house. And our descent on various other relatives. You know how it goes. So I thought I'd post a short one.   Thanks for the CD, Deadsy. I liked it. It seems very reminiscent of Pentangle at times, but then a lot of groups do. I saw an article somewhere or other that claimed Pentangle had more influence on the music that followed than the Beatle

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


This may be the last post until after the tour, I'm afraid. We leave for NY early on Saturday, and that means tomorrow will be busy. There aren't only preps for the trip, there is the matter of getting things ready here for us to be away for a month. And there is this huge stack of bookplates that I have to finish signing for Time Warner (UK). At least they didn't do what they did the first time I agreed to sign bookplates. They sent me a carton with about 10,000 of the things, rough

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


If I seem to be posting a lot, it's because the tour is coming up. I want to get in some of these things before I go away and the blog goes on hiatus. We'll be flying to New York on Saturday to take care of some business before the tour begins, on Tuesday. I'm a little worried about the first signing, I'll admit. I know I can pull a good evening crowd in NYC; I've done it before. But 12:30 on a Tuesday? That's the slot where they put politicians, movies stars and celebrities. Yes, I'm a little c

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


My, this could get addictive. I hope you guys realize that I'll be going silent this weekend, for the duration of the tour. But I'll try to get in another post or two before then. No promises, however.   First off, apologies to everyone if I misspell your screen name. It seems that may turn out to be a bad habit I can't break. Spellcheck is no help at all, of course.   For Deadsy, the last book I completed was Walter Mosley's Cinnamon Kiss. I just started Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys. And I'm a

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


Well, here I am again. I've compiled a long list of questions from various places, and I'll try to answer as many as I can before the tour begins. I won't be taking them in any specific order.   First off, for JBumG, my apologies for misspelling your name.   For DomA, I can't be sure that the logical patterns you see in the election of Amyrlins are the same that I used in making the list, but there are logical patterns to them. If Harriet adds to the Encyclopedia who was a strong Amy

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


First off, to all of you have said thank you, in so many ways, for writing these books, you're welcome. And also thank you. You have given me what every writer wants, a readership that is truly involved and interested. Thank you, very much.   Some of you have expressed worry over my lurking and a fear that I might take offense at some of the posts. I don't. Not even at the trolls. Please feel free to keep on saying whatever you have been saying. I am not the thought police.   For

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


It seems to me that you've put up a lot of comments given the few days that has been possible. I think I'll address a few of them.   I see that someone -- anonymous -- uses the audio book pronunciations for a guide. In the very beginning, the actors doing the reading got in touch with me about pronunciations, but they stopped halfway through reading The Eye of the World, and I haven't heard from them since. So I wouldn't go too much by what they use.   kcf asks whether I can get Tor to inclu

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


I see a number of posts about that, and I find them a little surprising. Anybody out there ever read about the internal workings of the Third Reich or the reasons why the Nazis made some of their major, and often disastrous decisions? It was a zoo. A madhouse! Just for an example, even in the last days, they were sidelining trains carrying desperately needed supplies to the front in order to use the engines to transport more people to the death camps! And yet they came within a whisker or two of

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan


I just finished with a post to this blog, but I thought I'd make this separate, especially since I told Jason to go ahead and let you post comments to the blog. Not that I'll be answering your comments necessarily, but we may enter into a dialogue upon occasion.   No, I'm not going to reveal what the "gasp" moment is. I certainly won't be putting any spoilers here. But I have read the reviews, both spoiler and non-spoiler. For those who have read the book and believe you have identified the "g

Guest Robert Jordan

Guest Robert Jordan

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