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Rival Bonding Ceremony


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The two Asha'man faced each other in a deserted area just outside the village. They had been rivals almost since the moment they had set eyes on each other, and that had only increased as they both gained in experience and power. One asked, "Maw, are you sure about this?" The other smirked. "Would I have asked if I weren't, Ley?" They shared a chuckle. Leyrann said, "Well, at least this way I can be sure it isn't you sneaking up on me." The two men nodded to each other, then closed their eyes and seized Saidin. The air began to hum, and a circle in the dirt marked where the barrier of Air had been erected. Swords of flame leapt to life in their hands, and the blades met as they began to dance.


(I RP a small part double)


Leyrann stood, with his sword in his hands. Quiet, he looked at Mawthtex. Ley's sword was orange, but Maw's was as black as the night. And Ley couldn't see the weaves. He knew what it meant. Being hit one time, and he would die... They started moving around each other in circles, watching each move the other one did. Three full circles had been made, and they still looked at each other. At once, Ley jumped forward, diving, and swinging his sword. But Maw had seen what he was doing, and swung his sword to the ground, where Ley would be in a few seconds. Just in time, Ley swung his sword at Maw's sword, and, diving in the mud, the swords hit each other, and sparks flew away from it. One Power versus True Power. Rolling, but his sword still at Maw's sword, he rolled at Maw's legs, and Maw had to dive to his right side to avoid falling at the swords. Now they both lay in the mud. Standing up, they still had pressure on their sword. Neither of the swords moved. But Ley felt the weaves of his sword shake, being touched by the weaves of the other sword. Fast, he let his sword disappear, dived a bit to his left, so that Maw's sword wouldn't hit him, and he wove two small, new swords. One in each hand. He had never told Maw he was left-handed, had he? He leaped to Maw again, and distracted Maw with the sword in his right hand, the sword Maw expected him to attack with. Instead, Ley swung with his left sword, and let his other sword disappear, making the one swinging to Maw's arm the size of a two-handed sword. Maw dived away just a little bit too late. He himself wasn't hit, but his sleeve was burned at one place. And so they stood against each other again. "You thought it would be that easy?" Ley said. "And can you put a weave around your sword so that it doesn't kill me if it touches me?" "Okay. And I didn't expect you to be left-handed." "My best surprise."


Mawthtex grinned. "I can feel the weaves working," he said. "Once they finish feeding off our competition, the bonding will be in place... Assuming we survive that long, of course." In that interest, he turned his thoughts back to the battle. Two swords? Two swords was something he could work with. It was not a wise idea to over-use the True Power, so he drew on the less invigorating but still serviceable Saidin. He tweaked the weaves slightly, so instead of Ley's orange his swords glowed a bright blue. He danced towards Ley, swinging a sword in from either side. He twisted to avoid the parry from the right side and changed the left's angle to go for the legs instead of the head. Ley was fast though, and swung his sword downward to intercept in time. They exchanged a few more blows, then broke apart, breathing heavily. Maw stood motionless, waiting for Leyrann to make the next move.


So, he also likes two swords, Ley thought. He had made his other sword again when Maw had made a second. It was very exhausting, as he already knew from earlier practice. As much as he liked two swords, Ley liked creativity. He ran to Maw, swinging his swords like he was aiming for Maw's head, but at the last moment, he dived, and swung for Maw's feet. Maw jumped away just in time not to get hit. The swords clanged to each other again, and more sparks flew away. It seemed not to be One Power versus True Power, but just Light versus Shadow. They broke apart, and Ley was ready for his plan. He threw one of his swords at Maw, and immediately made a new one, so that he still had a sword in each hand. Maw could barely dodge the sword. Before the sword fight started again, Ley let the sword in his right hand disappear, and created an orange shield, from the same fire as his sword was. Slowly, he walked to Maw again.


So, he likes switching it up, does he. Mawthtex morphed his swords back into one large one. If Ley wanted to fight defensively, then why not make him work for it? He moved back as Ley moved forward, staying back where his longer reach could help him. Maw attacked with a series of thrusts and stabs, making Ley move his shield a lot, keeping out of reach of his shorter sword. Ley knew as well as Maw did that he couldn't keep this up for very long, so he improvised. He threw his sword again and summoned another. While Maw was occupied with deflecting the thrown one, he charged and got in close where his short sword would have the advantage. Mawthtex could improvise as well, though. He shrank his sword to a more manageable length, and created a shield like Leyranns. It was actually quite useful on defense. Hacking at each others shields proved useless and draining, and they both abandoned them for traditional swords soon.


Wait, I don't agree with that! You're not creative enough. It is made from the same flames as a sword, after all! Do you think I added that for fun? I go on just before the shields disappear.


It was time for something else creative, Ley thought. He threw a sword again, and made a new one. The sword was that expected that Maw didn't even blink an eye while dodging it. But he certainly didn't expect Ley jumping forward, pushing his shield towards him. While Maw stumbled backwards, he tried to get around Ley's shield with is sword, but Ley blocked it with his own shield. Then, Maw managed to get his own shield between Ley's shield and his body, and the shields pushed against each other for a few seconds. Then, they broke apart again. Ley let his shield disappear, made his sword a bit smaller made a second, and started throwing them, making new as fast as he could.


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