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To the Tower (Attn Amadine)


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ooc: This is the continuation of the bio that I sent in to get her approved. This extra bit of story is thanks to Elgee and Mystica who with more arm twisting got the rest of the story. Here is the beginning of the story if you'd like to read it. I will warn you, however, that when it converted from Word 2007 to Word 2003 for my computer it got a little messed up with structure and words and that is why it is missing words in a few places. http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/51656-wt-bio-for-mianna-%E2%80%9Cmimi%E2%80%9D-telonne-ccd-by-freelanders/ ...also I don't remember how to make a link in these kind of forms, so apologies for the whole long web addy.


Furthermore, I realize when I said that I would post this 'later today' earlier, I did not say later my time. Sorry bout that folks. Anywho, here it is.






It was far past sundown by the time Miahna set out from the inn. Glancing up at the night sky, she grimaced and took off at a jog rather than a walk. She needed to get home and get everyone ready for bed, if they weren’t already. Even if they were asleep already, it was past time for her to be in bed herself. It wasn’t as if she could sleep in.


As she jogged – the new shoes blessedly comfortable on her feet – she thought about her conversation with the Aes Sedai. The woman hadn’t revealed anything about her, but had dragged out nearly everything about Miahna’s present and past. She had told the woman things that she had never exposed to anyone. About how there was a small part of her that wished she could get away, a small part of her that wished her younger brothers and sisters had never been born, a part of her that wished Mother and Da would just pass on so the family could start trying to heal instead of being continuously trapped in the nightmare.


The tiny house lay dark at the bottom of the hill. Those dark thoughts cleared as she thought of her brothers and sisters and how capable and wonderful they were growing up to be. She felt that pulse of a mother’s love through her veins – even if they weren’t hers by birth, they were certainly hers now. She slowed down, walking the rest of the way to calm her fluttering heart.


Stepping carefully onto the porch, Miahna sat on the bench to remove the new shoes. The cool breeze tickled her now bare feet and she sighed contentedly. If only it could always be like this, she thought as stars twinkled brightly high up above. She took a deep breath before standing up and tiptoeing quietly into the dark house.




Miahna was drying a large pot when she saw the carriage making its way down the road. It was an odd occurrence – this was an old farm path that now ended with forest. They never received visitors that weren’t from the town and there certainly weren’t any carriages there. She opened the cupboard with her left hand and put it on the shelf while still staring out the window.


The carriage slowed to stop in front of the house. Miahna stepped out onto the porch. Da was fast asleep on the bench, his feet hanging off the end and a bottle laying empty next to his outstretched hand. She rolled her eyes and hurried off the porch to the side of the house, hoping to intercept the visitors before they saw her drunk father and his makeshift bed.


She rounded the corner and nearly dropped her jaw. Henry stood there, his hand extended up to help a young woman down from the carriage. Her older brother looked well. His face was lit up with color and was no longer the scrawny boy she remembered. He turned her way as the woman stepped lightly onto the ground, brushing off her spotless skirts. His eyes flashed a golden brown in the sun and he smiled widely showing off brilliant white teeth.


“Mimi?” He exclaimed, incredulously. “You were just a slip of a girl when I left. Look at you now! You look just like mother!” He patted the hand of the woman next to him and took a large step toward Miahna, enveloping in a bear hug so powerful that he lifted her off the ground.


Miahna gave into the laugh that bubbled up. It had been been six years since she had seen her eldest brother. His laughter joined hers as he spun her around. That, at least, hadn’t changed. Henry had always had an infectious laugh. The bells at the ends of her dark braids tinkled and she realized with a slight shock that his hair was no longer in braids. In fact, there was no longer enough to pull into a short tail let alone a braid.


Henry put her down with ease, his eyes still merry with laughter. She stared at him as if he were a dream; she’d never expected to see any of her older brothers again. Sure they wrote now and then, but it had been ages since she’d heard from any of them. Miahna and Henry heard a tiny cough behind them and snapped their heads to the right. The young woman stood there, watching the scene with a bemused smile on her face. Feeling awkward under the woman’s gaze, Miahna dropped her arms to her sides and looked to her brother.


“Rilanne,” he said almost fervently, “I’d like you to meet my sister Miahna. Mimi for short.” He walked back over to the woman and took her hand. “Mimi, I’d like you to meet Rilanne, my wife.”


The woman next to Henry laughed a tinkly little laugh at Miahna’s surprised expression. “I knew he should have written to tell you. He wanted to surprise the lot of you instead. Now where are this famous Mother-in-law and all these brothers and sisters I keep hearing about?” She strode forward toward the house, the long red scarf she wore trailing behind her.


Mimi cringed and stepped forward to block Rilanne before she could go around the corner. “Let’s get your bags first. I’d hate for it to turn dark before we had everything inside.” Her new sister nodded thoughtfully and turned back toward the carriage. Miahna shot a look of panic at Henry and, looking confused, he stepped over to her.


After telling Rilanne he was just going to have a quick word with Miahna, Henry took his sister gently by the elbow and led her away from his wife. “What is it?” he asked, confusion heavy in his question.


Miahna watched his face fall into disbelief, despair, anger, and finally worry. She told him about the accidental death of their brother, Piotr, which had led to the attack on their mother, about the death of their youngest sibling that Henry hadn’t even known existed, about Mother’s fall into a drunken stupor every night, about how Da quit after Mother did and gave into the same drunken appetite, about how he was becoming increasingly violent toward her and increasingly ignoring the rest of the kids. She told him everything that she had been holding in for the past five years – everything that the Aes Sedai had drudged up the night before.

Henry pulled her into another hug as she finished, crushing her fiercely against his chest. “Oh Mimi,” he said softly and she felt tears falling from his cheeks into her dark hair.




Though they hadn’t the room, the Telonne children were resourceful and found room for their returned brother and new sister. Rilanne wasn’t nearly as frightened by the family’s depressing secrets as Miahna had expected. To Jenelle’s dismay, her brother’s new wife wasn’t nearly as haughty as the carriage might have suggested – though she wasn’t used to housework, Rilanne strapped on an apron and scrubbed with nary a complaint. With a happily married couple in the house, it almost felt like a normal family again.


Except that neither Henry nor Miahna would let Rilanne help with Mother and Da. When one of them threw their fits, it was the two eldest children in the house that dealt with the problems. Henry now dealt with Da and Miahna was in charge of Mother. It was a horrid, but necessary partnership. And as guilty as Miahna felt to have another person involved, she relished the help.


Moreover, Henry and Rilanne brought money into the house. Rilanne had inherited quite a sum from her grandfather. For the first time in their whole lives, all of the young siblings were to have brand new, never been worn before, clothes. Rilanne had worked out a day to take them all the town and leave Miahna with some peace and quiet around the house. Since they wouldn’t fit in the carriage, Rilanne had agreed to walk with them to town, Kagan and Henry walked on either side of her looking very much and armed escort.


Miahna hummed as she bustled about the kitchen. It was positively packed now that even two more chairs had been added, but it hadn’t felt this homey in a long time. Her humming turned into singing as she realized that she was truly and completely happy for the first time in five years.


“Quit that racket!” Her father boomed from the bedroom. Miahna heard the bed creak as he stood up. She clapped her mouth shut and glared at the doorway from which her father emerged. “Get me another bottle.” He yelled, stumbling toward her.


Reaching into the cupboard, Miahna felt nothing but air. Surprised, she turned around and looked in the empty cupboard. Bloody ashes! she swore to herself and faced her father. “There…isn’t any.” She said, still surprised. There had never not been any bottles in that cupboard. Even before Mother and Da had taken to the bottle there’d always been some in there.


Da’s red rimmed eyes widened and then narrowed again in fury. “How dare you!” He bellowed, swinging his fists toward her. Miahna slid sideways along the counter as his right fist connected with her jaw. She’d managed to avoid the left one, not that that mattered now. Pain blossomed across her face as he hit her again…and again and again. She screamed at him to stop until she was hoarse, but he kept hitting her, melting his rage away as his hands turned red with her Miahna’s blood.




“She’s awake.” An unrecognizable voice said. Twisting her head to the side slowly, Miahna was surprised to find herself in no pain. That was far too real earlier to have been a dream. She opened her eyes to see that she was laying face up on a bed in one of Prelaine’s finer rooms. The Aes Sedai was gazing at her calmly; Henry and Kagan staring at her worriedly.


Her brothers heaved a deep sigh in unison as she sat up. Kagan wrapped her in a gentle hug and when he pulled back, Henry did the same. Corine Sedai stepped through the open door and into the hallway – a small flap of the Warder’s cloak against the doorframe showed why.


Her brothers explained that they had returned from town to find Miahna passed out on the floor, her head resting in a puddle of her own blood. Da had been sitting out on the porch whistling to himself with a towel stained with red wrapped around his hands. After a quick assessment of the situation, Rilanne had gathered the younger kids out of the house and attempted to calm them down. Jenelle related to her Rilanne that there had been an Aes Sedai in town a few days ago and that she might still be at the inn. No one had heard of her leaving anyway.


Henry and Kagan had carried Miahna to the carriage and Kagan had set off toward the inn. Henry and Rilanne followed with the children, who were all waiting downstairs to eagerly hear of their sister’s condition. “What about Mother?” Miahna croaked when they finished, her throat dry with thrist. Her oldest brother handed her a glass of water, though he avoided answering her question. Kagan’s eyes tightened with pain and though she didn’t know how, Mimi knew that Mother was with them no longer. She felt tears threaten and blinked to keep them from falling. She felt guilty at feeling relief among her sadness.




“In return for saving your life, I have a favor to ask of you child.” Corine Sedai had said the next morning on her way out of the inn. “You must find your way to the White Tower within the year for you have the ability to learn to use the One Power and should you stay here it will go to waste. You were made for much finer things.”


That had been almost that entire year ago. There had never been anything as difficult as tearing herself away from her brothers and sisters, but she had known deep inside that this was something she could not pass up. “Promise to write every week.” She had told each and every one of them whilst hugging them goodbye. “Be good for Henry and Rilanne.” Tear stained faced had stared back at her, even Kagan’s eyes watering before he adjusted his face to a stoic mask. They are safe. she thought as the lot of them disappeared from her view. Henry will take care of them.


It had taken a much shorter time to arrive in Tar Valon from Rilanne’s family home than it would have been from the Telonne house. Still, it was well past twilight when Miahna arrived at the gleaming walls of the White Tower. She had spent the last few hours staring at the intimidating beautiful structure. It stuck up into the sky, a giant beacon for women who could use the One Power.


She drew in a deep breath and tredged up the stairs. Even the stairs were a brilliant white – reflecting the light of moon on a clear night. There were very few people in the halls, all women save one man in a Warder’s cloak that swept by her at an aggressive pace. “Excuse me?” she asked a woman in a deep green dress divided for riding. “I was told by Corine Sedai to find a woman called the Mistress of Novices.” The Aes Sedai in green looked toward the open doors and then nodded to herself.


“This do be the way child.” She said in a clipped tone. Miahna felt herself start to bristle at the child comment and forced it down. The woman was helping her so far, best not to ruin it. The Aes Sedai stopped in front of a door that was closer to the front doors than Mimi had expected – not that she had had any idea where the Mistress of Novices would have been – and knocked before poking her head in. “Valeri Sedai? I do have an initiate for you.” A split second later the Aes Sedai removed her head and motioned toward Miahna. “You do be lucky little one, she is still here.” She left the door open slightly and strode between Mimi and the door, walking back the way they came with crisp pace that matched her tone. The light seeping out from the door seemed warm and inviting; Miahna stepped in.

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Valeri sighed as she dismissed the Novice from her study. Silly girl, Valeri doubted that the child would try to sneak off into storerooms with trainees from the Tower Guard again anytime soon.


It was late, Valeri just wanted to return to her suite of rooms and read for the evening. As she straightened her desk in preparation to do just that there came a rap on her door. "Enter" she called wearily.


The door opened a little and Tamila ducked her head around the door, “Valeri Sedai? I do have an initiate for you.”

A new Novice at this hour? Valeri nodded her ascent and thanked Tamila, the Green Sister withdrew her head and Valeri heard her say “You do be lucky little one, she is still here.”


The door pushed open as Tamila strode away leaving a dark-haired girl standing there. Light she must be close to the acceptable limit for Novices, the girl was tall and Arafellin, judging by the bells in the ends of her braids. The girl crossed the threshold and Valeri smiled at her, "Come in Child, sit down, you appear to have had a long journey, let me pour you some tea."


Valeri moved to her tea table and prepared a fresh pot of tea, she channelled to warm the pot and added her favourite blend of Saldaean tea leaves. She carried the pot and two cups back to her desk and set the teapot down to allow the tea to brew a while.


"Now child, why don't you tell me your name and how you have come to be at the White Tower."


The girl began to speak and after a few moments Valeri poured tea for herself and then Arafellin girl, she placed the cup before her.


Valeri Kinaea

Mistress of Traditional Novices

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As Miahna stepped into the study, an Aes Sedai behind the desk stood up and smiled at her. She made no remark on the lateness of the evening, nor about the dust slowly falling from the new arrival’s worn dress to the clean floor. The Mistress of Novices acted as if this were a normal house call. It was a tad unnerving and a tad comforting. I suppose she receives a lot of visitors at all hours of day, and probably sees other strange things besides, Miahna thought as she took the seat offered to her.


Valeri Sedai moved to a small table to the side of her desk and began to prepare tea. The blissful smell of Saldaean tea filled the air. Miahna’s stomach rumbled and she remembered that she hadn’t eaten that day. She shifted in the chair, trying to drown out the rumbling. Though it seemed to stretch on forever, her stomach had quieted before the Aes Sedai moved back to her desk with a tea tray.


"Now child, why don't you tell me your name and how you have come to be at the White Tower."


Where to start? Miahna thought tiredly. She licked her lips and began her story with meeting Corine Sedai at Prelaine’s inn. Unlike some others may have, Mimi did not skirt around the issue of her father’s drunkeness and abuse. After all, it happened so why not talk about it? Absentmindedly she fingered the scar in her right eyebrow as she talked about her father beating her into unconsciousness.


“Before she left that next day, Corine Sedai told me that in exchange for her saving my life, I must find my way to the White Tower. She said she had tested me for the ability to channel and found it. She said that I was made for finer things. While it was extremely difficult to leave my brothers and sisters, I owe her a debt that I will never be able to repay.” Miahna reached for the cup that Valeri Sedai had placed in front of her and sighed with near reverence as the warm liquid traveled down her throat.


She took a few more sips before placing the cup down and continuing. “As soon as I saw the children would be safe, I set out to Tar Valon. Rilanne, my brother’s wife, was kind enough to lend me a horse to ride to the city. Once inside, I delivered the horse to a friend of hers, as instructed, and made my way through the streets to the Tower. I do apologize for arriving so late, Aes Sedai. I had trouble finding Rilanne’s friend’s house.”

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A raised eyebrow was the only hint of the deep sympathy and revulsion tha Valeri felt towards the child's father. "You have had quite a time of it over the last few years haven't child."


The girl nodded and Valeri continued, "Since you have already been tested we can now add your name to the Novice Book."


Valeri reached down and opened the bottom drawer of her desk. From within the drawer she withdrew a heavy, thick leatherbound book. Gently turning the pages Valeri found where the most recent entires were. She lifted her pen and dipped it into her inkwell, then tapped it off gently, "Now child, can you please tell me you full name, place of birth and age."


As Mianha spoke Valeri carefully enscribed the details into the Novice Book and finished with her own signature. Setting the pen down she looked up to the girl's face and said formally, "Welcome to Tar Valon Mianha Telonne. Welcome to the White Tower Novice Mianha."


She smiled at the darkhaired lass and asked, "Do you have any questions for me Mianha, before I get your the things you will need for your stay in the White Tower?"


Valeri Kinaea

Mistress of Traditional Novices

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ooc: So glad that we can edit after we post, unlike the old discserver boards. I always seem to forget something!




To her credit, or training, the Mistress of Novices merely raised an eyebrow at the novice’s tale. It was full of violence, heartache, and misfortune. Even Corine Sedai had shown more emotion with the tiny frown that had furrowed her brow and tightened her mouth, though she had said nothing more about it than Valeri Sedai had. Miahna's last 5 years had provided her quite a time indeed.


The Aes Sedai reached down into a low drawer in her desk and placed a large, heavy looking book on the table. It made a tremendous thump when it met the desk. Flipping to the back of the book, Valeri Sedai dipped her pen and requested that Miahna state her full name for the record. She did so, and then offered her place of birth and age as requested as well. She watched as the Mistress of Novices scratched the pen across the page, signing the Arafellin’s place as an initiate of the White Tower. Surprisingly, Miahna felt lighter with the sentence than than heavier. Already she was paying back the woman who had saved her life.


After a formal welcome, at least that’s how Valeri Sedai’s voice sounded, the Aes Sedai smiled and asked if Miahna had any questions. Finally, she thought. Mimi felt …lost in the dark, so to speak, as Corine Sedai hadn’t told her anything about what to expect. She’d gleaned a little on the road, but everyone had different notions about Aes Sedai.


“Yes ma’am, I do.” She said carefully. “I hope I am not being too forward, but I do not really know much about Aes Sedai and what goes on, other than the rumors I've heard of course. Therefore, I was wondering, well, what to expect about my life as a n-novice I think you called me. Is that the only step before Aes Sedai or are there more?


More importantly though, can novice’s send out and receive letters? I promised my brothers and sisters that I would keep in touch. They deserve that much. I can’t let them –“ She cut herself off and looked the Sister straight in the eye. She wasn’t ashamed of her feelings for her siblings, of course, but that didn’t mean she needed to shame herself by pleading like a small child. Like Tessa did when she wanted something and she knew the answer would most likely be no. Mimi dropped her eyes and before she knew what she was doing, she had started brushing the dirt off her dress. The dirt floated to the floor in a pale brown cloud and made a moderate sized puddle of dust on the clean floor. Horrified, Miahna stopped her hands and placed them in her lap.

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“I hope I am not being too forward, but I do not really know much about Aes Sedai and what goes on, other than the rumors I've heard of course. Therefore, I was wondering, well, what to expect about my life as a n-novice I think you called me. Is that the only step before Aes Sedai or are there more? More importantly though, can novice’s send out and receive letters? I promised my brothers and sisters that I would keep in touch. They deserve that much. I can’t let them –“

Valeri smiled at Miahna, "A Novice is where you will start child. As a Novice you will learn not only to embrace Saidar, the One Power, but also reading, history, arthimatic, all the things you may need one day once you are a full Aes Sedai. An Aes Sedai is a very well-educated woman. When it becomes apparent that you are ready to advance you will be tested and then if you pass the tests you will become Accepted. You will know them in the Tower by their dresses. Each Accepted's dress bears seven stripes around the hem and sleeves, one for each Ajah. When you are deemed ready then you are tested again and become Aes Sedai. That's the very basics of it, and you shall learn much more about it during your lessons."


"And of course you can send letters child, this is not a prison camp." Valeri laughed and smiled broadly at Miahna, then reached over and patted the girl's hand.


The girl had unconsciously begun brushing the dirt from her dress and the light from the lamps made it sparkle as it settled on the floor, Miahna realised what she was doing and clasped her hands in her lap.


"It's fine child." Valeri smiled at the girl and quickly wove a small flow of air to gather the dust into a sphere. She floated it across the room and out the window.


Standing Valeri moved to the large age darkened closet in the corner of her study and from it she pulled a pair of dresses, several shifts, stockings, slippers, a belt and a pouch. All in pristine white. She placed them in Miahna's lap and put a small wooden toden on the top. The token was round and smooth with the name Valeri Kinaea written across the top.


"These will see you through the next few days until you can see the seamstresses and have more clothing made."


Valeri lifted the small brass bell that sat on her desk and rang it. It didn't not sound a loud chime, but it was warded to summon the nearest Novice or servant. Presently there came a knock at the door, and Valeri called for the knocker to enter. It was a flame-haired Novice, "Shemara, this Miahna. She has just been entered into the Novice Book and you will show her to a room in the Novice Quarters please."


Valeri Kinaea

Mistress of Traditional Novices

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The Mistress of Novices sweetly indulged Miahna's tirade of questions, explaining to the travel worn woman about the levels before Aes Sedai. Mimi committed the woman's speech to memory. She was sure to learn more in her lessons, but it would help to have an outline to go by, even if there were blanks that still needed to be filled in.


The Aes Sedai once again assuaged her fears as she explained that Miahna could indeed send and receive letters. The new novice felt the tension roll out of her shoulders at the assurance. Tension that she hadn't realized had been riding there since she'd left her family. Her thoughts drifted briefly to her siblings, their first day without her about to dawn. It was a weird feeling, knowing that tomorrow she wouldn't wake up with a small body snuggling her, soaking up her warmth. She'd have a bed to herself - a room to herself, which was more than she'd ever had. Many would rejoice in the good fortune of what was offered; Miahna felt lonely.


The Mistress of Novices retrieved some linens from a closet in the corner of the office. The entire pile was immaculately white -even the belt and pouch. She set the pile in Miahna's hands and placed a small wooden token atop the clothing. The token was round and smooth and had the Aes Sedai's name engraved into it. "These will see you through the next few days until you can see the seamstresses and have more clothing made." She then returned to her desk and picked up a bell.


Unexpectedly, the bell did not let out a sound. Frowning, Mimi glanced from the bell to the Mistress of Novices and then back again. She did not seem perturbed, rather, she seemed expectant. It must have something to do with the Power.Miahna thought incredulously. She shifted in the chair, analyzing if she should stand as well, or stay seated as she hadn't yet been released.


Mere moments after the Aes Sedai had 'rung' the bell, a tentative knock sounded at the door. Valeri Sedai called for the knocker to enter and a red-haired woman in white peaked around the side of the door. Upon seeing Valeri and the seated Arafellin, the novice visibly let out a breath of relief and looked to the Mistress of Novices. "Shemara, this Miahna. She has just been entered into the Novice Book and you will show her to a room in the Novice Quarters please." The red-headed girl nodded and grabbed Miahna's arm.


Mimi was silent as they left the study and walked down a gigantic hallway. Moonlight shone through high windows, sending a soft bluish light gleaming off the white floor tiles. Next to her, the novice - Shemara- walked along, chattering about life as a novice. Miahna caught the words 'chore,' 'never,' and 'punctual' repeatedly. She nodded absently at the girl as she gazed at the building surrounding her. It was the most beautiful building she'd ever seen - not that there was much to compare it to. Even the floor tiles were delicately engraved in places.


Shemara's babbling ended abruptly as they stood in front of a plain door in a plain hallway. The door was of a rich golden color, slightly darkened with age. The flame haired girl pushed it open and pulled Miahna after her. "Well, this is your room. Get used to it; you'll be here for about a decade...if you're lucky it won't be any more than that." Her lip quavered at the statement, wanting to stick out petulantly. The Arafellin wondered just how long Shemara had worn the white. She thanked the girl and then closed the door firmly on the woman. She wasn't trying to be rude, her body was just rife with exhaustion and it would be light soon. Well, here we go.

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