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Status Updates posted by ThorkinBarrimore

  1. says just be yourself because everyone else is already taken.

  2. is wondering what's going on in that crazy Lowe's break room. I hope Jacob is still entertaining the masses. I'm bringing some Morton's Hot Salt with me when I come back. Yum!

  3. says there are so many things you can measure in life. All except the most important and least thought of thing.....Heart. Never underestimate its significance.

  4. thinks it would be a great night to be out in Garden Center. I wish I could get out of this house!

  5. says it looks like Peyton Manning us headed to Denver. I wonder where Tebowmania will be going to now. I say Miami. It's a hood fit. Wildcat and Tebow w/ Ricky Williams.

  6. says I got my Kindle working so I don't have to keep lugging that Dancing with Dragons book around with me. As John Fogerty would say, "Here comes the rain!" Whoo!

  7. says birds of a feather may flock together but opposites attract.

  8. says a reader can live a thousand lives while those who don't have to make due with the one.

  9. says the drive to Booneville was awesome! So pretty and and excellent hospital. Spring is in full swing.

  10. is happy that there is no fever for the first time in days. It hits every day at 4pm. Those Santa Ana winds be blowing and someone's gettin' better!

  11. says the storm's almost over. It feels good to be listening to Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles.

  12. says if you want something you've never had before, then sometimes you have to do things you've never done before. Keep reaching and keep dreaming no matter what!

  13. says you look like you need to sing a song. Do you know the words to I Feel Pretty? LOL!

  14. says I've slept for almost 2 days straight. I could so go for some Chinese food right about now.

  15. says oooucchhh! Went in for one thing and surprise surprise I had a hernia. Feel like I was hit with a trunk! Headed home now. :(

  16. is finally home after a long day. Got to get caught up on Tyrion and Daenerys.

  17. wishes he was enjoying a Mala hot pot in Chengdu at the moment. I'm adding that to the bucket list.

  18. says a lady came in here yesterday with a dog in a covered stroller. It looked at me with a pleading look like he was saying, "please get me OUT of here!"

  19. is watching Mr. Bean's Holiday and laughing the night away! I love physical comedy where you read their expressions like that.

    1. Naked~Frog


      I love his camera work :P

  20. Sorry lady! I don't sale and wail, I bag and bail.

  21. What's that? A Final Notice from the insurance company? Well, good! I was tired of hearing from them anyways.

  22. is watching Seabiscuit and hopefully Secretariat tonight. Those are my two favorite horses. I may search my DVR for Barbaro as well. I still haven't seen Warhorse yet. I love horse movies!

  23. "Jim Morrison was the only true dark figure in rock n' roll. He was our James Dean."-Alice Cooper

  24. is watching American Idol currently and was wondering if anyone else thinks Creighton Fraker looks a lot like Squiggly from Laverne&Shirley? Or Maybe a relative of some kind. Heejun Han is my fav so far. Hilarious!

  25. says I sure wish people realized that this is not McDonald's. We'll get it out there as soon as we can. Believe it or not but they're are people in front of you. Sit down, shut up, and wait your turn. You remember? What you did before the Internet.

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