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Leopoled Boothe

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Posts posted by Leopoled Boothe

  1. Oh my god, we have been over this issue several times on this site.  Many argue that being placed in the body of a weaker channeler or even a non-channeler would be irrelivant b/c the ability to channel lies not in the body but in the soul.  Evidence sited for this includes the fact that The Dragon is always born as a powerfull channeler and the fact that neither Moridin, nor Osan'gar nor Aran'gar ever complained of a reduction in power nor did they ever brag of an increase.  Furthermore, Bathamel/Aran'gar continues to channel saidin dispite being placed in a woman's body.  If channeling were dependent on the body then Aran'gar's body should be hardwired to channel saidar and not saiden.


    On the flip side a key difference with the Lanfear/Cyndane transmigration is that her's is a female soul while Ishameal/Moriden, Aginor/Osan'gar and Bathamel/Aran'gar were all male souls.  It could very well be, as with many things in WOT, that transmigration is just differnt for women than it is for men.  It could be that a female soul's ability to channel is more dependent on the body in which it resides and is a male soul.


    Personally, I like the severed and then healed by a woman theory but that of course leads to the question of what woman was capable and willing to perform that service?

  2. Off the top of my head:


    Best: The Shadow Rising

    Worst: Crossroads of Twilight



    If I had to put them in rank order from best to worst:


    The Shadow Rising

    The Fires of Heaven

    Knife of Dreams

    Lord of Chaos

    The Great Hunt

    The Eye of the World

    Winter's Heart

    A Path of Daggers

    A Crown of Swords

    The Dragon Reborn

    The Crossroads of Twlight

  3. For my part I absoultly love her. I mean she was the first world leader to follow Rand, she did a pretty good job of running Cairhein, and anyone who is so respected by the Aiel can't be all bad. Not to mention that she was the only one who was able avoid capture by the Shaido in WH which isn't exactly small potatos. I do think it is pretty lousy that she chases after a married man but hey, everbody's allowed one mistake.


    So what does everyone else think of her.

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