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Posts posted by OptimusPrime

  1. Cadsuane, in her near-to-three hundread year old state, thinks she might have lived longer than Semirhage. Is there anything solid backing that up? Because I imagine all the Forsaken to be older than that, taking into account their strength and not being bound by an Oath Rod.


    Well there is the fact that Cadsuane is making assumptions based on the Aes Sedai life span, which she doesn't realise is shortened by the Oaths--by which I mean Cadsuane has a solid reason to think what she thinks, but she's wrong.


    Thank you. When she said she was probably younger than a lot of Aes Sedai I just wanted Semirhage to rip her face off. I like Cadsuane, but my image of the Forsaken was threatened by her assumptions even though I was sure she was wrong.

  2. I know I get a few of em wrong. When I say it:


    Seanchan = see-an-shan

    Nynaeve = nina-eve

    Egwene = egg-when

    Moiraine = mor (like Moridin) ane

    Taim = tame

    Aginor = agg-in-or

    Cairhein = care-heen

    Rhuidean = rooey-dee-an

    Cuendillar = kwen-dill-arr

    Aiel = ale


    The one I absolutely REFUSE to change to the right one is Taim. Time sounds crap as a name, it doesnt feel like you're saying he's tame because he obviously isnt.




    I've been monitoring this topic but it seems to be repeating itself.
    Yes, that usually happens.


    Hes created his own Wheel of Time!


    The Wheel of Forums turns, and posts come and past, leaving discussions that become arguments. Arguments fade to bickering, and even bickering is constantly repeated when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, and Age long past, a wind rose above the forums of Dragonmount. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Forums. But it was abeginning.


    Let the Lord of Chaos rule! Oh wait...

  4. Exactly. Rand cant possibly please everyone. Check out my earlier post about fikkle77 and shiekh, who hate Rand equally for opposite reasons. Imagine being Rand, with everyone either betraying him, scheming against him, or hating him.


    The more I think about TGS being a Rand book, the more I cant wait.

  5. He is the reason that I am continually rereading this books and I would not be surprised if the same was true for you


    Im glad someone actually said that aloud. One of the things I like about fantasy is character development; you can throw way more crap at a character than with most other genres. Rands development is fantastic, epic. Realistic. As witewolf said, a hero like Rand who has faults and isnt perfect is much more fun to read. If Rand turned up, Cleansed Saidin, killed all the Forsaken and then beat the Dark One with no trouble it would have been boring. But to see Rand struggle with himself so much, never mind the Forsaken, is such a refreshing storyline that I wonder if I will ever read another series that I enjoy in the same way as this one.

  6. This is funny. Look at this.


    I don't hate Rand, but each new book I'm having a harder time identifying myself with him, because of his madness, his bad temper, his inability to hurt women or to chose between women.


    And then look at this.




    He thinks anyone who dies for him is just collateral damage.



    We have sheikh chilli sat on Rands left shoulder, saying "Don't you care? Every woman who dies within ten miles of you can be put down to your Ta'veren effect." And then we have fikkie77 sat on his right shoulder, saying "Oh my God just kill a woman already."

  7. So let me get this straight. You guys think the ends justify the means? Oh i am rand al thor. The saviour of the world. You better do as i say or i will blow your brains out. Oh i do this to protect the world you live in. Damn.


    I would not even have a problem with rand roughshodding over dumb ass people like weiramon for example. But rand al thor has passed a zone which frankly turns him to a total unfeeling tool.



    No. People are sayig he is a product of his circumstances. Reading comprehension is a good thing. If you think about general human nature then you can begin to understand why he is like he is. Like I said earlier, the vast majority of people would simply break under the immense amount of stress.



    Not to mention the way Lews Therin seems to be seeping into him as time goes on. Rand is barely Rand anymore.

  8. I don't hate Rand, but each new book I'm having a harder time identifying myself with him, because of his madness, his bad temper, his inability to hurt women or to chose between women.


    But I think that's the strength of WoT: even though you're not able to identify with a major character, there are always others.

    That doesn't sound right :D


    Too god damn right it doesnt! My keyboard has coffee under the keys now because of that! Rands inability to hurt women is probably the only thing he has in common with any of the male readers. Why are people so surprised by it? It is both very human and very male, and its the last shred of humanity he can feel, so he grabs it and holds on for dear life.


    Dear god fikkie I laughed a lot when I saw that post.

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