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Posts posted by OptimusPrime

  1. Can someone please explain to me how it works with Travelling, and the requirement of knowing the area you are Travelling to or whatever? Ive never grasped that exactly, it felt the wrong way round in a sense, I think I just got muddled up with it. Like, when Nynaeve notes that trick Rand did about weaving a gateway specifically to learn the area or whatever... How did that work exactly???

  2. I said it before, and I still think so: Rand and Moridin didn't meet in TAR, I don't think. I believe Moridin's own dreams or somewhere near SG (or a combination of the two) are the likeliest possibilities.

    For example, Rand was able to pull himself out of it by reaching for saidin. This never happens for someone in TAR, IRRC.


    In EotW Ishamael pulled Rand Mat and Perrin to the same room Rand and Moridin meet in. The only way we see that is via Egwene, and the Wise Ones. Everyone of those characters were dreaming in the relevant scenes. Ishamael pulled them to that room, and then Moridin thinks Rand pulled him to that same room.


    First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!


    And dont forget...


    Baa weep grahna weep ninny bong


    I would have waited an eternity for this. It's over Prime.


    Yes friends, act now! Destroy Unicron! Kill the Grand Poobah! Eliminate even the toughest stains!


    Galad v. Eamon Valda.  For the entire fight, Galad is setting him up for a kill shot, taking multiple wounds to appear like he is losing


    I forgot this one. Great fight.


    Am I the only person who likes Galad?

  4. Does this mean we have an Rodius Prime running about the place now?



    First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!


    And dont forget...


    Baa weep grahna weep ninny bong


    Yeah Im surprised I didnt say Lanfear vs everyone at the docks. That scene was epic, I had a brilliant picture of all of that bit, especially when it cut to Moiraines PoV, Lanfears power blazing like the sun. I really hope Moiraine and Cyndane get an encouner, Moiraine somehow know its Lanfear again.

  5. Does anyone think Rand will be the Buffer between the OP and the TP with huge Circles of Sardar and Sardin using there powers to re-imprison the DO?


    Sorry if this has been brought up else where :o.


    Not myself, I think Fain will be the thing that touches the Dark One (with his Shadar Logoth power, which can make weaves, Rand encountered it in TGH) and then Rand will use Callandor to create a Void in the Pattern. Maybe he uses Callandor, which might allow Ta'veren to link???

  6. Nynaeve vs Moghedien, the one when Moghedien had the rod of balefire. Also, the time they were trying to shield each other, and Nynaeve thinks to herself that anybody who couldnt channel would just see two women glaring at each other. It still felt like a battle to read.

  7. Killing a gholam using Gates would still be pretty damn difficult.  The gate would need to be at least as big as the gholam, and more likely MUCH bigger, since if the gholam can touch the sides, the gate will dissolve.  Getting the gholam through the gate would be tough, given that they can go all liquid on you.


    Wrap it in solid air, then create a gateway and throw it through. There are no cracks within solid air to seep through. You dont have to touch it with the flows of Air.

  8. Thanks, all, for the answers on Ishy's partial entrapment.  I just wish that we had more information on WHY he was only partially sealed within the Bore.  There seems to be no real answer for that (yet).  If all of the other Forsaken were locked in and totally out of commission for 3K years, why was Ishy spared partially?  I wonder if this is at all meaningful or just a non-issue part of the plot that we are just supposed to accept.


    I went back and read the part of tEotW where Ishy as Ba'alzamon monologues on how he was never trapped and all of the things he has done since the AoL.  Very cool to read it now in retrospect.




    That is an interesting question, but it likely won't be answered.  I think I have a partial answer though.  Aginor and Belthamel (sp?) were trapped so close to the surface (they were the furthest away from the center of the Bore I guess?) that they actually sat and watched 3000 years pass by.  They witnessed everything, and because of that, their bodies weren't preserved as well as the bodies of the other Forsaken.  Trapped in a semi-state of consciousness for 3000 years not only took a terrible toll on their bodies, but on their minds as well.  They both learned the current version of the language spoken in Randland, but being trapped while conscious for 3000 years addled their brains and made them crazy.  I suppose maybe something similar happened to Ishamael.  He was even closer to the edge than Aginor and Belthamel, thus causing him to occasionally be able to break free of his entrapment.  This is more a guess than a statement of proven fact from the books.


    It could be that Ishamael had been so heavily warped by his True Power usage that his "less than half human" state made him like Myrdraals-not completely in sync with everything else.

  9. Graendal; when she died, would the people out of her palace (that went through her Compulsion) still do any 'unfinished' orders that she gave to them or were they completely free from her Compulsion at her death?


    My guess is that if it was indeed Graendal then anyone under her Compulsions would be completely free because she technically never put it on them because of the balefire.


    Verin; when she died, would the White Tower Aes Sedia be still sworn to Rand (and still do any other 'unfinished' orders Verin gave them) or were they also completely free from her Compulsion at her death?


    My guess is that Verins Compulsion would still be there even after she died because Compulsion doesnt seem to be something you must maintain. I suppose it would depend on the command; if she Compelled someone to spy on someone else for Verins benefit, and then Verin died and the Compelled person knew she was dead, they would no longer spy on the other person I think.



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