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Posts posted by OptimusPrime

  1. I can see Narishma and Flynn being high up on the list. Theyve had enough time to have done some awesome stuff, but not really enough to make some bad decisions (which is inevitable in this world) so I bet very few people have anything bad to say about them. I think Narishma is probably my favorite Ashaman. Still some room for development though. Once upon a time I had him down as deserving a Forsaken kill, but now only the main ones are left I dont think he has the chance to be quite on that level.

  2. Another point to consider is that Verin knew that Alanna was going to bond Rand. She didn't question "why" Alanna bonded him, but questioned the "how" of it. Reading that scene gives some nice insight on Verin's part in that episode.


    Alanna was thinking about bonding Perrin earlier on I beileve. I think the Ta'veren'ness is what made her bond Rand instead. Possibly it was just an idea about bonding a Ta'veren, and the Wheel decided if any were being bonded it was Rand as he would need it more than the others.


    Another thing to consider is, maybe it was Verins doing so she had a way to track Rand through Alanna, what with her secret stuff about knowing he has to survive (like Compelling Elza).

  3. Ok I have a question.


    I believe RJ said the Eye of the World was not used for its intended purpose. So do we know what it was used for?


    Im convinced it was more significant than being just a pool of clean saidin placed on the Horn and banner. Aginor wanted the Eye, not the Horn. And the Dark One said he wanted to blind the Eye. Any ideas?


    I think it unlocked Rands potential somehow. Like the memories, or the soul/thread recognition stuff.

  4. The character development was somewhat sudden, but I really like what Rand has become. He's the leader he needs to be without all the "I'm going to balefire everybody".


    Absolutely. The change was sudden but its not like we didnt know it could happen. I do like Rand Sedai I really do, I think I just prefer the sheer badassery and eagerness to act from before. I personally thought the madness with Lews Therin to be one of the things that made Rand such an interesting character; the sheer power, but with the worry that he might lose control at any given moment, and the paranoia that the destructive prophecies were all going to be a result of his conscious choices... it just made the whole thing feel on the edge of going wrong ALL the time. Rand Sedai is in total control, which for me lessens the suspense. Sure, the ultimate Ta'verenism had his back all the time anyway, but MAN it was awesome to see Rand begin to understand how to control that at the same time as reaching his darkest moments!


    Me and my bro were talking about it after TGS came out, how awesome it was that after 11 books of building Rand up we got a full book devoted to his fall from grace. Dark Rand was amazing.


    Having said all that, I think hes really ready to go for Moridin now. I REALLY hope that rivalry becomes a serious, serious main plot in AMoL. Like, as serious as the darkness was in TGS. Rand might have gained control after a seemingly endless madness, but madness has had Ishamael for a near eternity already and he was in control for ALL of it!

  5. I'd say it was intentional. I always hoped Rand would one day feel as timeless as the Forsaken do and for the most part he does now. Im not keen on parts of it though to be honest, I wasnt to keen on him suddenly breaking out and crying in front of everyone. Its not the fact that it happened, just that it seemed incredibly abrupt. Although admiteddly I am used to seeing his thought chains develop gradually and we didnt get that this time, so its understandable... ish.


    TGS was an AWESOME book, but in my opinion we are still hanging from the cliff that is VoG! I still miss the madness, but I'm looking forward to some hefty Rand Therin Sedai PoVs.

  6. I tried to bend the Pattern to my will once.


    I actually do that quite a bit, but not deliberately and it's creepy. One of the oddest examples: I was thinking about how cuddly ducklings look and a whole family of ducks walked out in front of my car in the drive through of a MacDonalds, which wasn't even near any body of water.


    Hahaha craziness, I remember one time someone left my house and the door wasnt shut right and it slipped open. I glared at it... and a draft closed it! Properly as well. Funny as hell. The winds of time...

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