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About Delirium

  • Birthday 09/07/1983


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  • Interests
    Fantasy, scifi, music, Lego, Chainmaille, animals
  • Pronoun
    She / Her

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  • Fifteen Years In
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  1. X Men 97! Why can't I binge watch it? Stop torturing me with weekly episode drops!
  2. I have been playing Dave the Diver. It is a survival/management/farming game in a pixel style and I am loving it. I heard about it via the Bitcast Youtube weekly videos. Travis from IGN and Hoeg (Lawtuber) have been raving about it for months, so myself and a few friends decided to give it a go.
  3. While I have been injured, I have become very interested in trials, courts and true crime. I wish our courts and trials in Australia were more open to scrutiny like the USA. Watching live court from gavel to gavel on some trials makes it clear just how much media either doesn't understand court proceedings or twist the narrative to their own ends.
  4. Many of my old Sci Fi favourites have already been mentioned, but I have to give a shout out to Red Dwarf for some good old BBC satire.
  5. I haven't played the games, but very much enjoyed the show. I was on tenterhooks for the inevitable results of certain actions and dreading betrayals which sometimes didn't happen. I'd have been a plant zombie on day one. Brilliant set design and costume/makeup.
  6. Pineapple does not belong on a pizza. Beetroot absolutely belongs on a beef burger.
  7. One Piece (live action) was surprisingly enjoyable to me. I haven't read the mangas or seen the animated series, though I had heard much chatter from fans that live action couldn't possibly do the story justice. It was a fun frolic and I came to care about that shabby little crew and look forward to the enemy of the day. I may even start reading it one day...
  8. I enjoyed Moon Knight. It threw in a few twists I wasn't expecting. I hope Marvel can sort out their writers and production team for the second season.
  9. Warbreaker is a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing the main characters more in the Cosmere going forward. It was even more amazing that Brandon lets people read it for free from his website. I have a soft spot for Elantris, despite people saying it is one of Brandon's weaker books. Set in the same world, The Emperor's Soul is amazing, if too short....
  10. Murderbot! All of Bobs from the Bobiverse.... Sam Vimes from Discworld (everyone else too, but Vimes is my favourite. Death is wonderful, but Vimes has character growth) The Bridgeburner crew from Malazan. They are all a special sort of messed up. Vasher from Warbreaker. Raoden and Hrathen from Elantris. Paragon, Reyn and Brashen from The Liveship Traders Isana and Bernard from Codex Alera Waldo Butters from The Dresden Files
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