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Posts posted by Thorum

  1. Is there a reason for investing 20 or more pages describing Elaine's effort to get houses on her side by chatting and talking and complaining about her tea?


    Yes. It's hard. It's very hard. It's a huge effort. It's uber-difficult. It takes like half an hour to read!!!


    Is there really a purpose in describing the details of a day in the life of Egwene Aes Sedai?


    It's still fantasy. It's not the monsters or the magic that inspired that name. This did.


    Most people see CoT and WH as the worst books. Having just finished Winters' Heart, I have to disagree. It's so much better than the last 5 or so (non-Jordan) books I read and enjoyed reading.

  2. Now I'm reading:

    - Walls of Silence (Philip Jolowicz)

    - Winter's Heart (Robert Jordan)

    - The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)

    - The Great Partition (Yasmin Khan)


    When the first two are finished (in about a week - both still about 150 pp), I'll start either Mistborn, or Malazon. Any suggestions between the two of them?

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