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Posts posted by Winterwinds

  1. Cluching his head John stumbled thoug the brush of a small stand of trees, it was night time though it seemed like noon to him with the moon's light shining on this almost cloudless night. The voices were getting stronger, they had layed almost dorment in the back of his mind for about a month, always there but slowly getting quieter...that was untill today. Tripping on the brance of one of the stunted trees that grew in the boarderlands he almost landed on his face, instead catching himself on anohter of the tree's brnaches, for that brife secound he let his concitration slip. Imageise flooded his head, the smell of a freashly killed deer almost whiped out all other smells, voices, or words put to the pictures, started to talk to him, to find out who he was.

    "No, go away!" John shouted at the ground, he tried despratly to fight the voices back into submision, to almost no avail. Looking to up at the moon, his amber eyes shining in the near darkness, he cursed who ever had given him this condition. The day had gone from bad to worse for him, it had started like any other, meaning that he woke up in a servents room were he had been hidden when he had first manifested the symptoms of his "Condition", he had gone downstairs to find that the house was empty, looking out the window to see the town guard comming had only told him that his parents had finnaly decided he was no longer in the creator's grace. He had run untill darkness had enveloped the world in its dark grasp, and now found himself on the ground cursing everyone he ever knew. All these thoughts took about a few secounds to flash though his mind, and when they stopped the voices had quieted down some what. "Good" he thought, for some reasion thinking on what this condition did to him always quieted the voices, as if they were takeing pitty on him.

    "I dont need your pitty," he said to a tree brance, "It is bad enough that you have cost me my home, now you think to make it right by giving me your pitty?" The sound of footsteps woke him out of his ranting at the tree brance. Looking around he could not stop the persion, but he could hear him.


    Winterwinds-Only slightly used sanity

  2. Sounds good, I will drop him a PM, though I really dont have a plan for the pick up, I just usualy go with the flow of the RP, though I always have a objective I want to get to (In this case my chaticter needs to be convinced he isnt crazy and needs to go to the Steading) which I hope is good enough, I havnt RPed on a text-based RPG like this befor.

  3. Eh, well ok, so not all WK are shy.


    A thought occured to me, theoredicly (>.> if my spelling is off forgive me) any WK could come get him as long as they were in the area, seeing as there are not many active, (OR praticualy not-to-shy trackers) Tracker or WK, or atleast as far as I have seen, forgive me if my information is wrong I am guessing, this would be a good option....though they would have to actualy have a job in the WK, I really cannot see a plain Wolfbrother/Wolfsister running around the world alone expet for a wolf by there side (Though the image does look interesting :D)

  4. Well, that fine with me, though if you are already doing a pick up then it wouldnt be a good idea, unless that thread has decided to die out.... :( which would suck.


    Anyway, common there must be more trackers out there itching to attempt to tackle a crazy wanderer! I just know there are  ;D

  5. Well, when I get my Wanderer to the Stedding I think he would be glad to meet yoyr charicter, though he is rather crazy at the moment, he has spent the last four years of his life thinking he is insain and all that fun stuff. Anyway, welcome back even though I am new here and really wouldnt rember you in the first place  :(

  6. OOC: Its to quiet....Oh well, time for another post methinks.


    Deciding to spend the night in the glade, for it was starting to get dark, John wandered back to the strange stone pillar he had woken up by, gathering all the sticks he found on the way, and started a fire. It was not the best fire in the world, he had never been very good even when he had gone camping with his dad, but atleast it would provide warmth and light for the duration of the night, or alreast he hoped it did. Looking around some more and clearing the glade of all the rocks and stuff, he was able to make a desent bed out of leaves and moss. With the night growing darker he finnaly decided that he would sit in one place and think on what the heck is going on....

  7. "Charge!" The commande came though the din of battle to Jonathans' left as loud as a thunderclap. Despacing the Trolloc infront of him with a quick swing of his now gore covered two handed sword that he had salvaged from a dead Darkfriend after his original blade had broken. Looking that who had commanded the charge he saw it was one of the commanders wearing the newly, though highly unapproved, Red Eagle tabbards. Joining into the group that was forming around the bannerman and officer, Jon relised that they were deep, almost deeper then some of the prefecinal soldiers, in the ranks of Shadowsworn. "Alright, we are close to the Dreadlord ranks," the officer said in a sudden quiet of the battle, "I need you all to advance up and slay as many of those darkfriend traitors as posible." After alot of nodding they advanced deeper, it was then the reasion for the sudden quiet became apparent, the Dreadlords had noticed them. With a blinding flash and sound akin to the explosion of a pouder magizen the 10 people to Jon's left suddenly were ingulfed in black flames and were incenerated almost instantly, to Jon's right the officer and the remaing soldiers were taken out by arrows of pure fire. At this point, a sudden rage gripped Jon, and he charged forth. As he was about to reach one of  the Dreadlords, an arrow hit his arm and almost severed the arm below the elbow. Shakeing off the pain, he continued and was able to despace the Dreadlord and his Dark friend guard. He continued for about five more Dreadlords, untill one got the upper hand and removed his left arm with a well placed fire ball. Now compleatly unable to defend himself with his sword, he removed his a bag of some black powdery stuff he had won off a soldier in the Band. strikeing a match, he lit the bag, grabed the Dreadlord, and jumped into a cluster of Trollocs.




    The explosion that ripped though the Trolloc ranks to Faerwenda's left not only caught him off guard, but the twohanded Sword that flew from the explosion and removed the head of the trolloc infront of him made him curse. He had wanted to to do that, but the past was the past, and there were many more trollocs to be killed this day.

  8. Thank you, I dont mean to be an inconvinace, I just figured I would ask since that is what everyon told me to do. Anyway, thanks again, and tell Taymist that I am sorry her computer fried itself and I hope to see her round the RP boards, since I really havnt met her yet.

  9. ooc: No one has really done wolves yet, let me fix that  :D <Insain laughter>


    IC: As Faerwenda crested the last hill that ceperated him from the last battle, he stopped and servayed that battle. Before was pure and utter chaos, and carnage, just the way he liked it. Turning his bright white armor, polished out of habbit, gleamed in the sun, as did his sunburst cloak and tabbard. But, he was not of the Children of the Light, no, they had forsaken him and tried to kill him. For as he turns his eyes glow deep amber in the sudden shaddows, they are filled with hate towards the Shadowspawn and conviction to destroy them.  "Come my brothers and sisters, come revel in the sweet joy of battle aginst the darkness" As that message rang out though his mind, he turned, and removes his longsword from its scabbard, on its hilt were a Heron mark should of been was instead a wolfs head ingraved and outlined in red and blue gold. Lifting it, he turned towards the battle as wolves of every kind streamed around him, there howls breaking the over the din of battle, sending shivers down even his back. "So it has started" As he said that, or yelled it he could not tell, he charged down the sloap. To everyone but the wolves he looked normal, exept his eyes, but to the wolves, he was one of them, in his mind he ran on all fours, and howled with them. As his brothers and sisters crashed into the ranks of Trollocs a heart-beat infront of him he felt there joy and anger at the shadowspawns. Joy for being here to kill them, anger at there very existance. Out in the distance, the Red Eagle was risen, and the wolves commented on how this seemed all to familar. Other banneres were there as well, the Gold Crain of Malkier, the Lion of Andor, The Sunburst of the WhiteCloaks, the Red Fist of the Band of the Red Hand. It almost brought tears to his eyes, or it would of it he wasnt covered in blood and sweat already. Slowly his brothers and sisters advanced deep into the Shadowspawn ranks, many times he saw a Fade get swarmed by a pack of wolves, other times he saw a darkfriend break ranks and run, to be cut down by one of his brothers. Somewere, he heard laughter, puzzled he looked around, only to add his booming laugh as he could not find it. He might be going insain, but he didnt care...for is not all battles insanity given form?

  10. ooc: In this thread? If so I will just post the arival of myself. I will use my real first name too, since I cannot come up with anything better  ::)


    IC: John picked himself up from the ground, and put a hand to his head which felt like it had been beating by a hammer. Looking around he surprised to see trees, and well the outdoors. The last thing he rembers is being in the bastement of a house, which defantly did NOT have trees in them. Standing he almost falls over from being a sudden dizzy spell, reaching his hand out he leans against a stone piller, as the world stops spinning he looks at the piller which is about 5 feet tall and half burried in the earth and covered with runes. Not knowing what to make of it, he decideds to look beyond the small clearing he has woken up in, striding though the trees he comes to the edge of the trees and gasps. Before him, or rather around him are mountains. Before him a vast grassland streaches for miles. From this information he is in the footlands of a mountain range, but were?




  11. Forgive me if I sould a little out of line, I havnt been here long so I dont know how everythink works  :-\ .. Anyway, with I dont know how long it usualy takes to get a bio aproved, and probubly wont know till mine gets aproved, but with the DL's computer sorta fried atm, is there anyone else I could send my Bio to get it aproved? This isnt a pressing question becuase for all I know the Bio could be in the CC stage of things.


    Anyway, thanks in advance for answering...and if this post is outa line, feel free to delete it  :-[

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