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News item Comments posted by Orderofolde

  1. I think that much like Mat's Ashanderi, the true purpose of the people of the WoT world have been overlooked, while still being mentioned. What was the purpose of the Aiel? What was the purpose of the Aiel when they still followed the Way of the Leaf? The Green Man was a grower, the Aiel could make things grow through song much like the Ogier. Is it a melding of all these voices/people that will truely be needed to seal away the dark one and not any of the powers? We have some foreshadowing that shows the Aiel linked arm in arm siging and standing against the Shadow (and still dying) and we have Aes Sedai that could do wonders, we have the things of past ages come again in the form of wolfbrothers, pattern readers, all sorts of types emerging.


    All too often when it comes to the large reveals we as well as the charecters have seen one thing one way, but miss a totally obvious other meaning/reveal. What if Rand's answer about uniting the east, west, north, and south isn't the lands or the armies, but rather a need to unite other divisions, perhaps the people themselves, such as the Tinkers with the Aiel, the Ogier with the Seanchan. We see tinkers moving to the coast into the protection of the Seanchan lands, the Aiel uniting under Rand...these are some things we should be looking out for.

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