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News item Comments posted by lpfinch2006

  1. I think it'd be sweet if the next release groups were named after the Aiel warrior society Rahien Sorei (Dawn Runners) because it's like we're at the dawn of the book release of a memory of light and we're "running" the tour stops (not really, but at least helping lol). get it? I think it fits perfectly.

  2. Just wondering, would it be possible, say a day after the deadline, to announce how many applicants there were in total? No need to make a huge article or anything. Just post it here or tweet it or something. (maybe applicants per location as well?) if not its okay.

  3. @tvsssarma IMHO, I agree that no one could be as good as RJ at creating such believable worlds, but seeing the caliber fan that you are and seeing how many times you've read RJ's books, don't you sort of already have a feel for randland? I know I do. I had no troubles in tGS picturing any of the characters, or even the places they were at. I was immediately drawn in to the plot, and already knowing the characters I love so much, it was exciting to see them in so much action. Sure Mat may have been off a bit, but at least he appears to be spot on in ToM, which just happens to be basically about him and Perrin supposedly, so I count that as a win. I had no trouble reading the Mat PoVs in tGS. He's my favorite character even when he's off by a bit. I recognized it and compensated by imagining Mat the way I've perceived him throughout the series as a whole. RJ did a great job of "giving" people an imagination through his ridiculously articulate detailing... well for tGS you just have to USE the imagination that he helped you develop about the WoTverse. The WoT is so ingrained in my imagination that I feel like I could read a good fanfic and, even if the writer is completely off and it makes no sense, at least get some semblance of the world RJ created. I think Brandon did as good a job as anyone could possibly ask for, and even if he put his own spin on it, as he stated multiple times that he would never try to "duplicate" RJ's prose, I still found myself begging for more. IN NO WAY am I trying to say that I wish the WoTverse should be open to outsiders writing new books in the future (like the star wars universe for example ... so much complete garbage out there), but someone had to finish the series, and Brandon Sanderson is doing what I consider, IMHO, to be marvelous works.

  4. ah jb3 it was nice wasn't it. Sorry to all those who don't have it yet, but I blogged my thoughts on it in the members blog area of the forums if you want to take a look. It was short and sweet (speaking relatively in a WoT world lol) and I loved every second of it. I suggest getting it from B&N and using their program NOOK to read it. It did only register as 46 pages on the Nook, but there were 2 pages per "slide" idk what to call e-book pages.


    I will sleep well tonight :)




    here's the link to my response http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/blog/50/entry-789-distinctions-thoughts-on-the-towers-of-midnight-prologue/

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