I have two history degrees, in Ancient and Medieval History. That is not 'garbage word salad'. Historically, it's pretty bang on the nose.
The only part I'd dispute is the idea that no one thought to build a school, and that it's all down to that. Part of it is Rand's drive to leave a positive legacy, of something more than just a new breaking, and being fair, a lot of schools and early universities depended on state or church endowments and funding. As is shown plainly, he's not creating this technology, he certainly doesn't understand the majority of it, he's just giving it a place to thrive and develop. There is an element of the great man theory, but only insofar as powerful rulers have always been able to promote their interests. The great artworks and architecture of history, especially in the Renaissance, were largely the result of expensive patronage.
The key point, though, is that the ideas are there anyway. The technology is there, the potential is there, it just needs to be given a chance. Randland is on the verge of an industrial revolution, and while part of that is thanks to Rand, he probably just sped things up by half a century or so by providing space and funding.
Also, one factor unique to Rand is that he's the first ruler to have controlled the vast majority of Randland since Artur Hawkwing. If he'd had more time, or made a real go at it, he could have crushed the Seanchan, making effectively all of it except the Borderlands follow him (of course, the reality of this is shown to be somewhat... difficult). He is an Emperor. That means that he can unify efforts and resources and knowledge, interlink them, and create if not a cooperative effort, then a pro-science culture that embraces the majority of the continent.