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  1. Filmmakers intentionally create visual contrast to make their cities stand out. A lush green landscape might distract from the city’s unique architecture or other fantastical elements. By placing cities in deserts or mountains, they emphasize the city’s distinctiveness. Deserts and mountains often carry symbolic weight. Deserts can represent isolation, mystery, or harsh conditions. Mountains can symbolize strength, inaccessibility, or spiritual significance. Filmmakers use these symbols to enhance the storytelling. Purchase Autodesk AEC Collection 2023 at a reduced price for your next project. Filmmakers may choose desert or mountain settings because they simplify the plot. A city surrounded by vast, uninhabited land is easier to defend (or isolate) in the story. It also avoids complex interactions with neighboring villages or farmland. Creating realistic green grasslands on a film set can be expensive and time-consuming. Desert or rocky terrain requires less effort and resources. Additionally, maintaining a consistent look throughout filming is crucial, so filmmakers stick to their chosen landscape. Certain genres (like post-apocalyptic or dystopian) lean toward barren landscapes. Audiences have come to expect these settings, and filmmakers cater to those expectations.
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