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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. Below is a quote from my email correspondence with Amazon.com in regards to my preorder of The Gathering Storm...


    Hello from Amazon.com.


    We have received new release date information related to the order you placed. The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected based on the new release date:


      Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson "The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time)"

        Previous estimated arrival date: November 04 2009

        New estimated arrival date: October 28 2009

  2. Watching as Rochel added a green ball of light next to her blue one, Evanen's admiration rose. She had gotten in trouble before for not seeing the weaves spoken of in her classes. Some of her teachers had thought her doing so on purpose to be difficult. She felt like a failure, she could do the relaxation exercises and sense the Source, but that was the extent.


    "So, what are you doing here?" Rochel asked, explaining her speed in getting things done.


    "Well... The Mistress of Novices had me studying with Deanne again." She sighed tragically. She was sure the Accepted had made it her personal mission, to torture Evanen with her lack of knowledge and make it absolutely clear that she was inferior. She had spoken to Rochel at great length about the unfortunate mentor and the girl sighed in commiseration.


    "The price of learning about Saidir right?" She asked with a weak smile.

  3. It was late and Evanen was laying on her bed thinking of home. Memories of Romarlata drifted through her mind. Would her grandmother be proud of her decisions? Would she even approve? Thoughts of her led to thoughts of her sisters. Sadinen and Cisalen both had shunned her as if she had the highly contagious Swamp Fever. Thoughts of home brought a tear, streaking past her ear to land in her hair.


    Suddenly the door opened and someone embraced Saidir, causing Evanen to sit bolt upright. A small ball of light illuminated Rochel's face and Evanen sighed in relief. She wasn't sure what she thought was going to happen, but having someone catching her in her tears was as unexpected as someone embracing Saidir.


    "Hello Evanen.  What are you doing here?" Evanen took a moment to consider the question. It was silly of course, it was her room. Rochel was obviously unsure whether or not Evanen would tell on her for channeling unsupervised. They were warned repeatedly against doing so and thus far Evanen hadn't had the guts to break the rules despite her misgivings about their warnings. Her friend's courage emboldened her to try it however.


    "Oh just laying here." She said softly. "Don't worry about me telling on you by the way. I think it is silly they tell us not to channel unless we have someone watching. It can't hurt as long as we are careful. Besides, how will we ever learn anything if we don't try?" She motioned to the ball Rochel was balancing. Grinning like a stone-fool, she looked at Rochel. Breaking the rules this way was exhilarating!

  4. “D’Ashan you are weak,” Thera hurled at him. It was a fact he knew already but hated just the same. “you are flawed…you are wholly and highly imperfect. Your weakness are many and your strengths few.” Her words stuck him as the stones had. Over, and over, and over again. Dimly somewhere in his mind he realized this was some sort of training but it made no sense. His leg was aching along with what seemed a million points of his body and blood mingled with sweat to blind his right eye.


    “Saline Sedai may never succeed in teaching such a fool as you to read. It may be that I decide to NEVER return your swords. What will you be then? You may be sent from the yards… Sent away like the cowardly dog you are…” That had a hint of training as well. Something was going on here but he could not put his finger on it. He remained silent and continued hopping as instructed. If this was her way of toughening him up. He had been taunted before.


    Suddenly she was there, shoving him. He attempted to ignore her, but as insults joined the pushing she gave him a hard shove. He lost his precarious balance and tumbled to the ground wrenching his head and smashing his elbow into the dirt.


    “Get up! I never told you that you could cease. Get up! Hop!! Now!” Only hours upon hours of training dragged him to his feet and made him continue hopping, and she was there. A practice lathe cracked at him, knocking him this way and that. His arms, his legs. Fury boiled up inside of D’Ashan like a fountain; spewing white hot rage through his body. He had forgotten that this was for training. She had pushed him, knocked him to the ground, all but beat him! Memories of boys in Arafel taunting him and shoving him to the ground came back to him, the names, and the rocks they threw. He had buried the rage, shoved it so far down that he thought it was gone. Those memories flew at him with blinding speed, building up with each crack of the lathe. Suddenly he snapped.


    Grabbing the lathe in mid swing, he hardly felt the sting of wood against his palm. Wrenching the lathe from her hand he hurled it behind him. In the same motion his right foot swept out to take her balance while his other hand flew toward her throat. His breath heaved, his lips locked in a snarl. He was blinded by rage and blood pounded in his ears.


    OOC: Hope you are ok with him taking the lathe, i can always edit if not. Thera awakened deep psychological issues  :P

  5. Cetaile Sedai was light on her feet and very balanced, something D'Ashan couldn't help but admire. Not that he had much time to do so mind you. They danced around the training circle, strike and defend in one motion. That was one thing about dual weapons D'Ashan took great joy in. When using a weapon in each hand, one could defend while the other could attack. It was like a single fluid motion that did not end until the fight did.


    Oh the forms had taught him how to be graceful with a single weapon, but dual weapons required a balance and concentration that only served to heighten that grace. He got too cocky and flourished at the wrong moment, taking a nasty strike to the inside of his elbow that would have left his arm useless were her blade steel. Even though it were wood, the blade struck tendon and the remainder of the fight was short lived. She had done very well. Old Onetooth would have been impressed. Thinking of the old beggar brought back memories of the old days, ones D'Ashan had no wish to relive.


    They both settled back on their heels to catch their breath for a moment, him gazing at her apraisingly. She was beautiful as well as rough, like an uncut gem. She stood and crossed the short distance to him and he eyed her, wondering if she was ready for more so soon.


    "I appreciate you taking the time to spar with me.  It was...educational.  I know that your arm can't feel the best after that blow to the inside elbow I dealt you.  Will you accept Healing?" D'Ashan chuckled. She appreciated it? Light but it had been fun!


    "It was my privilege Aes Sedai," He said with a small bow, wincing for his arm. "I would very much like to make that a common occurrence. Healing would be appreciated, tell me, where did you get your training?"

  6. D'Ashan walked quietly and thoughtfully to the Glade. He had come a long way in the last two years. He wasn't sure what meant more to him, Being accepted into the Tower Guard or the lifestyle he had lived to be worthy of it. Saline Sedai was helping him finish up his lessons on reading now less frequently, and he had earned honest coin for everything he had since leaving home. He had faced Shadowspawn and the wrath of Aes Sedai. Learned what it was to be strong whilst retaining humanity. He had been instructed to come unarmed and for once the absence of his blades felt right. He made his way silently through the trees, his sharp eyes studying the path ahead. He entered the Glade of Remembrance almost reverently. It was aptly named and the more so for him.


    As he entered the small, dim clearing he focused on the beam of light that bathed the stone slab and those waiting around it in a soft, diffuse glow. Motes floated through the beam of light, silent as those around the stone, His steps muffled to silence as he approached, his face schooled to stillness. The words he was to speak rang through his head over and over. He stopped for a moment just outside the light. In contrast the remaining portion of the Glade was surprisingly dim. Stepping into the light he knelt humbly at the stone slab, noting Saline in the dimness. So, she had come. He had hoped she would.


    "I come here unarmed, offering to give myself to the defense of those who serve all." He said. He was proud of the steadiness of his voice.


    "Who would speak for you?" Thera Intoned.


    "I would speak for him, he is fit." Edana said. Briefly D'Ashan wondered if she had agreed to stand witness for him as recompense for the comment made not long ago. She had repeatedly attempted to buy him a drink and obviously felt bad about it. The thought faded however as the Ceremony continued.


    "Who would trust you?" Thera intoned.


    "I would trust him." Cetaile's voice steady and firm brought a touch of a smile to his lips.


    "Who would accept you?"


    "I would." Came Edana's reply.


    "Who would witness your oath whose word is beyond question?" those words bore heavy portent, none of which was lost on D'Ashan and he felt the weight of them as Cetaile Sedai answered.


    "I will."


    "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of defense? Defense of all Aes Sedai, the defense of the White Tower?" Thera asked.


    D'Ashan did not hesitate. "Yes."


    "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of obedience? Obedience to your officers, obedience to all Aes Sedai"


    Once again his answer was immediate. "Yes."


    "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of commitment? Commitment to serving faithfully, commitment despite any adversity?"


    "Yes." He imbuded the word with as much conviction as he dared. This was what he had devoted his life to.


    "Then give your oath now." Thera answered.


    D'Ashan took a deep breath and had to fight the sudden tears and constricting throat that unexpectedly gave him pause. He had worked so hard, changed so much. He took a calming breath and spoke the words.


    "I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to defend the White Tower and all who call it home. I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to serve faithfully for as long as the White Tower requires me. I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to fight the shadow and uphold the light until my dying day." Those words would ring in his heart over and over, in times of duress and trial. The truth of them brought tears unbidden to his eyes and for a moment he would have been unable to speak even had he wanted to.


    "We welcome you to the Tower Guard, you that were known once as D'Ashan Vybran of Arafell." Thera's voice rang out as Cetaile stepped forward and gently placed the crimson cloak of the Tower Guard around his shoulders, fixing it in place gently with her rough hands.


    "We welcome you as D'Ashan Vybran of the Tower Guard, our brother in arms. Rise and stand as one among many." She continued. D'Ashan rose and Edana moved to meet him. Handing him a long dagger she smiled at him. He did not know about this portion of the ceremony.


    "You came to us unarmed, and as our mark of trust we place this steel in your hand. May you keep it as a symbol of the trust that has been placed in you, and may it serve you well." Thera stepped close and smiled before going solemn again. "Spare a moment for those who have come before you and to who you have become, as shall those who follow you."


    They all filed out of the glade leaving him to himself, alone in the silence. Gently he sat at the base of the stone slab, turning the blade over and over in his hand. He was still a little in awe of what had occurred this day, prepare for it how he had. He was now a tower guard and maybe someday a Gaidin. Oh, he was only 20 namedays old, not nearly enough to expect an Aes Sedai would want his inexperience. But some day…


    Rising to his feet, he slid the blade behind his belt and made his way slowly to the edge of the Glade. Turning to look one last time at the light illuminated stone, he murmured a prayer for all that might go after him.


  7. Firstly, Welcome!  ;D


    As to where we are at Main Timeline wise, we are somewhere around the bowl of the winds and before the cleansing (coming soon)


    Either way is plausible. We do send out frequent recruiting parties and we do have a contingency in Tear, not to mention those that find their way to the farm.


    I don't think that we have a hard and fast rule as far as age is concerned but I would say 16 - 50'ish?


    Hope this helps and once again...welcome! ;D

  8. "The other Dedicated were so busy jockeying for position and trying to curry favor with the Asha'man that they never even realized that they'd begun following my lead in nearly everything and looking to me to lead them.  Two weeks after my arrival it became clear to the two Asha'man that they could foist their jobs and responsibilities onto me while the one entertained girls and the other got drunk."


    Tai listened while the man explained his experience in Tear. In truth it sounded like arrogance, and if Tai would not have known the man he would have thought him a liar. It was not often that Dedicated and Asha'man behaved in such a manner, but who could say what happened far away from the Tower. He would have to speak to someone about the situation in Tear. It simply would not do for a location so often visited by the Dragon to be in such a way.


    "But I was bored out of my mind down there.  Men that joined the Black Tower after me have already earned the Dragon pin but I have been held back for I've received no training at all the whole time I was gone.  I've carried the responsibility of that mission at the sacrifice of furthering my own usefulness to the Dragon."


    Tai had to suppress a chuckle. Nakor was closer than he thought to obtaining that usefulness unless Tai missed his guess.  "I can't tell you how glad I am to be back.  I just wish Aria was here to celebrate my return."  Tai ignored the stab of grief and the forlorn babling of chaos at the mention of her name.


    "Me too Nakor, me too." He replied to the man.

  9. "Well Rahien i can see that you have been diligent in your practice and it has paid off. However, this is only the first stage, now we need to see what you can do against a real target." Rahien's eyebrows tried to climb off his face as Owen spoke, only to feel rather foolish shortly after as he continued.


    "It is not the two-leg type of target Rahien. Tomorrow morning i will be leading a small group on a hunt. We need to restock our larders and a herd of Boar have been spotted a few miles south of here. I will meet you at the Rangers barracks an hour before day break. You will need to bring your own food and water and make sure all of your clothing is in dark colors."


    Rahien nodded and departed as Owen did, making his way back to the infirmary. For what had to be close to the hundredth time, he cursed himself for putting off building a home. He just didn't really know what to build or where to build it. He desperately wanted a place of his own. Nothing against Aislyn of course.


    Snow woke him before dawn. He rose from his cot and dressed in dark brown woolen pants and a dark green laced shirt. He had fashioned himself a wooden arm brace for shooting his bow as the string tended to snap at his wrist. Taking it, he closed it over the tight sleeve of his shirt, lacing it up and admiring the carving he had begun to do on it. Checking his belt pouch for dried smoked fish and the other bits of food, he hurried to the washstand. His belt pouch also contained new bowstrings, a couple arrowheads, some fletching material, and many other things he would need. Brushing his teeth with salt and soda he pulled the dark wooden comb through his hair and tied it back with a bone and leather clasp.


    Grabbing his dark cloak he held it up to the wan early morning light to admire it. It was a thick cloak but light, with a hood and a line that flared slightly at the end so as to pool around him nicely when he was crouching. It had kept the cold out very well thus far. A howling wolfhead carved from bleached bone served as a clasp in honor of Snow. He grabbed his bow from the corner and his quiver, swinging his bow over his shoulder. Tossing the cloak around his neck and fastening it, he donned the quiver making sure to keep it clear of the hood. He had caught the rabbit that lined the hood himself and was quite pleased with the fact.


    Glancing around the room to make sure he was not missing anything he added the small, age dark ivory brush to his belt pouch and made his way for the door. Snow ghosted ahead of him through the trees as he made his way to the Ranger Barracks. Meeting up with the other hunter's, Owen introduced a few. Most notably were Swiftblaze and Quickshade. They made off through the forest away from the Stedding. It was strange to think that they would leave the relative safety of the place he had come to call home. In truth, about the time he began to grow uneasy, Owen's words found him.


    "Do not worry Rahien; this part of the forest is as safe as any place outside the Stedding can be. Just keep us moving south and keep on the lookout for our quarry. Oh and one last thing, go at your own pace. We are all more experienced at this than you so we can easily keep up with you. For now concentrate on finding signs of where the Boar are"


    Rahien took the lead as indicated, searching the ground to find traces of the beasts. He had had much practice in the woods around his cottage, but Owen looking over his shoulder made him nervous. Oh Owen did not press him, in truth he was helpful and kind, but it made Rahien nervous nonetheless. Bending to the ground he had forgotten the other's presence as they silently ghosted along with them. Studying the tracks it looked as if they could have gone either way. Just as he spotted the droppings off a short distance Owen bent to point it out. Rahien cursed himself for a fool. He knew he should have followed his instinct, but every time he faltered, Owen was there to gently guide him.


    They took turns at the lead, Rahien with a few more turns before they finally stopped for lunch with an easily concealed fire. Before he could even think of opening his rations, he had a mug handed to him and food thrust into his hands. Owen explained that they would use his rations later. Owen also explained how to leave no trace of camping. "Always make sure you bury any rubbish you may have and that the fire pit is filled in and the turf replaced. If you get into this habit now, then it will serve you well later on."


    Later that afternoon as the sun made its plunge toward the horizon, the group spotted the herd they had been tracking. Swiftblaze made a few motions with his hands and the group split, Owen indicating that Rahien should stick with him and keep silent. They crept to a small rise where they could see the boar yet remain hidden. Owen motioned for Rahien to string his bow and make ready.


    freeing his bow and drawing a handful of arrows he drove them point down into the dirt in front of him. It was always a good idea to have extra ammunition at hand when hunting he had learned. Checking the wind determinedly, he picked a large, a fairly large male with a nice set of tusks. He wanted a memento of the hunt and the tusks would do nicely. Fluidly he knocked an arrow and waited for his breath to escape before firing. The moment he released the world stilled and he felt as if he followed the arrow into the heart of the animal. Shock took him for a heartbeat before he regained himself and fired again, this time at a slightly smaller female. After all was said and done, they all had a couple of the animals each to carry back to the Stedding. He sat for a moment thinking of the oneness with the arrow that he had experienced. Owen seemed to notice his thoughtfulness but failed to mention it, possibly deciding to speak with him later on it.


    The beasts were heavy and the going back slow although they made fairly good time. The sun slipped below the horizon painting the trees with rays of flaming gold and vibrant blood red hues. As dark fell they made camp for the second time that day. Rahien was tired from carrying his burden and not for the first time wished he had shot something lighter. His rations were shared out among the others as theirs had been with him. Rolling into his blankets, sleep claimed him quickly. He awoke to Owen's gently hand before light the next morning. They made better time after some rest and as the sun once again peeked over the horizon, they saw the Stedding in the distance. It felt good to come home, as home it surely was...


    OOC: yikes..got a bit carried away, call it payment for taking so long  ;D

  10. Sorry folks this has taken longer that I wanted it to.


    I would like to have Rahien build a house and figured it would be a good oppurtunity for others to join in if they wanted.


    See THIS post here for more info.


    Let me know who is up for doing this thing...

  11. *Trumpets blare a ringing fanfare*


    *A small man in a shiny black coat unrolls a ridiculously long scroll and clears his throat*


    "Now accepting sign-ups for a Group Saidin RP!"


    *He glances down the list and pretends to be reading something further*


    In all seriousness folks. I am going to be running a Group Saidin RP for all the new guys. Or, if you would all like to turn it into something a little more interesting we can turn it into simply a using Saidin req for everyone and do something else I have in mind  ;D


    Please post here and let me know what you need. After a short while we will open the post and announce it here!

  12. Speed. Forward. Faster.


    He repeated these words like a mantra. He knew he was going to die but that didn't mean he wanted to. The trees had slowed the beasts pursuing him, which meant they stayed right behind him, and a snort to his right brought him out of his reverie. He glanced over to see a the slobbering, tusk-faced mug of a trolloc, its eyes watery and shining with glee.


    D'Ashan, freed one of his blades in time to take the beasts head. A low hanging branch not only nearly unseated him, but also nearly took his blade! Cursing himself for a fool he sheathed his blade and pulled the dagger from his boot instead. Another of the hairy Shadowspawn maneuvered its way next to him, this time on his left. A hairy hand caught his streaming cloak and threatened to pull him from his mount. D'Ashan's dagger blossomed in its eye in time to send it crashing into a nearby tree, snapping its neck.


    There were still three in pursuit and they looked to be gaining. Suddenly he caught twin flashes of light. Thera's blade bit deep and the beast doubled over, only to have its head removed by a second stroke. Perivar finished the other in nearly the same way. Both kills however were lost to D'Ashan as he sped past. He heard their cries and knew what had happened however. Thanking the Creator he whirled his mount. They had found him, he would not die this day. Three against one was not good odds for anyone, especially a lone Trolloc against two fully trained Gaidin and a Trainee. The beast bolted and Perivar followed to finish it off at a glance from Thera. There would be no alerting the rest of the fist.


    D'Ashan dismounted and patted the horses neck. It was breathing hard and he would have to rest it for a while before pushing it again. He looked at Thera and reported as he had been taught to do, trying not to let his shame show.

  13. "Stand"


    The word slapped the air like a hand swung at his face. In truth he was hard pressed not to flinch. As he followed her command he watched her walk to a small pile of stones he had not seen prior to this. His curiosity peaked.


    "You will learn to live your life by example D’Ashan; holding up truth and justice above all other things." This was something he immediately agreed with, something that rang deeply within him as her words left her lips and he found himself nodding. He had come a long way since his life on the streets, his whole view of the world had changed.


    "Your mind will be as astute a weapon as your swords. You will strive to keep every aspect of your life in balance, only resorting to your weapons at the greatest need. Sadly in our life we are taught to become a weapon, and so we often leap to use them even when there is no need." D'Ashan took in the words attempting to understand what she had in store for him.


    "Put your arms out to your sides." She commanded. Confusion interrupted the words he had been committing to heart but his training kicked in and he obeyed the order without questioning. Following this the command came to lift his left leg and and hop in a circle. Glancing at her, asking with his eyes what in the Light she was up to, he complied.


    "Now tell me what is troubling you in your life D’AShan. Anything at all?" He looked at her as he came around to face her in his hopping again but she looked serious and so he started to consider.


    The first stone glanced of his forehead unexpectedly, stinging and almost knocking him over. He half cried out and looked at her incredulously. What under the Light was she playing at? "Keep your leg up! You were not told to stop hopping yet! Move!”


    Continuing to hop in a circle with his arms out he found it was hard to keep his balance. The Light-Blasted woman seemed to have an un-ending supply of those cursed stones and she threw them hard too! He almost lost his balance and gritted his teeth. He would not let her win. She wanted to know what was troubling him? Fine...


    "You and the bloody stones trouble me to begin with." He growled at her. He paused feeling a little out of line having spoken to her that way. As he fell silent for long enough, yet another stone struck him; this time in the ribs. "I hate that I cannot read, that Saline Sedai has to help me learn." The words came from his lips. Thera and Saline were probably about the only two who knew thus far. He kept the secret hidden well. "I hate that I am weak, that those around me are better than I. I am troubled that the one possession in my life that I have honestly earned, with the sweat of my brow and honest gold, has been taken from me yet again." The words poured from him bitterly and he resisted looking at his blades where they lay. After a long life as a thief, he had been understandably proud that he had not obtained those beautiful blades dishonestly. That he had bought them with hard earned coin. It was foolish, childish even, or at least he thought others would see it that way but at the moment didn't care. It was the truth and that is what she wanted.


    With a start he noticed that the stones had stopped while he spoke, he continued hopping and thinking of what else he could say to save himself more bruises. Many places already stung or ached from Thera's arm.


    OOC: Sorry for the delay  :P

  14. They made their way to the Inn, in a silence that continued as Tai began to down cup after cup of the dark amber liquid. Eventually he felt the pleasant buzz of alcohol, numbing his pain. Memories were chased away into haziness and pain dulled to a small ache.


    Finally Nakor got up the nerve to ask whatever he had been wanting to. Tai had been waiting for him to do so but was in no mood to dig it out of him. If the lad wanted to ask he would, that much he remembered of him for sure.


    "Sir....Tai...I...well, I don't really know what to say.  You know how close Aria and I were, I hope you know I'm here if you ever want to talk or share memories or anything." Tai nodded slightly, it might do good at that once the pain had time to settle and he had a more firm grip on the situation. "...in the meantime, perhaps you can tell me what's happened here the last day or two?  I've been sifting my way through rumors since I got here, and Covai's speech was interesting to say the least, but I'd love to hear the truth of these events from someone that was here."


    Tai set down the bottle and pushed the small cup away from him to settle his hands in his lap. He leaned back in his seat and fixed the diminutive Dedicated in front of him with an easy stare. He wanted truth did he? He began to speak and to his small surprise, did so clearly and easily.


    "Nakor, A lot has happened since you left." Tai couldn't remember exactly how long ago it had been, so he began with what he remembered best. "There was the attack on the Black Tower by a bumbling band of Aes Sedai that harmed relations and had many Aes Sedai captive here at the Black Tower until things could be resolved. After that, Brent went crazy. I don't know if the Taint or the Power got to him first. There was a large Battle in Sheniar that I was not at, but many of my friends were. Forces of the Shadow poured out of the Blight like nothing we had seen for years and we were ordered by the Dragon to lend aid. At first we were cutting the Shadowspawn to ribbons. Then the Dreadlords and Dreadladies came, linked. Linked we had no chance and our forces were slaughtered. Yes, I said slaughtered as that is what it was. Many died."


    He paused for a moment, considering how much to divulge to the man. The years of knowing him overran his inhibitions and he would find out already if he had not already.


    "Covai determined to see the Lord Dragon and set off with a small contingency of us to Tear. We met Jarron and told him of the battle. After um...conversation, we traveled back to the Tower with Jarron who strode right into the council room at Brent's place. He turned the thick stone table there to dust as well as many men's tongues when he declared that we would find truce with the Aes Sedai and Link with them."


    Tai's eyes shone with the thought of Men and Women wielding the One Power together again for the first time in ages.


    "Brent lost it and blamed Covai and Arath since it was them that spearheaded the effort. He stopped them by the stables with a couple of his lackeys and a battle ensued. He was most obviously crazy and a crowd naturally gathered to see what in the world was going on. Tenim Wulwind," He paused to control himself as rage burned in his eyes for a moment. When he was again under control he spoke. "He pushed his way through the crowd and when Aria got in the way..." He waved to indicate the rest was apparent. "Covai and Arath finished the man off about the same time i dealt with Wulwind." He spat the name.


    Looking up at the man he actually saw him for the first time. "Nakor, it is good to see you. What have you been up to?"

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