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Rolan Salvane

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Posts posted by Rolan Salvane

  1. 3 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    @Rolan Salvane Nice quote. I hadn't heard it before, but it echoes something that I'm fond of citing, which is a statement from Lucasfilm Story Group member (and inspiration for Rebels supporting character Mart Mattin) Matt Martin that the concept of Canon is only relevant to the people responsible for actively working on the creative side of any given IP.



    I really, and truly love that! 


    People who like to rag on Star Wars, especially the ones that were directly created by Lucas himself, i.e. the prequels, and saying they ruined the story, or they aren't really canon, truly amuse me. It's his story to tell. he gets to make the decisions. Totally different from the situation with WoT, but it amuses me nonetheless.

  2. As a lifelong Star Trek fan I had to come to realize that I needed to watch Trek just because it is Trek. I had to lose the expectations and just accept that each new show, or movie, was likely to be different from what I expected. Changing my mindset on that truly helped me to be able to enjoy even the newest shows that some rabid fans seem to hate. I look at the Wheel of Time show the exact same way. It's not the novels. It was never going to be the novels. It is it's very own thing, and because of that I can enjoy it as a brand-new story. 


    I am also reminded of a quote from one of the most important people to ever have a hand in Star Trek, which truly cemented my way of seeing things like this into where I am now. I will include that here.


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  3. Hello, lovely people! 


    Glad to be here. I've been a fan of the Wheel of Time series since 2000, when I was in the tenth grade, and found the first book at a bookstore in the mall. I finally finished the full series only a couple of years ago, because I wanted to be able to buy all of the books and then read them through. Honestly, that took me far longer than I ever expected, but man was it a wild ride!


    Anyway, I'm a massive bookworm, usually have at least two books going at any given time. I'm also a cinephile, much to the annoyance of my partner. I love anything sci-fi fantasy, in book, television, or movie form, I am a huge fan of studying other cultures, from their languages to their customs, and especially their foods! My partner and I live in his hometown in Texas, surrounded by family, and we share our lives with our lovely dog. 


    My biggest dream in life is to one day travel to Japan, and potentially move there to live. 

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