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  1. Is there a Compendium of Prophecies for WoT? like all known prophecies from the WoT with a little summery of how the (insert character here) fulfilled them? Or ones that haven’t been fulfilled yet. Both light and dark prophecies. Also prophecies that Katarthon Cycle vs none Katarthon Cycle ones.
  2. I’m a huge fan of audiobooks. I listen them them like some people listen to music while working or driving. That said, I understand your issue, there are some books I’ve started that I have, let’s say archived, until I get the book as I’m having a hard time following along. (Not WoT related, different books) Kindle-Audible do a thing called Whisp-sync. You have to buy the Kindle book and the Audible audiobook separately. (A lot of time the audiobook is heavily discounted if memory serves me correctly). And you download the kindle book and then in kindle you download the audiobook. It follows along with the text. Not all books have Whisp-sync tho. (But WoT does). Might not be your thing either but it might be an answer to your question. It doesn’t happen in WoT but as avid Audible uses, I give this warning: sometimes they change narrative between books. (Sometimes multiple times - not as common) So if this gets your hooked on audiobooks, you are forewarned as it can be incredibly frustrating!
  3. the bowl of the winds was a minor ter'angreal and only meant to affect a small area. (I don’t think a full circle of very power women where meant to use it either) All that combined to create an un-stable zone for both saidar and saidin for as far as the bowls area of effect was. It lasted until it’s effects wore off. the opposite happens later on with some sa’angreal that are meant to use a lot of power so they don’t cause an un-stable zones.
  4. 3 random questions: Why doesn’t Rand realize Rahvin is in Andor before Lanfear tells him? Asmodean tells Rand that something along the lines of ‘He running a kingdom with a Queen as a plaything’. How many kingdom's are ran by Queens?? Did Mat/Elayne/Thom never mention that Morgase has a random new lover? Why does Moraine think the plan with Siuan about Rand will work? Plan I’m talking about is that Siuan is supposed to be approaching all the rulers announcing Rand is the Dragon. Like the Forsaken are running most of the kingdoms and she knows about at least Illian. Shouldn’t Moraine be smart enough to know that many of the other kingdoms are probably in the same boat? So the announcement isn’t likely to do what she thinks it will. Why do Mat and Perrin not tell Rand about there ‘powers’?
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