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Posts posted by algspkr

  1. I'm on WH in my reread, with Cadsuane in Far Madding. 


    While they're in the Dome with the Guardian, a man channels.  Cadsuane casually asks if there have been a lot of men channeling in the area lately.  Shalon thinks that the channeling explains where Jahar went after they arrived.  But that made me wonder, did Cadsuane have a male well for Jahar to use? Furthermore Cadsuane flips out on Nyn for using her well because it exposed to the Counsels that the Guardian was less effective than they thought.  But, from the incident with Jahar, they should already know that.


    I got the impression that when Jahar channeled it was just a flash he tried to channel and the Guardian picked it up, pointed him out and stopped him.  When Nyn did it the Guardian failed to stop her and Cadsuane knew that this would upset the Far Madding authorities and that compromised Cadsuane's plans and so she got upset.

  2. At the beginning of the chapter "The Tower Stands," Egwene thinks

    Siuan had found her Great Serpent ring; it felt very good to have it on her finger again.

    As best I recall, the last we saw of Egwene's ring was in KoD, when Silviana took it for safekeeping, "until you have a right to it."  How did Siuan get it?  Or is this a mistake?


    My guess would be that it is a typo, Siuan found A ring; not Egwene's original.

  3. Do we have any way of supporting the assumption that a Gateway only uses weaves on the frame?

    An interesting idea. There may be some evidence against it when Avienda and Rand return from their romantic evening in Seanchan; I do not remember the exact description of the gateway but Avienda seemed to think that Rand had turned her weaves invisible which would seem to imply that the weaves encompass the entire gatway; not just the edges.  Your idea would explain why Mat, Cadsuane and possibly Nynaeve can pass through gateways.

  4. Now the tricky business. In TSR Selene talks to Rand in the stone. This is what she says, "I go where i wish to be. You have been marked, but no matter. You were mine, and you are mine. Any other is no more than a caretaker whose time has passed. I will lay claim to what is mine openly, now."

    She is referring to her beauty not effecting Rand the same was in TSR as it did in TGH because he is falling for Elayne at the time.

    When Rand talks about Carhien this is what she says, "You have been marked. Estates in Carhien? I may have had estates in those lands, once. The land has changed so much that nothing is as it was. Selene is only a name i sometimes use, Lews Therin. The name i made my own is, Lanfear."

    She does not remember exactly what crap she fed Rand in TGH.


  5. Can Ter'Angreal Like the Adam (Collar) Be Used in a Stedding or places like Far Madding?  What would happen if a suldam and damane crossed over to a stedding?  Would the other ter'angreal that do specific things work in a stedding or Far Madding?


    These are just some questions that came to mind in another thread.  Anyone have any ideas? 

    I believe that Ter'Angreal lose most if not all of their effectiveness on a Stedding.  I would not be surprised if a damane could remove her own adam there.

  6. Mat's father taught his the quarterstaff.  Sticking a two foot sword blade on the end will change how you use a staff but not by that much.

    Right, but someone who's used to fighting with a quarterstaff would almost certainly use an ashanderai like a normal quarterstaff when under pressure.  Not only does Matt attempt to use it differently than a normal quarterstaff, but he does so with great skill.  This indicates that he had more experience with an ashanderai than with a regular quarterstaff, something that could only come from the memories. 

    It was in a Mat PoV either right after or during the fight with the Shaido at Charaine that Mat thinks something like: The old memories help a lot with the ashanderai and he had needed every bit of skill they offered.

  7. I can't wait until MOL as Min foretells a man in white will - can't exactly remember what!!! but sure it means romance. To me that means Galad and I think Berelain and the prudish but honourable, not to mention gorgeous Galad will be a great storyline.


    I don't remember the exact foretelling either, but I am sure it said she would fall for the man in white, but not necesarrily that he would fall for her. I've always assumed Galad would be the man in white, but he is obsessed with Egwene, so maybe the story will end with heartbreak for Berelain. With as much story as there appears to be to wrap up, I don't personally see how there can be much of the story devoted to them.

    Egwene has Gawyne, Galad needs someone to reduce friction there and I don't see RJ doing an Authorian love triangle.

  8. Is it possible semirhage will be leashed by the Seanchen, after all Tuon trains Damane and semi seems like a perfect candidate to be used in the last battle against the forces of dark, especially if Rand can sever her from the dark one? This should be possible, I beleive.

    Tuon will want to take something from the treaty and we'll have to see what Rand offers.

    I don't see Rand giving away Cadsuane's new toy, especially if it will signifantly increase the strength of the Seanchan.

  9. The main problem with Bob's 'insoncistancy' is that what you see and read in wot, isn't necisarrilly the 'entire world'. You only see what the author lets you see. Needless to say, every town has many farms surrounding them... You may see a few near the edge of the road heading between town to town, but behind towns, and basically scattered are many different farms. Hell, depending on the size of the farm, 2-4 farms, with various food products and meats, could easilly suppl the town, the farm familes, and probably more being exported to the various cities. The cities them selves probabl have entire farm colonies made to feed the city.

    This is a pre-industrial society, they are just beginning to develope the "modern" of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Before them it took 25-50% of the population on farms to feed society.

  10. I think Olver will play a role in TG, possibly as a messenger boy or something. There is a real life paralel though I'm not certain it is delibrate in Andrew Jackson who served as a messenger boy in the Continental Army during the American Revolition and later became a general and the President.

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