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Posts posted by ashi

  1. 3 minutes ago, Skipp said:

    This is all very true but the pay off for the killings doesn't come until the 2nd last book.  There potentially time for Perrin to still kill a couple of Whitecloaks, especially if Valda will cotninue to hunt him down.  While this quick thought still doesn't provide the same ethical conflict we don't know the the show is ging to run with this storyline.  It is quite possible that Perrin's storyline with the whitecloaks ends around the Battle of the TR.

    Yes, that is true. Perrin's arc in season 7-8 might well be very different (and perhaps, one may almost hope, a bit compressed [*cough* Masema, Faile, Shaido]).

  2. 40 minutes ago, Skipp said:


    Agreed, I think they will have Valda hunt Perrin because he is a new/pure evil or some such.  While I was initially disappointed that Perrin didn't get to slap down Valda I now understand he didn't because of the way of the leaf arc they have put him on.

    A large difference in motivations, though, is that the Whitecloaks in the books had a justifiable reason to hunt Perrin, even before Dain Bornhald decided that Perrin killed his father, i.e. that Perrin actually killed two of them. A legally justified reason, even, according to Morgase and, more importantly, Perrin himself, who, if you recall, goes "home to die".


    Perhaps something can happen in season two, but the conflict in the books is more ethically interesting and has more depth of characterization, than evil Valda hunting Perrin the Darkfriend.

  3. Just now, DojoToad said:

    Should be obvious - maybe.  Not everyone's brain works the same and I don't always make connections that are obvious to others.  Thanks for taking the time to do that for me.


    Agreed that some people who have read the books like/love the show.

    You are right. I am sorry if/that I came across as confrontational. Thank you for this acknowledgement!

  4. 41 minutes ago, DojoToad said:

    And 50% dislike or hate it, so what is your point?

    Read the backlog of what you are commenting on, before commenting, please. If you do, it should be obvious (I mean, it is quoted in the post you are responding to, after all).


    EmreY responded to Dew21: "I think that the only way that you could possibly like this show is if you DIDN'T read the books.", with EmreY: "All you have to do is look across the forums to see that this is not the case." [I.e., it is not the case that the only way to to like the show if you have not read the books].


    Then EduardoEnriqueGonzalez responded to EmreY: "Have you seen the poll results in this very thread?"


    The point is that the very thing that EduardoEnriqueGonzalez tried to direct attention to, serves to prove EmreY's point, that "I think that the only way that you could possibly like this show is if you DIDN'T read the books" is not the case, since the poll proves that there exist people [presumably having read the books] that like the show.


    Note that nothing was said about more people liking the show than not, nor was any other qualitative judgement made.


    But again, this should be obvious.

  5. 18 minutes ago, AdamA said:

    It seems like a lot of people just don't like Eye of the World, though. Complaints about Mat not speaking old tongue when he doesn't speak old tongue until the fourth book. You're remembering his character from the entire series.


    Not strictly true:



    The Eye of the World, chapter 18, The Caemlyn Road


    Even before the Myrddraal moved, Lan's sword was in his hand. "Stay with me!" he cried, and Mandarb plunged down the slope toward the Trollocs. "For the Seven Towers!" he shouted. Rand gulped and booted the gray forward; the whole group of them streamed after the Warder. He was surprised to find Tam's sword in his fist. Caught up by Lan's cry, he found his own. "Manetheren! Manetheren!"
    Perrin took it up. "Manetheren! Manetheren!"
    But Mat shouted, "Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!"


    And, less pertinent, but in book three < four:



    The Dragon Reborn, chapter 18, Healing


    Suddenly Mat shouted, loud and strong. “Muad’drin tia dar allende caba’drin rhadiem!” Arched and struggling, eyes squeezed shut, he bellowed the words clearly. “Los Valdar Cuebiyari! Los! Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar!”


    Mat’s eyes opened, and he glared at the women standing around him. “Mia ayende, Aes Sedai! Caballein mirain ye! Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai miaain ye! Mia ayende!” And he began to scream, a roar of rage that went on and on, till Egwene wondered that he had breath left in him.


  6. 18 minutes ago, EduardoEnriqueGonzalez said:
    21 hours ago, EmreY said:
    23 hours ago, Dew21 said:

    I think that the only way that you could possibly like this show is if you DIDN'T read the books.


    All you have to do is look across the forums to see that this is not the case.

    Have you seen the poll results in this very thread? 


    Surely the poll results only serve to confirm EmreY's point? At the time of writing, 37% of the voters in this poll have stated that they either love or like the show, and presumably at least some of them are book readers. Consequently (unless bizarrely we are to suppose that the voters are untruthful), this poll shows that there are people who love/like the show, despite having read the books.

  7. 13 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    Enemy army is 60 Fades and 5k-10k Trollocs (So may be far less than the 10k people keep throwing around).  Yeah Nynaeve says 10k-20k  but we're talking about the words of trained scouts used to shadowspawn vs an untrained person guessing after a single look.

    I don't know, Nynaeve is sharp enough to pick up a tell of Moiraine's, presumably at once after leaving Emond's Field, that Lan didn't notice after 20 years. We should surely trust her estimation over that of Borderlanders.

  8. 8 minutes ago, EmreY said:


    Hmmm.  Good point.


    But, IIRC (and my memory in this is vague, so I may very well be mistaken) is it not implied in the books that the Red Ajah deal with False Dragons that way?

    Well, Shielding or wrapping someone in Air, or even inflicting pain (even to the extremes that they do to Rand during his accommodation in the box -- not all of them were Black Ajah) are not considered to be use of the One Power as a weapon (unless the Aes Sedai in question does so, of course).


    But maybe you are thinking of the Sisters who need to be sufficiently close to the fighting to "feel that they are in danger" before they are able to use the O.P.?

  9. 25 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:


    I don't recall the exact wording in the show but if they actually left out shadowspawn then that's just laughably stupid. Even for Aes Sedai being tricked by the black ajah it's too far.

    In S1E2:


    [Moiraine] And what are [the Three Oaths]?

    [Egwene] To not kill, to not lie.

    [Moiraine] Exact verbiage. Words are important, and how we use them is important.

    [Egwene] I don't know.

    [Moiraine] One, to speak no word that is not true. Two, to make no weapon with which one person may kill another. Three, never to use the One Power as a weapon, except in the last extreme defense of her life or the life of her Warder or another Aes Sedai. [...]

    It would be laughably ironic, given Moiraine's "exact verbiage", if the Oaths do indeed include the shadowspawn/darkfriend exception. I suppose, e.g. when M. snipes Be'lal, if it happens, that some will argue that Moiraine felt threatened "in her head", or that the death of Rand would be a threat to all life, or that misquoting the Oaths to Egwene was 1) not a lie, and 2) perfectly reasonable.

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