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Posts posted by Elayas

  1. Yes this is not hard.


    To your point about not having access to source material, Everyone has access to the source material they are The Wheel of Time books.  Industry experts can be hired just like the rest of the staff.  You hire in film personnel, once again it is not hard.  


    Following the books you can easily make season 1 a success even stealing a page from GoT and use dialogue directly from the books word for word to convey key messages.  It is not hard, you are not inventing a new world, you are adapting a book for film keeping faithful to the books.


    Episode 1 Starts out like LoTR with a narrative flashback with the Dragon breaking the world, tainting saidin (in my version like Jordan's there is a Saidin and Saidar) and how one day the Dragon will be reborn.  Then with the screen black the narrative says Chapter 1, paragraph from the book...ending with "but it was A beginning" and cut to the Edmond's field.  

    - Introduce the 5 characters, backstory touching on Moiraine with Lan with how revered Aes Sedai are.  No BS with Perrin being married, etc, portray the characters how they are, Rand dutiful son of  a farmer, Matt the mischievous prankster, Perrin reserved and big while training to be a blacksmith, Nynaeve the headstrong wisdom and Egwene daughter of the mayor and inn keeper.

    Episode 2 - Winternight and the 6 fleeing with Nynaeve deciding to go after them

    Episode 3 - Shador Logoth and them all fleeing in different directions at the end

    Episode 4 - Matt and Rand making their way to Caemlyn + introduce Thom.

    - Perrin and Egwene's journey with Elyas.  Elyas guiding Perrin with the wolves.  *The wolves love this part btw, Hopper imaged me this*  Perrin killing 3 whitecloaks

    - Nynaeve catches up to Moiraine and Lan

    Episode 5 - Camelyn episode and introducing Loial.  Rand falls out of the tree meeting Elayne, Gawyn & Gallad then taken to meet Morgase with Elaida's fortelling.  Moiraine and the rest meet up and the inn and she discovers Matt condition from the dagger.  Loial tells Moiraine about the Eye of the World.  

    Episode 6 - Traveling the Ways

    Episode 7 - Fal Dara and meeting the Amyrlyn with at the end "the fate of the world as they go into the blight to save the Eye of the World"

    Epidose 8 - Journey to the EoTW culminating with the battle against Aginor and Bathamel.  Cut at the end the dragon banner being discovered with the Horn of Valere and Cullender one of the seven seals being revealed.


    That is the flow keeping to the source material for 8 episodes.  I am not getting distracted with making the TV series about the story of Moirane, the story of Aes Sedai, the BS going to White Tower and steppin with the rest of the non-cannon trash Rafe wrote in.  I am telling the story from Jordan's books keeping the spirit of the books alive on film.  Rafe lost focus of what make the books great, I would not.


    You can hire in great set people (who did GoT, Harry Potter, The Kingdom sets for instance), good sound crew, make realistic costumes.   This is not rocket science, a lot of people can do it if they so chose to.  A lot of avid fans could come up with a script, costume design, etc.  There is a army of untapped collective book knowledge and passion to tap into, which Rafe did not utilize - another downfall of his.  For all the limited experience you quote he still sucks at his job, a novice could hardly do worse whither it is you, me or another avid fan.    

  2. 40 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    No you could not. That's a fact. Daydreams are of course allowed.

    I could.  The books provide the source material.  Follow the flow and character development, hire competent set, costume and music score directors and it will be vastly superior produce than what was produced.


    The showrunner and many of his staff have little experience, They do not have decades of experience hence they are novices so yes unexperienced, competent fans can do better.

  3. It does not matter if it is 6 or 8 or 10 or 13 episodes for S1.  Refe and the writing staff "updating a literary classic" would still screw it up.  It is the Wheel of Time is name only as the story is not what Jordan wrote, it is not Jordan's world and no matter how many episodes in S1 the staff would screw it up.  I could do a 100x better job with no production experience than the current "professional" staff.  Let that sink in as the truth.  


    The show sucks.  The number of episodes = the number of crappy episodes aired.  The less the better considering how bad S1 is.

  4. 10 minutes ago, CivBrit said:

    We're now at the end of an adaptation of book 1.


    Nynaeve al'meara (with no training):


    - heals an entire room full of people who were fatally injured by Logain

    - holds back Mashin Shin with the power

    - as part of a circle, destroys the army at Tarwin's gap

    - tells Lan (a warder who has been traveling with Moiraine for over a decade) how to track Moiraine


    Rand al'thor 


    - knocks open a door

    - knocks over a Trolloc

    - whines a lot

    - shoots a beam of light out of his hand (but only with the help of a sa'angreal




    Then we have Lews Therin. Described by Jordan as the greatest man of his age, first among the servants, a master tactician, respected author and great leader. And what do we see of him? He gets dressed down by a woman who  apparently is the leader of the Aes Sedai. He is made to look reckless and unwise and he is warned that his plan will taint the male power (because somehow she is wise enough to forsee this). And since they're chatting on a balcony in a beautiful city with no signs of conflict or desperation around them, it just makes him look like an impetuous idiot going against the advice of his wiser superior.




    That scene should have been Lews and Latra, both in military attire, looking war-weary but determined, addressing a council of Aes Sedai. "This is our desperate hour. We must strike now before all is lost. Our spies tell us the Forsaken are all gathered together near the bore. If we hit them hard and fast we can imprison them and their master forever". "No, a direct assault on the Dark One is too risky. Even you, strongest among us, cannot dare face him. We should rally our forces and retake the Choedan Kal. With such a powerful Sa'Angreal we can turn the tides".


    And then they vote. The men side with Lews, the women with Latra. Latra looks at Lews gravely and says "Old friend, this is too bold, too risky. You will doom us all, Lews Therin Telamon".


    Rafe dislikes men with a unhealthy passion and this is what we get served, a dish of mary sue BS vice a well balanced, intelligent show like the books.

  5. Episode 8 is an aboration of Jordan;s source material.  Rafe is a terrible showrunner as this series has been killed by the dark one.  The wolves tell me we should stay clear of episode 8 and any follow on seasons until the showrunner and writers pay respect the Jordan's masterpieces.  The pack is not happy and the vision Dapple sent was a wolf raising a back leg soiling all over the script.  They are not pleased and will be in a mood for a week or more now. 

    This show really sucks,

    - The writing and dialogue is sub-standard, forced with no rhythm,

    - The shows pacing is frantic without centering on a key storyarc's moving the plot along, it is all over the place

    - The sets look like a poor CW series

    - Casting is suspect see Nynaeve, Egwene, Perrin.  No idea if Rand is up to the task as Rafe will not let him shine

    - Rafe is a sexist against men, That is not inline with the books at all.  Men and women had goods, bads and others but were both were treated with respect thru trials that heroes go thru.   He has Mary sue disease = less fans, a lot less fans.  In case anyone is wondering Dapple, Hopper and Burn cannot stand this about the show.  

    - The showrunner's ability tops out at the high school play level.   I could do a better job and never run a set in my life but guarantee you the story would follow the books hence I would be a star among the 2 legs delivering where the showrunner cannot.  Dapple is nodding her head 


    This is not the Wheel of Time, this is the Wheel of Bait and Switch.

  6. The pack and me agree this is a terrible TV show as many have stated.  Rafe is in over his head and cannot continue as the showrunner but unfortunately a lot of damage has been done.  This is the Wheel of Time in name only due to destructive interpretations of the book grossly mischaracterizing key characters, plots and motivations to fit a marysue agenda.  This show needs balefire right out of the pattern.   Hopper tells me even none of the wolves like this show at all, it gives off a terrible odor.  They are staying clear of this stench of a show and recommend every two legs does the same.   


    Rafe is a charlatan, if he wanted a Aes Sedai and Warder show he should have called it that.  Why focus on them when the story is about the 5.  It is not about Moraine, Lan, the Aes Sedai and White Tower.  He is in over his head


    Why butcher Loial?  He is 8-10' tall with large ears, not some small, puny figure that looks nothing like he came from a Stedding.  


    Why spend time precious airtime on non-important characters vice the main 5 developing their backstories getting the audience to care about them and their motivations.  No one cares about them due to the showrunner's terrible decisions.   Did I mention the showrunner is in over his head?  The Dark One's taint is on him the wolves tell me.


    The 5 Dragons is insulting but hey it fits the marysue narrative so rock on with the bestest dragons evvassshhhh.  Saider and Saiden are not even mentioned which is key to the story.  Why is the breaking important, no one knows with this TV sham of a show leading men to go mad if they channel.  No colorful patches on Thom's cloak.....really?  The wolves always liked looking at them.  Perrin is a blacksmith, do the viewers know this...nope but they know he killed his wife....once again really?  Don't get me started on the poor wolf brother interpretation with Perrin.....the pack is not amused in the least.  I could go on and on and on.....


    Rafe had one easy job, a faithful interoperation of the books and he would have made a legendary TV series.  He could have faithfully adapted the EoTW and the Great Hunt creating multiple spinoffs (this is when you have Morainne and Lan's backstory, one on the White Tower, Borderland, etc. as he worked thru the books.  He screwed it up as no one has any idea why the Dragon Reborn is so important and to be feared after the breaking of the world, no one cares about Perrin, Mat or Rand as the marysue disease much like the blight has crept into this TV sham, I mean show too much. 


    In case many are wondering where is my TV time......I am not appearing in this blight infested show demeaning the outstanding works of Robert Jordan.  This show is beneath me and the pack, we have decided.  Now if Lanfear makes a showing and is true to her book character, give my agent a call at 1-800-BIGWOLF


    For those who feel betrayed, take heart and re-read the books for what we wanted, not this trash on the TV.

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