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  1. I had been very disappointed at some of the major differences between the book and the show in season 1. Especially as concerns Perrin and Mat. I thought a major plotline in the books was Perrins role as apprentice to the blacksmith. And his development from there. He had a strong figure in the blacksmith to try to emulate. And being the town's blacksmith at such a young age was unrealistic. And his marriage and subsequent accidental killing of his wife was totally unnecessary. His relationship in the books(spoiler) to a hunter of the horn will have to progress on a much different path or be another unrealistic plotline. That he hadn't been in a serious relationship to that point seemed a much more realistic path for his character. Mat's abusive father in the TV show casts a different tone about the village than the books ever get to. And exactly how does that advance his character? Another plotline totally unnecessary and totally at divergence with the book. By season 2 I had reconciled myself to those and other differences that made the series less enjoyable than the books. And was enjoying the second season much more. Then came episode 8. There were more major deviances from the book in this one episode than in the whole series to that point. Beside the fact that the "battles" were on a significantly smaller scale than in the books. 10,000 Children of the Light die on the plains near Falme in the book. Here we have fights between dozens. And the Heroes of the horn? They enter into a fight with maybe thirty Seanchen. I know extras and CGI are expensive but a little would have gone a long way in making this far grander. And Rand fighting Ishamel on top of a tower when he was supposed to fight the Dark One in the skies over Falme for all to see? Why? That was the whole point of that storyline. Disappointing to say the least. But I still am looking forward to season 3.
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