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Posts posted by JimGalaxy

  1. 17 minutes ago, WhiteVeils said:

    First of all: I think that Rafe is going big in the channeling effects this season, much bigger than the books so that later on we just 'accept' that huge channeling can exist and what it does

    ... I submit that if you actually believe this to be the mindset of the showrunner: 'let's do this here because it will save us time and money later' ... and if you're right ... then we're done after two seasons. I *don't* want that, and, by the way, Amazon is spending *beaucoup* money on this. DON'T let it be that.

  2. 52 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:

    I honestly find it much easier to excuse big changes which are done out of necessity. You're trying to fit in as much as you can and sometimes that means restructuring things.


    The small changes are what annoy me. So pretty much all of the cold open just annoyed me, because I'm just failing to see why bother changing the perspective on the Strike at Shayol Ghul. But there's plenty of small details like that, a lot of them to do with Lan and Perrin.

    ... I'm not trying to be antagonistic, but I *am* expressing a bewilderment here. ... You're telling a story about the road from (place A) to (place B). ... small changes are 'oh, there's stopped traffic ahead, so go this way as a detour, and then get back on the straight line'. ... LARGE changes are either 'they made a left turn there, then another, and ... who knows', or 'we decided to go to (place C) first because (place C looked good).' ... ??

  3. 2 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

    It diverged hard from the books so I think this is where some people get off the trolly. 

    Yes ... this is my feeling as well, and I cannot imagine why showrunners would *do* that.

    2 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

    For the rest of us who stay on are going to be in for some interesting stuff. 

    Yes ... I'm with you.

    2 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

    I have an idea of the forest I am walking into, so at least I have that. But the map is old and hasn’t been updated in years. 

    *bitter smile* ... like a map of Malkier, from ... say ... forty years ago. ... Well, if Lan lived through it, and prospered ... I suppose I can. ? 

  4. Coming off of Ep7, which I personally felt was the strongest yet, and was really re-establishing ties with the existing fan community ...

    Ep8 was, by far, the very worst yet in terms of telling the established story. I could list ten major things - BIG things - but I don't need to; you all know what they are.

    My anger and disappointment are in the showrunners, for getting off to what was, overall a promising, mostly-faithful start ... and *then* turning this far left from the storyline. I expect that they just lost a full third of their built-in audience; hundreds of thousands of viewers, gone, for the start of Season 2. I'm not among them; I will view it, but with vastly diminished expectations. For me, the entire series dropped from an 8, to a 4, tonight.


    ... what could have been. ?

  5. 1 hour ago, Therese Sedai said:

    Really enjoyed the episode and I only have one question.

    So Rand shows up to Moiraine’s room and is just like “it me” and Moiraine’s just like “aight let’s go.”  

    Did I miss something from earlier in the episode or is the audience just meant to not read too much into it. Seems like Moiraine would want to know for sure that it’s him before rushing away with him to what could be both their deaths. 

    Yup. Drawn-out episode, on the way *there* ... [cut to the scene there]. I also have a problem with that. I fully understand they have to cut, and cut, and *cut* to make it to the Last Battle by the end of (we hope hope hope) Season 8, or however many Seasons that Amazon foots the bill for. But to shortcut *that* reveal ... which is pretty much the entire focus of Season 1 ... that piece is just poorly done.


    ... and I say this, even though this was literally my *favorite* episode thus far; I was 9/10, but *that* (well, that and the whole love-triangle thing) ...

  6. 1 hour ago, Chivalry said:

    I really like Lan, even the kinder, gentler version of him. But whenever Lan goes to sleep, something happens. Warders commit suicide, his AS ditches him. DUDE, you've got one job, pay attention!

    Also (someone else, not me, pointed this out on the previous episode summary feed - was it you?? lol) Moiraine opened the Waygate and then strode in first. ... Hey, LAN! This is literally in your job description!! lol

  7. 2 hours ago, themann1086 said:

    So when Rand comes to her and says "it's me", she thinks she can spare Lan's life by leaving him behind. He's formed a bond (er, metaphorically) with Nynaeve, and that should keep him alive past her death until Nynaeve is trained enough to warder bond him. "I like her, you know. The Wisdom."

    That is a *great* point of view, IMHO, that I had not considered

  8. 2 hours ago, ArrylT said:

    Personally  I think there was no love triangle.    I think it was a combination of 2 things


    1 - Perrin loves Egwene, not romantically, but a lot of people  especially younger find it hard to properly develop their emotions.   So trying to balance the fact that Egwene is very attractive with being fond for her as a person can easily be mistaken as puppy love.  But once Perrin met / developed feelings for Laila he realized what love really was.  However, no matter what he still cares for Egwene, and I really felt that while re-reading EOTW.

    *VERY* well-said. I was completely disturbed by this, because (external reference) I do not like things I cannot understand. You give a plausible explanation, given the series' portrayal of his wife, and I thank you for that. I'll go with it

  9. 2 hours ago, Indil said:

    Dislike every change they've done with Perrin in the show. I can endure killing a wife, even though I'd agree with Brandon's killing or hurting Muster Luhan by accident. But now what's all about this love triangle? PHEW! It's pointless even in the show in the sense that it got dismissed 5 minutes away, but it does do my boy Perrin dirty.

    I wholeheartedly agree. Perrin is, for whatever reasons, my fave character, so I delight in his triumphs (even his finding 'peace' in the work of repairing the Tinker wagon - yeah, even that) ... his eyes changing color and shocking Valda ... and his sharp eyesight (from the back of the group!) in the Ways. I 'get' the whole wife-fridging thing; wouldn't have done it, but I 'get' it. But WTF is this love-triangle thing with the Black Wind catching his supposed feelings for Egwene, and Nynaeve calling him out on that? ... where are they *going* with that? Why *do* that? ... etc. Ugh. Perrin has enough on his plate, becoming the man he will become. ... let him do it.

  10. 3 hours ago, bringbackthomsmoustache said:

    What shape would you prefer for a ward to hold back a threat from all sides - a truncated icosahedron?

    ? ... thank you for this. Single-funniest post I've read on any thread here. I'm D&D from *way* back, and the '20-sided die' reference was hilarious enough, but NO, you had to go and make it 'truncated' as well, because - of course you did. LOL

  11. 3 hours ago, themann1086 said:

    Yes. Yes! Yessss!

    • BLOOD SNOW. That was awesome. Tigraine absolutely killing it (this wasn't suppose to be a pun lol), in active labor... total badass. Wife's comment: "that knife wound probably hurt less than the contractions"
    • Obviously a little forced/rushed with Mat but I thought they did a solid job with it. You gotta play the hand you're dealt
    • So we got SOME Ways backstory, about how they use to be. Would've liked a little more but acceptable for now. Gonna want more in the future though!
    • Perrin with the sharp eyesight!
    • The damaged guidestone!


    3 hours ago, themann1086 said:
    • Dai Shan! ...
    • Also, jumping ahead a little, LAN BACKSTORY HECK YES
    • FLASHBACK REVEAL. Tam's fever dream ramblings, breaking down the door in E3, and *TOSSING THE TROLLOC OFF THE EDGE, I actually did not see THAT coming. Wife's comment: I CALLED IT!

    Probably my favorite episode.


    I picked out a few of these as points I wholeheartedly agree with; all of these. My favorite episode, easily, and Lan's reveal (no, not the shirtless - oh, never mind) was *really* well done


  12. 3 hours ago, Storeebooq said:

    I was freaking OUT during the first Blood Snow scene. I love how over the top the fighting was, it contrasts with what we've seen before and really makes Aeil trained fighting stand out. Also made his birth even more miraculous and special. 


    The blight: I've seen worse in winter when southern kudzu dies out and leaves a thick vine wall. Really looks the same and not at all scary. There was even green moss growing.....but the human skull in the tree? That was nifty and creepy. 


    I'm afraid there won't be any Ogier/Nym scene with how thins are going. I really hope they don't leave him behind. =[

    All three of these are awesome to me.


    Blood Snow - I was *amazed*. Aiel maiden, defending her unborn child - could there *be* a better human fighter?? SO well-done.


    Blight - Yep, I hated the visual - I had imagined more of a nothing-desert, but great point about southern kudzu (I'm here in RJ's home state of SC)


    Loial - MAN, they need to give that dude more screen time. Really is an important piece that they ... *included*, sort of ... but they're missing the flavor by a *lot*.

  13. 3 hours ago, Whittle said:

    Rather liked this episode. It’s obvious to me the SFX budget for a TV show just isn’t adequate to pull off some

    of the really cool stuff from the books like The Ways. A feature film

    budget is needed. It looks cheesy

    ... normally, I might agree with that general assessment - but Amazon is reportedly spending *10 million US Dollars* per episode. They literally *built* the Two Rivers township, only to (again, literally) burn it down. They literally *built* the Shadar Logoth set ... etc. No, the money is there. ... but that likely means you'll be even more disappointed with the 'cheesy' that you see. I feel differently, no offense

  14. 3 hours ago, Agitel said:

    I wonder if some last minute rewrites impacted Perrin's arc a lot this episode, among other things.


    I can't say I'm a fan of Perrin's love triangle arc. I'm not sure I see how that goes anywhere or sets anything up. Otherwise I did enjoy the episode.


    That's also the question I had. Where are they *going* with that? Rafe included and fridged the wife character for a reason - I disagree with it completely, but it was actually 'because this reason'. ... but what's the 'reason' here for messing with this guy's backstory a *second* time??

  15. 4 hours ago, JaimAybara said:

    Blood snow - was pretty sick, and the veil was up but took it off to breathe better during contractions/tired from battle so it didn’t bother me. I loved it for Tigraine that was awesome. 



    Loial- bless your heart Brother Book. I love you on screen, so stop taking his development and giving it away. Man, does he shine when given screen time. Give me more Loial. 


    Padan Fain- I really like how they did this. Great job. He was always lurking and still is. 



    Tugged her braid!!! It happened!!! Finally!!! 

    Lan - Proper title. Heartfelt backstory. Good development between him and Nynaeve. Got a good tracking joke in there. “King without a kingdom.” These two are the best adaptations in my opinion. 


    Moiraine- she’s great, but don’t give Loial’s development to her. Not excited she opened the ways, took away from him, she’s already slaying it. Did great this episode too for when she was there.

    Egwene- Feels like Egwene. Not mad, didn’t get a ton of her own development but nice shared moments. She also does feel super indecisive. Didn’t like the love triangle stuff.

    One of my favorite episodes. That could be inflated simply because Rand finally got a fair shake, but it was a long wait  and I think it will make people mad in multiple camps.


    ... all of the excerpts I included above, are pretty much what I would have said - especially the last one - that was my *favorite* ep thus far. Well-explained, no need for me to re-write the same. ? 


  16. 4 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

    - They're cutting corners with Nyneave being able to do what she's doing there but let's see where it goes particularly concerning her block


    4 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

    - Loved everything about Min to be honest, thought she was fantastic


    4 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

    - Lan flash stepping behind Nyneave. I like I like.


    4 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

    Overall my only big complaint in the episode is the whole Rand, Perrin, Egwene triangle which....yuck. I'm not even sure what the point of that drama is considering there's plenty of tension already. Only thing I can think of is to give Perrin something to work with for now. But meh I don't like it.


    Fully agree with all of these, the positive and the negative ... also the reference to the 'block' - now *that* will be interesting, if they choose to give it its due ... Zoe would have a *field day* acting out that frustration

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