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Posts posted by Apsalar

  1. Uh.... what the .... was this episode? Extremely weird. I mean I had some hope before, having really enjoyed aspects of the show. I understand adaptation to a new medium means you have to make changes. However, most of the changes made - new story priorities, and focusing on certain charachters over others etc. - have mostly been questionable. Where is the core story in all of this? Do the showrunners even know? This is pretty much beyond words at this point, Sad to say I wont be watching the next season. 

  2. I liked this episode as well. I perhaps would have prefered if they focused less on Steppin, and more on the main cast members. But it does  however nicely show the nature of the bond between Aes Seda and warder. 


    Tar Valon looks great. One thing I really enjoy in the books is the palace intrigue amongst the Aes Sedai. We have seen some of that so far in the series, and I like it - hoping for more.


    I have no problem whatsoever with Loial not being as huge as he is in the books. He is one of my favourite characters from the books, and I very much like what little we have seen from him so far. 


    I hope Eamon Valda is OK and we will see more of him.? The actor does such a great job conveying that sinister, but at the same time, polished impression.

  3. 1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

    I think it's at least partly due to the fact the group travels from Two Rivers to Shadar Logoth and Breen's Spring in just a couple of episodes. I'm not sure on the scale of the map but shouldn't that take weeks of traveling even on horseback? We also don't see any other major towns/cities so feels a bit empty. I'm sure it will get better in the next few episodes.

    Yes, that might be it. Hopefully it gets better.

  4. First time poster/long time lurker her giving my two cents. Read the EotW for the first time almost 20 years ago (heck, Im feeling old lol). Over the years I have become fairly cynical when it comes to tv/movie adaptations of books I love and feel invested in. So, with that in mind, I did not have great expectations for the WoT series. I can’t honestly say that I was disappointed with the 3 episodes I have seen so far. However I can’t say liked them either.


    I liked the visuals, the settings and costumes. I liked the practical effects of the trollocs.


    The  changes to Mat I found myself liking, surprisingly enough. It gave him some nice depth. Him caring for his siblings was sweet. The Perrin changes on the other hand felt very weird and unmotivated in my opinion.


    The pacing I am ok with. Adapting the massive WoT story is understandably an equally massive challenge when it comes to fitting the plot into a limited number of episodes.


    The music I relly liked.


    The world in the series feels really small. I can not put the finger on why exactly though. 


    I do think that the acting overall was poor with a few exceptions. To be fair, the lines they had to work with were not the strongest. Out of the young ones I liked Mat and Rand the best. Nynaeve at first felt very forced and thin as a character. But she grew on me. Perrin and Egwene I was actually excited for beforehand, but their performances were mostly awful. It was the other way with Lan for me. I did not expect the actor to be as good as he was. Eamon Valda and Fain: loved them!


    The combination of bad acting and a weak script in a fantasy setting can in my opinion result in scenes that comes across as parody sketches. One great example of this is the first scene, with the entrance of Moiraine and Lan at the inn. In theory a pretty cool scene, in practice: not so much. Another example were I found myself laughing out loud is the whole ordeal with Mat and Rand being chased by Dana (a character and actress I liked). They ran with such an unmotivated urgency and terror, that one might have thought they were running from the Dark One himself.


    With that said, I will certainly give it a full season before I give up on the series. It is still early and things might improve.  And I do want to add that I am genuinely happy and excited for the people who enjoy the series so far! For your sake I hope you get to enjoy many more seasons. Each to their own.

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