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Everything posted by Windigo

  1. This was well done. I look forward to what they have planned for the future with Anvaere, and some of the theories on what roles she will play, if those pan out then it will really add meaning to some of them.
  2. I agree that this was a big miss, they tried, but should have spent less time on Siuan and Moraine and talk of fishwives, and more on establishing who Gitara was, and giving that scene more time and giving the foretelling more of a poetic importance.
  3. This is one complaint on the changes that I agree with. I think they could have done better with Min's visions, I worry that her later frustrations of not knowing the answers and needing to figure them out will be lost.
  4. Another preview trailer released.
  5. This is not far off from the books, Mat really didn't get much development until the end of book 2. Rand had more development and really much of that is because we saw almost all of the first book from Rand's POV, and much of the 2nd. The first Mat POV is chapter 19 in book 3 TDR
  6. At this point it could be either, a vision of a vision, or alternate reality. I think too it could very well be that Mat does Stab Rand, whether that is in trying to help him, or because of something else like compulsion I am not sure.
  7. Or rather than lack of author planning, it shows how he tricked the publisher into thinking they were getting a standard 80's-90's boy hero's journey, fantasy. By the time he starts changing things in the 3rd book it is too late, 😅
  8. I got the impression that it was several days not weeks, the montage just showed how it was more than the couple of days of Renna saying she would be back the next day.
  9. I think we will get Gawyn but maybe not Galad, so Mat putting 1 or 2 swordsmen in their place can happen at any time, with anyone. If in season 2 there is a chance that Gawyn (and if cast Galad) could be in Cairhein for the wedding as representatives for their mother. It could be Warders, or maybe Barthanes, or maybe happen in Falme, and we just get Mat taking out Seanchan with a quarter staff.
  10. I thought the montage of Egwene in her cell did a really good job at showing the passage of time without being just flashes of cut scenes. They already IMO use too many fast scene breaks and camera cuts that make things hard to follow, if they tried to do similar for time passage I think it might be even more confusing.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxuLrKeqmkN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  12. I do not know enough about armor to comment on how silly one arm and shoulder covered is, But I did notice this similarity.
  13. Well there is some foreshadowing
  14. Could be another combine characters, rather than a late introduction to someone new like Alivia, Mira will take on her story arc.
  15. Yes the actress is doing a phenominal job, but I still have no sympathy for her. I still don't like Liandrin, I have yet to see any redeeming qualities humanizing her other than she had a shitty life as a kid and young girl/woman. It is still evil to have bargained with the shadow for her son's life for her own selfish benefit. The idea that he an individual person "is the only thing that is mine", is selfish. If she truly loved her son and it was about saving his life she would not turn away and would fight Lanfear even knowing she would die. I think she set up Nynaeve to follow her and that none of her supposed caring for her son or Nynaeve is real.
  16. I do not think so, but then who was liked or not certainly did not break down the same way in the books either. The show I think has made all 5 EF characters more likeable. I am not hearing from show only watchers the same hate for any of them, that I have heard for decades about many of the characters in the books. I think this is one main difference between books and shows (Tv/movies ...) No matter how well written most people reading books would not say that they like Lanfear, or Elaida We might talk about how that character was written well, or we like the character arc. In shows it appears people are more likely to like or not like someone, not based on the story and arc but how well they are portraying it. I do not like Renna, or Liandrin, but I can say that the actors playing them have done a fantastic job. Part of the issue is in books we get limited POV, so I think readers tend to like the characters based on the POV of the narrator. We are no longer seeing the world primarily through Rand's eyes. (Book 1 is almost all Rand POV, Book 2 starts to add a couple more POV's, it is not until book 3 that we really start to get the ensemble POV's )
  17. Actually the fight with Matt vs Galad and Gawwyn was in the middle of book 3 The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 24 (of 56) , so there was a chance we could have gotten it in season 2, but also could be season 3 and still align with the books timelines.
  18. I don't know I think killing off characters is not why GoT was as popular as it was. That had more to do with it basically being a historical drama /soap opera with a little magic and dragons thrown in.
  19. I remember many conversations, the Dreamer one is a solid theory. I tended to align more with foretelling or some other ability to read the pattern.
  20. When they first start there is only 1 damane, it is later after they start fighting that more arrive with additional soldiers.
  21. It also had the effect of limiting the AS's knowledge over time of battle weaves, or how to make weapons, or even develop anything new along those lines. The oaths basically were another way to control the Aes Sedai, though not as brutal as the a'dam it had some similar consequences.
  22. That is what I was attempting to say, she used what she knows best, as she just told Nynaeve don't think about it you just do it, battle is not a time to have to take time to think about new or different weaves.
  23. Thing is you have a single healer who can not harm or kill others until her or her Warders's lives are at risk. Healing weaves are the ones she knows best and has strength in, when would she have ever learned anything else to the point she could react in a battle situation? I think it was great foreshadowing and set up on how the oaths, focus on politics and the appearance of power and strength have made the White Tower weak and in many ways ineffective.
  24. Other than at the Eye of the World how heroic were any of them in the first couple of books? Mostly they are kids running scared that make mistakes and get by on luck and help from others, they are pulled and tugged by other peoples plots and the pattern. RJ had a very specific view he talked about in interviews and Q&A's of what is or isn't a hero. So they flipped it from the books, where Nynaeve, Egwene, Avienda, Mat and Perrin all do mostly nothing, some for several of the first books? Rafe and crew have stated multiple times they adapted the entire series, that means we are not waiting 6 seasons before other characters have importance.
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