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News item Comments posted by Bbqboy1275

  1. I have mixed feelings as well but i remind myself that the movies are NEVER as good as the books.  Never.  I've never seen one since i started the comparison back in high school.  I'm satisfied with the quality of production while disappointed in some of the story line so far, such as the Perrin situation.  I think those of us who have read and enjoyed the series so thoroughly will expect the series to be just a visual representation of the book but the fact is that they never are.  They can't be.  Imagine if they tried to make 1 episode out of say 2 chapters.  Lots of material but that would be like 20 episodes for one book.  If they continued that trend over 14 books thats 280 episodes and a ton of money to commit to up front.   Thats a lot of seasons for a tv series.  So they have to find a balance and that's a daunting task.  I'm glad it's not me trying it.  We fans of the book need to keep in mind that they can't stretch it that far and understand that they're doing their best to tell the story and do it justice while keeping within the confines of the silver screen.  ?‍♂️.   

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