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Posts posted by Pembie

  1. Can someone explain to me what is the story with Logain Gabrielle and Toveine is exactly I can’t remember The sisters are there to kill men that can channel I think or spy on the black tower or something I don’t really understand Why are they with Logain is he good evil helping them with their mission 

  2. I thought it was quite good some of the plot threads seem to be finally happening Matts story especially I find Perrin quite pointless to story he never seems to have much too do I do think there are too many characters though the white cloaks are very pointless and I don’t fully understand all the stuff with the sea fork and their bargin to Rand and why they have gone to Far Maddening or Luc I remember he was slayer or something in a wolf dream I find parts very confusing and bit boring

  3. Winter’s heart is said too be part of the slog but I am enjoying it some important plot points finally start to happen I think the only parts I didn’t like were with Egeanin they were  very confusing but I guess it’s all tying together to be important 

  4. 15 hours ago, Andra said:

    It's not that Elayne and Aviendha are lesbians, it's that they've decided that if they have to share Rand, they need to do it the way the Aiel do - as adopted first sisters.  It's not out of the blue, but actually based deeply in Aiel culture.


    In some cases, such a relationship would start with the women (whether romantic or not) then add the man.  Like Bain and Chiad might eventually add Gaul.  In others, it starts with one man and one woman, then add the other woman. 

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    Like with Bael and Dorindha marrying Melaine.


    Thanks I seem to get more confused as the books go on Login is finally back and Edith has sent additional sedi to kill men who channel I think that is what is happening not a easy series to follow I don’t think 

  5. I’m on winters heart now and I was surprised and confused over Eyane  and Adventist being half sisters or lesbian I had no ideaEyane was so that come out of nowhere for me 


    There seems to be a few plots that just seem to pop up without any leads also I think Robert Jordon didn’t know what to do with a lot of his characters Perrain Lolia Thom Ian which is quite disappointing 


  6. 1 hour ago, Gothic Flame said:

    Brandon Sanderson smoothed out the writing a good deal. The pace in those last books move fairly quick...you really want to read them. I almost envy you.

    Yeah I’m getting pretty bored with it now Its all taking too long now but I read this far so I will try to carry on I have found the whole thing pretty slow to be honest 

    I haven’t watched the show yet waiting till I finish it sounds like they have changed the whole story though 

  7. 20 hours ago, DojoToad said:

    Read the entire series 2 or 3 times in its entirety (including the prequel) and it becomes much easier.  ?


    Keep the WoT Encyclopedia on the side for reference - because 15 books...  It is very good at answering questions on who is who and their relationships.  Was very disappointed that it didn't have more new information to flesh out stuff the books just glossed over.



    I don’t think I will read it again to be honest I find it quite slow but I Like to finish now I’m this far 

    I follow a lot of YouTube channels so I can keep track of things I miss

  8. 9 hours ago, qlorin said:

    It is a rank in Dark Ones forces. Highest rank after Dark One itself.

    There are "Forsaken" who are top of the Dark One's forces. One of the Forsaken is chosen to be nae'blis to command the others. I dont know where are you in the books so i could not say who is current nae'blis. But for example it was Ishamael in the Age of Legends.

    I’m on path of daggers so Nae blis has just been mentioned thanks for the help 

  9. 9 hours ago, divica said:

    after ep 4 the show has lost me.

    They transformed a pretty well written story into something that appears to be writen by a 12 year old.


    I don't understand this obecession with the dragon stuff. Everything that happens must be about people thinking that x character is the dragon. And why weaken the story further by having nyn making something amazing that she didn't need to do and has no reason to be able to do?

    I didn’t think it would be much good the books are quite slow to adapt I think 

  10. I watched Daniel Greenes premiere night on YouTube and I’m more excited for the show now these YouTubers are very lucky what a cool thing to do


    That billboard in picadiddy in London with the Fade coming out the screen at you is very cool the bit in Morraine though abit cheesy haha


    The cast seem like nice people from their interviews 

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