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Posts posted by Azshaya

  1. All three...why not?




    You Scored as Egwene al' Vere


    You are Egwene al'Vere. Like Egwene, you are strongwilled and determined. You often disobey the rules, but for the good of the people. You like to dream and think that if you hope enough, anything can come true.


    Egwene al' Vere: 70%

    Elayne Trakand: 65%

    Moiraine Damodred: 60%

    Galadedrid Damodred: 60%

    Nynaeve al' Meara: 50%

    Thom Merrilin: 45%

    al' Lan Mandragoran: 20%

    Matrim Cauthon: 15%

    Perrin Aybara: 10%

    Rand al' Thor: 0%





    (I got a tie-breaker :O)


    You Scored as Rhuarc


    Rhuarc, leader of the Aiel on this side of the Dragonwall; you are firm yet fair, dangerous yet cautious and will do as asked, though not always as commanded. Without you, much of the military strength would not exist. There is something about you which makes people want to follow you. But, beware your wives...they carry knives and are willing to use them.


    Mazrim Taim: 56%

    Rhuarc: 56%

    Perrin t'Bashere Aybara: 44%

    Logain Ablar: 44%

    Rand al'Thor: 25%

    al'Lan Mandragoran: 19%

    Mat Cauthon: 19%

    Shai'tan: 6%

    Loial: 0%






    You Scored as Egwene


    You are Egwene al'Vere! Strong and independent, and able to carry burdens beyond your years, you are an excellent rolemodel for other young women.


    Egwene: 90%

    Verin: 75%

    Berelain: 65%

    Moiraine: 65%

    Nynaeve: 65%

    Lanfear: 50%

    Liandrin: 50%

    Graendal: 45%

  2. And not to worry, I'm happily bonded to someone already, who may or may not be the slightly jealous type that'll hunt you down and send you to Pluto...I've seen it happen, its not pretty :P


    Sounds unpleasant.. *contemplates how to send Ed to pluto


    Easy, just throw him really, really hard

  3. *rolls her eyes* Raijin, Please pardon these two's em.. Display <3


    Keep an eye on me you say as well? *laughs* Last time I heard that I ended up finding myself a warder to be. ;D  Don't think I could handle another.


    No biggie XD



    And not to worry, I'm happily bonded to someone already, who may or may not be the slightly jealous type that'll hunt you down and send you to Pluto...I've seen it happen, its not pretty :P


    Yes, I am a creeper. ;D




    I was wondering why there was suddenly a camera in my apartment


    The only reason why I sparkle to Ed is cause he throws glitter on me..


    Yes, that is acceptable ;)

  5. I'm actually curious to see how your followers will react to my intrusion (fire?)





    I have forseen your coming good sir...for many a turnings of the Wheel.


    Give your Goddess some love! >:(




    While I don't think I'll become a follower, I'll need to keep an eye on the one they call Limi...she has an evil streak and power, a bad combo XD

  6. *laughs delightedly* Oh no no no. I am not really in competition with any one seeing as how I never MAKE any one worship me. ^^

    Well jeeze girl, you'll never get anywhere that way,

    Where's that iron fist?  :P


    They all ask to and I only require two things.


    Loyalty to Me and Honesty to All.

    OOo, rules, there's a good start  ;)


    Other than that it's pretty free range ;D You get a couch and get fed chocolate covered strawberries too though. ^^ And if you are really good bad you get the whip and stilettos. <3

    If you're offering stilettos as a gift you'll have quite the time getting some to fit my feet  :P




    I'm actually curious to see how your followers will react to my intrusion (fire?)

  7. I see... o_O



    So, what exactly are the benefits of entering into servitude indoctrination into the Church of Limi over say, Odin or Thor? Do you have a cool thunder hammer? Wild pagan celebrations to appease the ruler over death?



  8. In a mood that can only be described as 'boredom" (brought on by studying), I have decided to stick my head in and see what in the nine hells this place is.


    The first post only serves to raise more questions

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