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Posts posted by PiedPiper

  1. I've never thought of wontons before, but I will now!


    Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to imply that the changes will be negative by default. But I will be interested to see opinions on the show from someone who's never read WoT and will think of it as a show first and an adaptation second, rather than instinctively comparing it to the books.


    I actually think this is an interesting discussion to be had -- whether you read the book or the movie first, you lose something either way. With the book first, you lose the ability to judge an adaptation as its own work, and if you watch the adaptation before reading the book, you lose a lot of the mystery and intrigue that you'd experience while reading if you didn't already know what would happen.

  2. I'm certain the WoT fandom will expand when the TV show is released (unless it's a bad show... please, dear God, let it be a good TV show for the sake of the creators' health, because if it isn't they will go to sleep one evening and never wake up, and my fingerprints will be all over the crime scene and I'd rather not go to jail). Hypotheses on the expansion of the DM community? Do you wonder if there'll be a tonal shift as more non-readers join?

  3. 1 hour ago, blank said:

    A Green Aes Sedai called PoetStorm was my mentor. If this helps with the history lesson haha. 

    Excellent. Having now tacked everything onto a corkboard and tied red string between random thumbtacks, I am ready to begin my evil plan. What is the goal of this plan, you ask? *looks around nervously* errr... It's a secret! It would be no true evil plan if I revealed my intentions!

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