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Everything posted by Delenn

  1. I think the mystery is likely as simple as my account got deleted for space during one of the great migrations. lol At least SD managed to restore the vast majority of emails people sent me! 🀍 I have those going all the way back to 2007. And there is still a join date for me in the MoN books.
  2. LoL I was referring to my favorite eyebrow suddenly appearing. Wait.. It's not Delenn?
  3. Actually, I am pretty sure I made them for all the full ranked Warder's that wanted them at the time and gave them each the .gif so they could insert it in their sigs. So it's possible they are out there. They were the shifting cloak sigs back around 2007. I made more than a few for different people and gave them the image. I can't even remember my old photobucket sign-in. Though I did find a picture that I'd put up from it in an old archived thread. Had the whole photobucket will delete across it but... And SD 🀍
  4. That wasn't my fault! I didn't realize 20 people loading pages with those at the same time would overload the server. πŸ˜…
  5. I am hoping someone has some of the ones I made for them way back when... Especially if someone still has one of those shifting Warder cloak sigs I made once.... ? 😁
  6. Oooh! *feels her inner sparkly trolloc come out and pounces on all the chocolate*
  7. Hello! Could I have an L please?
  8. Delenn


    I really need to do a reread. And a SciFi movie weekend! That one is my favorite personally. That shot at the end of the twins in the throne room! And Leto II's speech! He really got the intonation on that one. Even though the scene was just a bit different than I remember it!
  9. These are all so beautiful! I was looking for something to match but this came up ~ White Chocolate even!
  10. Wait you're drinking Taint? Like Shadow Mad Taint? This would explain so much.... But well aged you say?πŸ€”
  11. I absolutely adore how Mother went from chocolate to Diamonds. 😍 All of the above being true, I would add that specifically a person would not be able to channel pure foodstuffs into existence, because they are made from living things. One of the very first things we ever see in the books is the horror of Lewis trying to use the OP to create life in the dead. And many time in the books we are told the OP cannot return the dead to life but can save those who are at the very edge. Similarly, to truly create food you have to first create the plants they came from. Our food must be living for it grow to the point of ripeness for example. The books did mention Elaida making roses grow in winter for Elayne, but those were existing plants. I am of the opinion that we could make chocolate if we had the ingredients but we couldn't make the ingredients themselves. 🀎
  12. *eyes Hero suspiciously and wonders where Lily's gone* And what would it be exactly you were offering me to drink?
  13. Oh, visitors! Welcome! 🀎 You're in luck! We have chocolate to offer! πŸ’Œ
  14. Hello Boopsy! I was thinking it might be time for a MoN siggy please! 😊 I guess it should say Delenn Sedai and Mistress of Novices. Mistress at Arms .. or Dragonmount's Snuggle MoNster would be other optional additions! πŸ˜„ For a design I thought~ White splashed with the Ajah colours. This image gave me the idea... I know it's not great quality so its up to you if you use it or it is just inspiration. Hope that's all still open ended enough!
  15. Welcome CalebH! What you are describing is of course the ultimate, especially for an Aes Sedai. I love the poem, The Man Who Walks with the Healer ( author Manzaka Amanda) but it is not fully pg13, which we stick to here. A part of me actually liked their relationship, or at least it's potential. I always wondered if she could get him to unbend. My issue starts with the fact that his sense of honour leads him to betray all he claims to love. Including her. Repeatedly. I was never able to trust him around her again. I would have much rather her choose Galad. Questioning where your Warder's loyalty lies, with you or elsewhere, would be more than most AS could bear, and more than an Amyrlin should ever have to think about. She needs to trust that bond more than anything and I don't think she ever could deep in her heart.
  16. Hmmm ok, after all who can resist a good romance? Rand & Min ~ She's good for him, keeps him from brooding or becoming too full of himself without taking away the core of who he is for the most part. If anything perhaps she encourages it to blossom. He's good for her because he keeps her safe from those who'd exploit her visions. Their relationship is mostly believable and has a depth that others in the series lack. Rand & Avi ~ It was interesting, I particularly liked how the dynamic of prophecy and them drawn by it but ultimately not loving it is explored. So many times an author goes with the old prophecied relationship and the great romance it ends up being. It seems like an act of courage to explore how that could go sideways. Rand & Elyane ~ The less said about that scene in the throne room the better. He didn't deserve it and she was not a Queen in that moment. Avi & Egwene/Elyane ~ Oh, didn't think I'd go there? This is... complicated. I think Avi is in love with both of them in a way that has left her a bit confused and with some sort of transference between the two. So very complicated but here is where Avi's heart really lies. Lan & Nyn ~ While I loved their story in the book, I must say she doesn't deserve him. But I do respect her "All for my Beloved/ rally the troops" attitude in the end. Siuan & Gareth ~ Oh so adorable as they get close. Perrin & Faile ~ Meh, I do like how she'd fight to protect him. Mat & Tuon ~ Just what? Best romance you don't see? Rhuarc, Amys, & Lian ~ Even though this only has brief glimpses, the stunning warmth and love that they feel for each other is clear and the way they handle him between them, and how he reacts, is charming. And the clear love that Amys and Lian have for each other is also mentioned at one point I think. It's unclear if it extends to the physical, (it didn't seem like it to me) but it is still there. It makes me want to be a fly on that wall.
  17. Delenn

    Dark Quotes

    β€œDo you wrestle with dreams? Do you contend with shadows? Do you move in a kind of sleep? Time has slipped away. Your life is stolen. You tarried with trifles, Victim of your folly.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune
  18. Could I have a T, please?
  19. Purple stains?!? I wear white all the time! *tries to move and is stuck down in some way* Boopsy, there isn't frog leg chicken noodle soup in this mess is there? Sis! Oh thank goodness! What is going on here?
  20. What, what and fermented pardon? Sounds delightful... I think... Glad to come visiting!
  21. Yes, welcome! And what Mother has said. Come visit the social boards and just relax, chat and have a bit of fun! It will be lovely to get to know you! ❄️
  22. πŸ˜„ Thank you, Lily! Your's is still shining too, I promise.
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