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Posts posted by Risyn_Mael

  1. 9 hours ago, Cass said:

    Also, feel free to create a Black Tower/ Band of the Red Hand/Wolfkin char too and come play with us over in the Alliance ? We should be kicking off again properly in a couple of weeks ^.^

    Fun! I may just do that. There's always more characters kicking around in my head, looking for a way out. ?

  2. Well, goodness...bios@dragonmount.com is NOT the same as bio@dragonmount.com. I'm apparently too eager to proofread. ?


    I just resent it to the correct address. Thank you for reaching out about not seeing it! I would've just sat contentedly for a few days and then started to worry.

  3. I just submitted a Bio a moment ago, and as I have a bit of the "while the iron is hot" feeling, is there any preliminary writing I can or should do for my character's Novice work, even if I obviously would want to wait on posting it until the Bio is approved.


    Thank you! ?

  4. Just wanted to drop a quick message here to introduce myself, as I did on the main "welcome" board. I'll be submitting a bio for a character in the next couple of days, and look forward to meeting more of y'all.


    3 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    This is the tough part. We don't know how this healing works mechanically enough to say if it would affect Cancer or TumorsRJ was detailed, but not that detailed.


    True. And the fact that, by the end of the series, we understand that there truly are multiple ways to perform healing makes it even difficult to be certain what is and is not possible.


    4 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    True. There was an interview question someone asked RJ once about if the OP could do something, and he basically said "Yes, but why do something so complicated, when a simple fireball to the face will suffice." (In no way is that even paraphrasing, just the gist of what he said!)

    Don't forget though, that one of the ways they sow political instability, is in their ability to lie, when everyone knows they can't. :wink:


    Absolutely agree--and a big reason I'm fascinated by villains who don't always deliver fireballs to the face. That's A tactic for when you're engaged in open war. Before the battle lines are clearly known, subtlety often accomplishes more than outright aggression. There are good reasons, after all, why the Black Ajah stayed hidden for millennia:


    Black is not only the "color of evil" but also the color of darkness and shadows, and the things that go bump just out of sight.  ?

  6. Absolutely agree with all of the above comments. The audiobooks are top notch, and on Audible, it is a very good deal. Given the length of the books, by the time you get through one of them, it may well be time for your next "free book" with your monthly membership. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Are you implying all those old wisdoms are just Regular old people, or Old wilders? Because if they are old looking and able to channel to any degree of strength, they should be... really old.


    Just that they're regular old people, and that in many parts of the world, there aren't enough Wilders for them to form the core of the healers in a region--given all of the accidental culling of the ability over the past thousands of years.  

  8. Efficiency isn't necessarily the most effective tool for "evil".  At least not in all circumstances, and especially not when one is undercover. Depending on their specific strengths and predilections, this could be a way for a Black Ajah AS to sow political instability or damage the morale of an institution. 


    To get speculative, one also wonders if tumors caused by this warped form "healing" might be potentially resistant to true healing--as it was a related (but twisted) weave that created the illness. And, if so, that could be another psychological weapon, this one to undercut the authority and prestige of Aes Sedai and the White Tower. An Aes Sedai failing, even in part, to Heal someone? "Truly, these are dark times we're living in..."

  9. Hello. ?


    I used to be a member here, many years ago, and I'm circling back around for another visit. My fondness for WoT never waned, but it's definitely going through a renaissance at the moment. Rereading the books for the first time in a few years (up to the first 100 pages of Winter's Heart, at the moment), and enjoying it immensely. Especially, since I know which parts I can safely skim...


    It's a little quieter here at Dragonmount than it used to be, perhaps, but still looks like a lot of wonderful people in community. 


    Cheers! And I look forward to getting to know you all.

  10. A couple of possibilities, perhaps:


    1) The Seanchan were able to determine that it was the work of a ter'angreal, using the Power, versus an angreal or sa'angreal, amplifying the power--and thus assumed that 6 battle-trained damane, with a military escort, would be able to handle even twice their number of "barbaric" Westland channelers.


    2) The initial force was merely a scouting or reconnaissance party, intending to take seize control of the situation, if possible, or report back for reinforcements if necessary.


    Or there's always this one:


    3) Bureaucratic incompetence or red tape precluded sending an appropriate force on short notice.?

  11. When I first read the subject line of this thread, my mind went to a similar place as @SinisterDeath, regarding the possibility of uncontrolled cell growth and tumor formation. Obviously, that's not a thing that we see with the healing weaves taught and used in the series, but I can easily imagine that before the weaves were "perfected", that one would see disturbing side effects akin to cancer. And, it is not hard to imagine, further that these could or would be weaponized in some way. Either as a tool for "delayed assassination", if left to develop at a slow speed, or as a disturbing shock or psychological weapon if ramped up to high speed. Not the most efficient weapon, but a horrific one.

  12. To venture a guess, it seems like there may be many reasons for the lack of "old" Wisdoms we see in the Two Rivers area. One may be the simple matter of a small sample size, statistically speaking, introducing an element of randomness that's not representative of what we'd see if we had more data.


    That's not very fun, though, so let's put it aside for now.


    Another possibility is that historically we would see a lot more older women serving as Wisdom in the communities in and around the Two Rivers. In this moment in time, however, as the Old Blood begins to really sing again (that river that splits apart and winds its way down through the years before rejoining again), there is an abundance of highly-capable young women who've ended up as Wisdoms within a few years of each other.


    Given that, outside of the Two Rivers, we very rarely (if ever?) see young women serving as Wisdoms/Wise Women/other healers, that is my basic assumption--especially when coupled with the fact that everyone is borderline scandalized at Nynaeve's youth in EotW.

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