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Posts posted by Caroline

  1. This is great, thank you guys for providing such an interesting discussion. There are many details which had slipped my mind. I guess there is no direct reference to Moiraine (not) returning to the White Tower between the events in NS and tEotW, or it would have surfaced by now. The circumstantial tidbits, and speculating about them, are fun, though!

  2. On 8/23/2019 at 10:09 PM, Niniel said:

    Don’t know about the link but welcome to Dragonmount! Fellow European here. (From Sweden.) If you feel like getting to know people then I would recommend the clubs. It’s a place where introverts can have fun together. ? (The Black Tower is a great place to get crazy.) 

    Hi Niniel, and thank you! I've had a look around at the clubs, and I definitely think I'll join one. I have the impression that it's ok to join more than one of them, but I'll start out slowly and carefully. ?


    On 8/24/2019 at 6:20 AM, Taymist said:

    Brussels is beautiful! I visited there once, many years ago on a trip as a Girl Guide. We had a wonderful time. Well. apart from the Zeebrugge disaster, we passed the ferry on our way over to Bruges which was rather traumatic. But our actual stay was great. My second visit was to Ghent for our Dragonmount Euromeet and it just confirmed for me what a wonderful place Belgium is and how lovely its people are. :smile:



    A lot of our forums have been archived and some threads are undergoing an overhaul which included the information in that board. It was very outdated. It'll be back once the Admin team are finished sprucing it up. 


    Most of our Social Groups are now under the "Clubs" tab at the top of the index page ^^^^^. Take a look around and see if you fancy joining any. If you get stuck, just shout on this board, someone will be around to help.


    Thanks for the info, Taymist! I did notice some references to recent changes  on the forum. Starting with the clubs seems like a good idea to get to know the site better.

    Oh no, what Zeebrugge disaster do you mean? I just did a quick search, is it the one from 1987? I hadn't heard about it yet! That must indeed have been awful, to see close up while so young. I often feel a bit weird, not knowing so much about the recent history of Belgium. I moved here in 2003, and had a lot to catch up on. People still sometimes look at me as if I'm an alien when I don't recognise songs or movies. I guess Belgians are harder on fellow Belgians than they are on visitors. ? But, even though I'm more of a village/woods/fields person, I have to agree that Brussels and Ghent are beautiful old cities.

  3. Hey guys,


    I started reading WoT in 2008. My brother and a friend of mine had been trying to get me to read the books, but I wasn't sure the fantasy genre would be for me, since I had read mainly sci fi, and only LotR, before then. But, after borrowing EotW from my brother, I fell in love immediately. In the first couple of books, I was mainly excited to see where the story would take Perrin (I guess a bit like Ernest - wolves, come on!) and Nynaeve (I liked her grumpiness, and still do). But as the story and the world expanded, and as I started rereading, I noticed that almost every character and place had something that touched me (either in a positive or a negative way). To this day, I have to force myself to start reading other books than WoT after finishing another reread. There are so many great stories out there (though I have yet to find one that tops WoT), and, sadly, time is finite.


    I have visited this forum more than a couple of times as a non-member, whenever I was a bit unsure about something and googled a question. Getting here usually meant me realising, a couple of hours later, that I had just read whole threads, or clicked through to other ones, without realising time was passing. I don't think I will be posting a lot (I've always been more of a lurker), but am definitely looking forward to see which topics are still under discussion.


    My boyfriend is currently reading TSR. He started reading quite a while ago, but didn't get farther than ACoS, so he wanted to start again from scratch. I'm reading Leigh Butler's reread in order to be able to answer his questions. It's nice to be able to discuss the books with him, although I do notice I'm a bit of a zealot, and take some criticisms he has on the stories or RJ's writing personally. ? ("It says it right there! Just read it properly, man!")


    Since I notice most people on here also post their nationality: I'm Belgian (even though I grew up in Germany), and live not very far from Brussels. We have an old and awesome dog. (Dutch shepherd/border collie mix. In moonlight, her shadow looks a bit like a wolf.) ?


    And, finally, I do have a question: in the original post of this thread, there is a link to a thread where there is supposed to be a lot of information for newbies to DM. The link doesn't work for me (Error code: 2F173/H). I'll try to find the thread on my own, but I just wanted to let you guys know. And if someone does have the link, sharing it would be much appreciated. (Otherwise, I might just get sucked into another wormhole, and forget what I was looking for in the first place.)


    Wishing you a nice day,



  4. 11 hours ago, DemandredFO said:

    Slayer seems like a missed opportunity, I mean he can enter TAR in the flesh, he's related to Rand and Lan but TAR is the only skill set every used. I also wish we knew how and why he was made.

    I couldn't agree more. If I had to vote for characters we could get more back story on, Slayer would be way up there. Growing up in the Town, meeting Luc, ... It wouldn't be an uplifting story, but definitely an interesting one.

    My boyfriend is finally reading WoT, after years of me nagging him to do so. He's currently reading TSR, and is intrigued by Slayer. I'm a bit sad that most of his questions won't really get answered at all.

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