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Posts posted by seph

  1. Everything seemed to happen so fast. He hardly had any time to react, but what's done is done. He turned to look at his car.... it may manage to get home but he will now have to have it scrapped and melted.... his favorite car ruined. Maybe he should think a little more about his actions before he takes them. Jeffrey had always said he was the smartest dumb kid he knew.


    All of a sudden it started to get foggy' but his worry faded as the last dreykin died. Until he saw what was causing it abd how passed dorian looked...


    Barry saw Dorian walk in over " would you believe I lost control and just happened to end up here"

    Dorrian was shaking his head...


    Barry heard the sirens and knew he should get the car out of here and listen to Dorian. He's was goin to head home, then to Dorian's place.


    "Sorry about the mess I didnt think about the aftermath"

  2. Barry headed out to the car that jeffrey had left for him.It was his favorite. A brand new Lamborghini, and the latest model at that. He sat there for a moment to recall what had just happened. To make sure that this wasn't a dream. He had jus ran into 4 hunters and he walked out alive with 1 knowing what he was. Well maybe Luck now on his side.

    He pulled around to the front of the mansion just beyond the gate, there was a long line of vehicles. Apparently folks had been in such a rush after the alarm sounded that a few collided out of recklessness.


    As he was waiting he found something quite strange. After tonight, after fireballs, hunters, and creatures of myth. The first thing to come into his mind was selena, he had always avoided women and relationships before. But there was something different with her, no matter how hard he tried he could not forget about her.


    The vehicles in line were finally moving, he needed to get washed up, he may not of done the killing, but everything was a mess and his shirt had a gash in it.


    On hia way home he saw something on the far side of the road, the lights were affecting his eyesight. If he was right it looked like there was more of those dreykin, he believed that's what the called them. Why were there more n out here?? Maybe they were after box as well and got caught up, but it looked as if they were trying to corner someone.

    "Maybe its just a civilian who need a help" he chuckled to himself as he turned the car around. He turned the headlights off and rolled down the passenger window. When he was close enough he turned on the brights and slid his tail end around towards the creatures to avoid hitting the person they were fighting. He fired two shots the first hitting him in the chest and the second missed. The other two seemed to jump on each side to avoid the impact.

    His car rolled over completely during the idiotic stunt crushing the dreykin he had hit earlier.Barry rushed out of the car with blood running down his face. He fell on hia butt and looked over hia shoulder at the fellow standing there. .. " well it wasn't my best ideas"


    Barry slowly got up feeling a pain in his leg. Nothing was broken, it would just need time to heal.


    Barry had his pistol ready looking for the other two." Im barry by the way". " i thought you coukd use some help.

  3. Barry was Still in awe about everything that happened, with four atharim standing in front of him he wondered how he seemed to get in messes like this. A thought then occurred to him. Nox could channel, yet martin and the others have let him live. It was to Barry's understanding that they killed them on site as well as the so called monster that he was. It was amusing to him, he was as kind heated as the next human, he understood it though. He had never seen another wolfkin besides himself. That was most likely due to them going mad. If not controlled Jeffrey told him the beast would take over and he would no long be Barry Gordon. What Jeffrey put him through was unimaginable, but it had to be done. The man had saved his life more than once and for that he was grateful. 


    As if finally remembering he casually walked up to the group with a check in hand. it was a 3 million dollar contribution to the charity for the atharim. He knew what it was for thanks to Jeffrey. Donating seemed like a good way to keep them from your trail. "Dorian since your father is the host I will leave this with you". it looks as if everyone will survive." Sorry we had to meet under such circumstances, but I think I will go get cleaned up now" as Barry was walking away he whispered to Dorian "I'll meet up with you at the house if that's acceptable." he waited for a response before he turned his head and left the mansion.

  4. Barry Gordon
    age: 23
    Birthdate: Jan 30 2027
    powers&amp: wolfkin

    Psychological description
    Barry is outgoing, he usually acts before he thinks. He usually makes friends wherever he goes. Barry will always try to help those in need. not just because he can, because he wants to.

    Physical description:
    Barry is 6'4 with a average build. He is 210 pounds and wears green contacts to cover up his yellow eyes. He does not even look intimidating, but when in a rough situation he is reliable.

    Barry couldn't remember much of his childhood, he had vague memories of running and playing with his mother, and even Jeffrey at times. The thing he did remember was the pain of his father never being around. Kenneth accepted a role into the CCD government when he was a young child, he had developed a security system that was used by most of the CCD. However it was against the wishes of his mother because she knew it would hurt their son.
    Barry knew even as a kid his father loved him, he told Barry whenever he did get a chance. however there was always going to be a hole that no one could fill. Barry missed his father, longed for him.

    As Barry turned 11 he began to act out. He inherited his intelligence from his father, because Barry would go around inserting little viruses into various things, causing all sorts of trouble for Jeffrey and the IT fellows working for him. Barry was acting out because he had no idea what to do. He lost his mother a year ago to a sickness, Julie had been his rock, and without her it felt like he was sinking, no matter how hard he stuggled, nothing would ever get better.

    Over the next few years Jeffrey became his best friend. He taught Barry when he could, but mostly he learned from the best money could buy. Barry wasn't allowed public schools. He had tutors which were the best in their respected fields.
    Jeffrey eventually took over as the head of operations while kenneth was gone. Git started to develop new technology under Jeffrey. alot of it seemed like ordinary everyday gadgets, or survival gear to Barry. He thought, no he knew he could make something to follow in his father legacy, to surpass him. He would become a greater, and a better man than his father had been.

    In a way Jeffrey was the male figure in his life, Barry looked up to him.... That made his decision that much harder. One day Barry came to Jeffrey stating that he was a adult now. A mere 15 years old, and he should be allowed to work for the company. Stating that he was more intelligent than most of the employees at GIT. However true that may be Barry, Jeffrey stated that his father had left instuctions for him to be sent to Milton prep before he turned 16 to prepare him for his future.. He would be sent there to learn various skills. leadership, combat, technical, and others as well. Although it wasn't Jeffrey's idea Barry had hated him for it, every time he gets close to someone they hurt him.

    Barry arrived at Milton prep nervous and shaking. He had never had to function around this many people at once. There were hundreds at GIT, but this was the largest military schools in the nation. signing up for classes his advisers set him up with a guide, a sophomore at the school to show him around campus. Warner was his name, and through the next few years he became Barry's best friend. He was completely different than barry however, the man loved adventure and always seemed to get Barry in trouble. Although Barry never said no. Warner was also the one that introduced Barry to the art of sword fighting. It had started with a fencing class, and turned into not only a hobby, but something he loved.

    Barry had never beaten warner, but he had given Barry praise on how quickly he learned. what took most people a year took him only 6 months. Unfortunately Warner was graduating this year and headed into the world of politics. He said its nice to have a military background. Graduation came and went, even without Warren there he practiced his sword, as much as he did his other work. Hardly leaving time for much else.

    The next year Barrys graduation came, he was extremely excited to see Jeffrey again, he looked distraught and for some reason barry could tell he was worried. He smelled??? Barry stopped thinking about it once warnen walked up. "Didn't think I would miss this did you? :
    He said tilting his head back and chuckling. "Sorry to interrupt" Jeffrey said, "but this came from your father". This was the first letter he had gotten in a year. Excited Barry ripped open the letter, but his smile soon faded and slowly a few tears rolled down his face.

    Barry I am writing to you today from a bed at the regional hospital. I am sorry I have never
    told you sooner but I was diagnosed with cancer. I was hoping to make it your graduation and spend
    time with you finally as I retired a few days ago. I regret to inform you that By the time you read
    this, i will most likely not be in this world any longer. Before I go, I wanted to let you know how much
    I love you son, and I am sorry for not having said it enough, being around for all your birthdays,
    or teaching you how to handle women. I apologize that I put work before my son, but know this I have had
    a new photo placed in my wallet each year to keep me reminded. Happiness cannot be found with money, and
    if you find do not push it away like I did. You and your mother were my world. I am sorry I did not provide
    the world for you. Please I ask of you to take control of my company, and with Jeffrey change this world for
    the better and do not repeat my mistake. I always have and always will love you my son.

    Warner grabbed his shoulder as if he could tell im sorry he said... He looked at Jeffrey, "if you don't mind can i borrow him." He took him to the first place they became friends. the fencing yard. Barry he said, I do not know
    what that note said, but I have a idea. I have more faith in you than you know. "Life is always going to hand us situations some good, some bad, and some that are uncomprehendable. It is how you react to the situations that makes you who you are Barry, you are my friend and nothing will change that."

    Warner threw a practice sword at Barry. " you always did talk better while fighting"
    "Let me see how much you improved".

    As soon as Barry caught the sword he went after Warner with a flurry of strikes, left, right, left, left, but he blocked each as easily as the next. Barry went to strike over head when Warner stopped him before he could start the motion. " if you are going to fight me with emotion like that, you will lose" as he punched him in the stomach Barry folded over as his breath escaped him. Trying to catch his breath he backed away and sought to find the calmness that Warner had taught him long ago. It was harder to find than ever before, but this time when he found it, everything seemed a little different. He could notice things he hadn't seen before, and his hearing improved slightly, Barry could hear warner's footsteps as if he was walking right by his head.

    Before he got to comfortable Warner leaped at him, it looked as if he ran but he never seemed out of his stance. He was able to block every strike but the last as he brushed his cheek with the practice sword." I will not hold back any longer". Barry had to focus even harder as Warner's strikes kept coming. It seemed strange but as the fight went on he could see the swords pattern more clearly, see where Warner wanted to strike. Not that it helped him that much, Warner was still in a league of his own. Barry parried his last strike and went to the offensive, not letting Warner do anything but defend. each strike was getting faster and more precise. The calmness that he had found was begging to shake there was a pressure inside his head. As if it was going to explode, his eyes were getting hazy but he had to keep fighting, to show Warner he deserved his respect he had given him.

    At last everything came to a haul, and there he was laying on his back with a imprint of a practice sword on his forehead. Warner lay across on the other side on his back panting. If it wasn't him then what.... as he looked up Jeffrey was there sword in hand, if he hadn't stepped in Barry would have thrust the sword into his friends neck. " I don't remember what happened," I'm really sorry Warner"! Warner had tripped over a board laying there and fallen backwards. luckily had not seen Barry attempt to kill him before Jeffrey stepped in.

    Jeffrey " I think its time to say our goodbyes. I will wait outside"
    Barry " It was a technicality I didn't deserve it.
    Warner" In a fight there is a winner and a loser, what determined it does not matter"

    Barry you Arr my brother, promise to keep in touch. Warner agreed as both men turned away to start their lives in a separate direction.

    Barry and Jeffrey arrived at the mansion when inside Jeffrey said" I think its about time we had a talk" has anything happened like today, or anything strangely cant explain:?

    Barry told Jeffrey about all the effects that had been happening from voices in a low volume , to his dreams, to his nightmares. That was the only time I have ever lost any control though.

    Jeffrey" good good I think we will have time. You see your father worked with the atharim. He developed weapons gadgets and anything that that were of use to them, you see he did this before he developed GIT security systems . It was all for you Barry"

    Over the next few years Jeffrey had helped him control his inner beast. It was hell learning, trying to keep it from taking over.  He felt there was so much to understand still, and so many secrets he still did not know. One thing was sure, he did not know if he would ever fully control it! Jeffrey developed a serum, which seemed to calm it. Kind of like a tranquilizer for his beast half. This helped him learn to control it until his  training had a bye product of golden eyes and heightened senses. He only used the serum now when he was sleeping, because the dreams were to much for him, heck he didn't even understand any of them. Occasionally when barry became to flustered or didn't know what to do the serum was need. so it was best to always keep a little with him.

    All that was left is to start his life over, hiding in plain site, as Jeffrey called it. If you could call hiding a life.

  5. Barry was quite alarmed to learn that Dorian and nox we're both hunters. he needed to be careful, but with the fact that he wasn't dead already showed that he could trust Dorian a little.

    When they entered barry saw a fireball fly from nox... " what in the blue moon!!" Barry could smell the burning monster as if he was an inch away. He heard of a legend. He never thought it could be true. Still in disbelieve he spoke softly to dorian. "Just a illuminator right. .. (with a nervous chuckle)"


    " i think ill wait by the corridor here while you go check on him". Yes yes better to be safe then sorry he thought. He wasnt sure what exactly was happening. Barry should be terrified for his life right know. There were four.. four Atharim in front of him!!! While he knew he should be careful' his hands trembled, not from being nervous though, oh light they were trembling from excitement!


    Barry had always thought of himself as a good man, helping were he could. Which is one of the reasons he had come back to help nox he thought. No good person should have to die when he could prevent such a thing.

    if he didnt die here jeffrey was sure to ring his neck.




    "I will wait back here Dorian, for now" he would be listening at a distance

  6. Barry was thrown back for a second, he hadn't ment for them to find out. He had been using his powers but he felt they were needed here. " I can give you a general vicinity of them, I know nox and Elliot are here. Martin is the closest" he knew there smells from the dining hall.", Jared Wil be some were opposite us." The smells were blending together. And he was having a harder time separating one from another.

    " I would prefer it if what i am stays between you and me. That includes nox for now. "Trusting someone is quite hard, especially when they know atharim agents..."


    Before Dorian could say anything barry said " lets go"

  7. Barry finally found them as the sirens went off. It suited him better as he could almost see just as good in this light as the he main ballroom." Looks like i didn't miss the party" as soon as barry entered his expression changed.


    "Dorian, im not exactly sure what is going on but I can tell you this much. We need to head over there and we should hurry." Pointing towards the western corridor."ill follow... this time"


    Barry was going to be Dorian eyes pointing to the creature once he saw it. "Over there he whispered" he had hoped th creature hadn't noticed them yet. Barry would of took a shot but probably would of missed, and just alerted the monster. He would wait until he was in range.


    Barry could not believe his eyes, he had heard of these monsters from jeffrey. He never told barry that they actually existed..

  8. Barry was having a wonderful time with selena. Honestly he could not remember the last time he had this much fun. "Nox didn't tell me that you danced this well".

    selena"speaking of nox" barry turned around to meet him nox and nodded with worried eyes.


    Walking back to selena he spoke under the music to where only she could hear him. " I do not want this night to end, but unfortunately the banquet will end sooner than expected. I will be your escort tonight." As he held out his hand waiting for her to grab hold.


    Barry saw nox head out the back so he headed for the nearest exit away from the danger. As he was headed out a signal was sent from his watch and jeffrey was out in front of the exit waiting " I trust this man with my life, and he will take you anywhere you would go, but it had to be away from here'. He was hoping she understood since the directions had come from someone she knew.

    Barry spoke softly.. "i would hate for this night to end" he started the other way before pausing and turning back around. Selena rolled down the window and barry presented her a rose he had tucked away. " the night only ends when we let it, for there is always another"


    Barry started to the trunk of the limo that opened where he grabbed a pistol and headed back. He wasn't the best or the worse whe it came to shooting. Honestly he preferred to fight at closen range with a weapon of his own invention. He started back towards nox and the others, using his senses to find them and to not walk in the plan and spoil it. That wasn't the best way to go about making friends.

  9. Nox was taking Barry over to meet selena he nodded to jared, and he could sense something had changed, as he could now smell bloodlust from somewere in the room. " best to be careful with whatever the situation is nox".


    After nox introduced barry to selena he greeted her warmly. He didn't think he could be this nervous. "Its a pleasure to make your aquantiance." Barry talked with selena for a few minutes asking about her, trying not screw this up. He had never been exactly smooth. "I noticed I haven't seen you on the dance floor yet. May I have the honor" barry asked with a slight bow and hand extended

  10. Barry was shocked when nox pointed to Serena. She was one of the few who caught his eye. He had never been in any one relationship go to long. He wasn't bad with the ladies or to awkward for that matter. "She is gorgeous" slipped out without him even realizing. He would have to be careful women always seemed to have more power over him than they should. " I will have to make time for a dance it seems" if he could work up his courage that is.

    He wasn't the most handsome man in the room, but maybe with his charm and a little bit of luck he could pulling off.

    Barry reached and grabbed to grab a Champaign " a few more of these should do the trick" He put down the glass and reached to meet the man nox was introducing. "Ah yes, nox has been most pleasant, Mr. Vega didn't mention if you would be entertaining tonight. Im thankful for the chance to meet you"


    If this was laying low, he wasn't sure how the rest of the night would unfold. " GIT..." just coming back from his thought. Barry really needed to stop spacing out when focusing on something. One of these days it was going to work against him.

    "It's quite more. Getting thrown into the position was pretty hard at first. I have learned though, I don't need to just follow in his footsteps and build off his program. I can build my own legacy, besides filling those shoes is near impossible"

  11. Barry sat down as the food was arriving, and it smelled marvelous. He tried to tune out the surrounding voices and just focus on his table and food but since he had changed. "jeffrey Had said transformed"jeffrey seemed to know more about this than he should, but thanks to him barry had control over it... well for the most part.


    Barry sat through the idol chatter while eating the desert, it not that the desert wasn't to his liking. Then taste of the dinner masked it. While eating barry began to look around the room he found many faces he recognized, there were millionaires; there were techies; and then those faces he knew better than any the atharim. He only knew one or two but from what he learned from jeffrey. But he knew to proceed with caution around them. Many of them smelled eager I guess that was usual for them.


    Barry jumped as Mr. Vega came over and rushed to shake the mans hand who Mr. Vega introduced( Barry really need to learn to use more than one sense at a time). Nox was it? Any man Mr Vega speaks highly of is surely something. But please Mr. Gordon was my father and the brains behind GIT (gordon-It)call me Barry, or silas if you prefer.


    Barry laughed to hide his uneasiness. (He had never met anyone who he could not sense how the felt) well nox, if t out don't mind me calling you that. Whenever you come to an event like this alone. There's not much to do besides enjoy the food and smile. Barry nudged nox a little, you wouldn't happen to know if there are any singles here I'm 0-2 already.


    Barry threw back his head and chuckled.

  12. Barry was headed to the charity event at the mansion and was late as usual. His sense of fashion never was any good so was trying on every suit until Jeffrey had to step in. A simple black suit, with his father's favorite tie. The tie itself looked as if you were staring into the midnight sky with just the stars to listen to your worries.

    He still has never gotten use to these events since his parents had both passed. He was Informed last year while at Milton prep a military school that, he was now responsible for his familys fortune. If it wasn't for Jeffrey, his fathers right hand man he wouldn't even be here today to honor his family.


    As he started in he could smell the food that was prepared. His stomach growled to remind him he still had not eaten today, he needed to remind himself to eat at a pace. He didn't want them to think he was a rabid animal after all, and began chuckling as his own joke.


    He hurried into the hall were the feast was. Upon entering every eye turned to him... he hurried to sit at his assigned table, and in the back of his mind saying a apology to Jeffery. . I was never good at following rules.


    Barry started up the steps to the mansion, Jeffery barely caught his attention with a contact case in hand. Ah yes Jeffery I don't think these folks would take to my yellow eyes as you do. Just hurry on sir, and remember don't draw any unnecessary attention. Of course jeffrey rule #1 how can I forget.

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