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Posts posted by seph

  1. Barry wished he would be able to take his contacts out, while it didn't  affect his enhanced vision too much, things at distance he could see clearly were a tad bit blurry and it was always frustrating. 
    While headed down levels Barry was very jumpy at every noise, finally Nox said they are most likely rats. That eased his worry a bit, but not completely.
    as they round the corner he saw a oni "holy ****" as more creatures attacked the oni, and as some charged there way.

    Barry held his sword mustering all his strength and focus, "I will take the one on the left" he stepped forward, never appearing to leave his stance and moved into water under the bridge as he parried the claws and sliced the creatures underbelly. as he did the blood covered half his goggles, making him blind out of one eye. It was a mistake he shouldn't have made but he was rusty, and if the others were not there it could be costly.

    after his kill he stepped back towards his friends," my goggles are useless at the moment" he could still see, but he didn't want slade to get the hint he could see in the dark. Barry made sure to stay towards his backside for the time being.

  2. Barry was excited as they started to enter the tunnels. The power he used was so fascinating.

    As they go to a certain point, nox handed out these goggles. They were interesting, barry had seen some like them before. Since they were connected he thought it better to not tinker at the moment.

    Once in the tunnels barry was suprise to see someone else with a sword. Barry pulled back to reveal his sword, as he smiled at slade. It brought back memories.... he hadn't used it in a couple of months and was itching to use it on a living target for once.

    The casing was white with sapphire trim, he made sure it looked as a collector item for a excuse to carry such a thing. The sword itself was something else. His friend didn't understand it but he said he never needed to use a wetstone, or sharpen it in any way, although he did out of habit.

    Nox turned on a map hud, barry tried to memorize the layout just in case, you could never be to careful.

    As they were getting ready he checked his pocket were his pistol was, just to make sure he had it for emergencies.

    "Let's do this", he yelled as he tried to lower his voice towards the end. "Sorry sorry he whispered, I should probably watch what I say."

  3. Barry nodded to jared, "I was just trying to help my jitteryness."

    Barry jumped when jared replied to the smiley face, he hadn't realized he was talking out loud, let alone ask a question. He replied it a worried manner," Yea it was a regular one, if you can't tell I don't have much experience with this kind of stuff."


    Hearing nox and Jared talk about there lives not being that different, which was comforting. It may be hard barry thought, but it's possible and that is worth the risk.


    Barry was about to let his secret out to jared when he saw slade. He pointed to the man,"look who finally showed up"

  4. Nox came over and took a seat by barry, "ready to hunt he asked".

    Barry chugged to rest of his drink," am now" as he chuckled " I thought it might help with the nerves".


    Barry smiled at Jared,"She let you come?" He chuckled again " oh I'm kidding of course, I have never been one to get tied down". Barry sort of frowned as he spoke. He was thinking about Selena, what would that feel like he wondered, To have someone worry for you like that.


    While keeping half his attention on the other two he sent Selena a message. " I Had a wonderful night. I was upset it got cut short, so I thought we could meet up in a day or two so we can finish our dance :) "

    Barry realized he was speaking aloud, to try and cover he said,"they like smiley faces right??"


    "I mean honestly how do you guys do it. You have family's while working dangerous jobs. I feel like I will just be putting someone in danger that they could avoid."


    He also sent a msg to nox asking if he should reveal himself to jared. Plus it would be nice to take the contacts out again. He could focus better that way.

  5. Barry arrived at the coordinates, maybe he wasn't late as he looked for everyone else. After a minute or two he decided to have a seat, as he ordered a beverage, hoping the had something alcoholic. Not knowing what to expect, he took the extra time to look over the file he had received. Going in with this info seemed a lot better than blind. When he saw the creature he was taken back, these things lived in the sewer he though... light what else was down there. 
    Getting excited he grabbed the hilt of his sword, pulling it out of his sheath. He hadn't use this in a while, because it was awkward carrying a sword like this around, luckily most folks that noticed it just thought it to be some sort of collectors items when they would bring it up. Barry would of just used a pistol, but being inaccurate at farther than a short distance, he did not want to endanger anyone lives because of his mistake. 


    Finally his drink arrived, "thank you" as he gave the person a tip, and waited on the rest to arrive.

  6. Barry woke to the sound of his phone ringing, before throwing it across the room, he noticed it was a text from Nox. Getting out of bed always seemed difficult whenever he took the serum, he had the right amount to wear off as he awoke. Barry noticed his clothes were already laid out, light he did not want to hear it from Jeffrey today. A lecture was the last thing he needed. After his shower he dressed in some comfortable clothes, not really sure what to expect as the text contained coordinates, a time, and very little information .


    He went over and unraveled a casing carefully wrapped. It was a white casing with blue trimming, it was very fine work. As he pulled out his sword he started to think about his friend from his past. He started to chuckle to himself realizing that he was hopefully to make some new ones here, it had seemed ages ago, since he was able to call someone that. Hearing a noise out in the hall he shoved the sword into its sheath, and hid it under his long coat he wore to hide it, and slipped out through a exit he had made. Jeffrey would have to wait, as he had overslept he hoped they were not all waiting on him. He sent a text, I am on my way. 

  7. The night was coming to a end, Barry said his good-byes as everyone else left, hopefully Dorian had spoken to nox at some point otherwise this was going to begin awkwardly. Barry took a seat across from Nox and the baby. "So Nox I know you had some question for me back at the charity event, and I am sure you saw today Dorian did as well. "Dorian had told me no secrets were kept between you two as well as Aria" Nox replied, "secrets are toxic." Barry nodded and went on." I was told that my safety is guaranteed," as Barry looked to Dorian for confirmation Dorian nodded, and Nox gave his confirmation, "If Dorian says you are safe, you should be inclined to believe him."  Barry let out a sigh of relief, he had believed Dorian, but with the baby now here... there was no telling what Nox might have done.


    Barry wished he could use his senses to feel out Nox, but his nerves were getting the best of him. He had never in his life been in a situation like this, and it seemed to be messing with his senses."There is a lot to explain and little time", as Barry reached up to take his contacts out. When he opened his eyes, they were Golden yellow, like the color of the golden sun. Barry could not remember the last time he had those contacts out, although since Jeffrey adjusted them they no longer irritated his eyes. Maybe it was just the weight of hiding who he was to everyone being lifted. Barry wasn't sure the response he would get, and Nox grinned at him. LIght, maybe the man already had a hunch. He had been a hunter for awhile, and to stay alive instincts were necessary. Maybe this would go well, he thought to himself.


    Barry began to smile, and started to discuss the matter at hand. " I am sure this explains a lot, It had started when I was around 18 or so around the time my father passed. It was hard to control, and I had almost killed my best friend at military school. When I got home, I worked in many different ways to fight this beast. I was lucky enough to have some information regarding wolkin," as he looked to Dorian "I will let him explain any details I leave out"

    "The information helped me tremendously but the fight against myself.... I cannot even describe the Hell I went through. It took me 2 years to even have some control over it Nox. I cannot imagine what other's have gone through, and the one's who have lost control all together." 


    "Nox do you know of any wolfkin who have not gone crazy, or is it just a anomaly that I am around?" " I want to help, I want to show this world that we are people as well. So I developed something, it stated as a remedy for me. Even though I have control now, when I can Remember them, it feels real. However there are nights I wake up and the place is destroyed. I didn't want to hurt anyone so this is my solution" Barry pulled out the serum. This controls the beast so to speak,and will prevent me from having dreams. I can't use to much or all my senses go out of whack."  "I want to not just help the Wolfkin but all like us Nox. If we could develop it to help other's control it, imagine the amount of lives that would be saved."


    Barry began to sigh...." However after talking with Dorian, I never thought about what happens if the atharim get a hold of this, the damage it would do. Nox I believe I can help, I want to help change this world, or even get it started in a different direction."

  8. Barry had laid everything out on the table, maybe yo quickly. He was worried about so much and it seemed he had so little time. He was sure that this wasn't was of high priority, and he didn't want Dorian to think he was daydreaming.


    Barry told Dorian about the serum he had helped create. It was to be used to help wolfkind, and eventually anyone who had trouble controlling their troubles. But when Dorian said it could be used against him, his mouth fell open in disbelief.. how had he not thought of that. If the atharim got a hold of this serum.. oh light, it would ruin everything the had worked so hard to achieve.


    Barry spoke confidently, "I won't let that happen, I can't let that happen Dorian!" His voice was booming. He did not even realize it, and hoped the shouting didn't reach the other room. " I am sorry about that Dorian my emotions get the best of me sometimes." Dorian nodded.


    Dorian told him about his thoughts on the serum and how it would effect or would not effect other's who had gifts. It was interesting to learn that the tranq could actually block his powers, it could help him in a right situation, or stop someone that was out of control.


    As dorian stood up he told Barry to be careful, especially of Martin, and elliot. " trust me I have seen enough of the two of them to last a lifetime." As they went into the other room, it had seemed jared and Emily had already left. He had talked with the him only briefly but him and his wife seemed lovely. He was sure jared was someone he could have a beer, or three with.


    Barry poured himself another glass of wine, going over and over again what he would say to nox. It was getting late so he didn't, want to keep them to long. Especially with the brand new edition.

  9. Ok I will work on that! I am going to write it again yo try and fix those things. All of this was extremely helpful. I just started rp last week with kronos and mat, so I am still in the learning curve :)


    I probably won't get around to it until tomorrow it will just depend. My fiancee is really sick so im taking care of her.

  10. Dorian sat down in front of Barry and began to answer his questions. "A completely functional Sentient" he said. Barry had not the slightest idea of what that entailed. Whenever the man said that Barry was safe, it felt as if a giant weight had been lifted.


    Dorian said he would have to tell Nox and Aria, and before Barry could speak he continued on. Thankfully, he saved him from making a ass out of himself. This was seeming to go better than expected. Jeffrey always said prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. It was surprising to hear that Nox and Aria were both like him, well so to speak. They had abilities which others would look down upon, and kill them for. Light, how many have they saved Barry wondered. Dorian spoke as if it wasn't a threat" Barry if you go rogue, they will kill you." 

    Barry" trust me that won't be a problem, I am tired of Hiding I want to help. I would like to be there when you tell Nox, so I can propose this to him." Dorian went on asking him the questions. I guess it was time to give hims ome answers.


    Barry'" yes I can see how they would be quite upset" Well apparently they tested out some recent gear we had made, and the information leaked to me. So no one outside of Atharim, or that are not in their inner works knows.

    Dorian"  Your father had dealings with the Atharim.  I had not known he had passed such knowledge down the generational lines." 


    Barry" nor did I, I believe that is why he sent me away at a young age, to keep me from it. Look how that turned out." He let out a chuckle. Well Obviously from my father, but I learned about the atharim from a family friend, who as well has worked for them. He learned as much as he could, whenever I showed my first signs of being a wolfkin. If you find out his name that is fine, but I will not give that out, and I hope you understand. With his knowledge I was able to control the beast, while Atharim thought he was making something to hunt the beasts, and others. Which I am sure he had made. He was developing this for me." 

    Barry pulled out something wrapped in a cloth, it looked like a flu shot, but the fluid in it had a orange tinge to it.

    "This is how I was able to gain control. This does not tame the beast within by any means, but it gave me a chance of survival. I do not know if others will take to it like I did, but regardless they must have the will to fight. I am sure most, still won't make it. Dorian this is a start and if i can perfect this serum, to even effect others who have this struggle like gods, It could change everything. I want to help... I am tired of doing nothing. Even if I save one life, that is something I can be proud of. but.. my goal is to show people we are not all monsters, that we are people as well. I fear that time will not come for quite some time."

    "that is why I must ask you to let be be present when you tell nox and aria."

  11. I saw this and decided to take it, since i will pick eventually. And this is what came up

    brown 7

    Green 6




    And I lost the page... well those were the top 4 apparently.

  12. When Nox picked up the baby for the first time, you could tell it was something special. Nox asked if Barry would like something to drink. "I'll have a glass of wine" and he raised his glass with everyone in the room "To family" as he muttered "to Jeffrey" under his breath.



    Dorian came over and motioned for him to follow, they went into a separate room as Barry tried to find the calmness again. He knew when you get emotions mixed in, it makes everything that much more difficult. Plus he didn't want to show Dorian that he did not have full control. They went into the room and after the door shut Barry took a seat. He had hoped he did not seem impolite.. he was just anxious. Before the conversation started Barry said" I know you have many questions for me, but before I answer anything I need to know one thing from you Dorian. Am I going to die tonight" as he sighed. It was best to be straightforward at this point. He waited for the man's answer and then started his second.

    "Why did you not kill me at the mansion. No one would have known, no one would have missed me. "

  13. Barry Walked in as Dorian pointed him to the rest of the party "hope I didn't miss anything to exciting." As Barry walked into the room he was the last one here, "sorry I was running a bit late, had some things to take care of." There was a few people he didn't recognize. There was a young women holding a child, and a young kid, he thought he heard his name as was cruz. He walked over to Jared the man from the mansion. "Sorry I didn't get a chance to really meet you at the charity event, I take it this is your better half?" after a bit of conversation He apologized deeply to the two of them for the incidents that had transpired" I am sorry about the road scene, Anything like that will never happen again. I know my actions could not only hurt me but you as well Jared.


    About this time Nox and Dorian came into the room were they announced the lovely baby girl was their daughter! Barry started a light clap as for congratulations.

  14. Barry Pulled up to the house. Double checking that he had the right address. This place seemed to be a lot bigger than his own. There may have been a hint of jealousy there. Barry loaded a shot of the medicine and stuck it in his side pocket. Before he got to the door he nervously backed away... Light he had to say all the right things tonight. He finally worked up the nerve and knocked. When he did it seemed he had jumped back 5 feet as if expecting a trap. He tried to find the calmness before he entered.

  15. Barry was almost home, he called Jeffrey to have him jam any cameras near the house. If it wasn't a system that GIT invented it would not take to long to hack into. The last thing the needed was the cops tracing the car back to him. Though not to many people drove a green lambo... Jeffrey did not look happy, maybe it was the cursing or the shaking of a fist that tipped Barry off.


    Jeffrey" So this is what happens when I trust you... What happened to laying low????"


    Barry   "Well it started off well, the dinner was astonishing. You should definitely take some lessons there!"


    Jeffrey   "enough fooling around this is serious boy, on with it"


    Barry   "Then these things called dreykin showed up"  Barry was watching how Jeffrey reacted to that word, after the few secrets he had kept he would not be surprised if there were more.


    Barry   "The event was ruined for almost everyone. I met this sweetie named selena, Jeffrey she is the one! I swear it !!" ooh that is right you gave her a ride home, did she say anything about me!"

    She had a wonderful evening, oh and she handed me this." AHAHAHA a number"


    Jeffrey thumped him on his head " your hopeless... you know if you get involved you are only putting her at danger." If you don't mind I need to know what mess I need to get you out of."


    Barry " Well Mr. vega introduced me to this fellow named nox, quite charming some would say HAHA. But he is a good guy even though he is a hunter. Martin and Elliot were there like you said."

    Long story short I ended up watching 4 hunters kill these beasts, and while I was helping someone of great importance, I used my powers to try to help.... Jeffrey there were 5 hunters there" his voice dropped off to a low whisper. " I didn't know... what were the chances that there was a 5th. He knows what I am Jeffrey, and he let me live." Barry thought it was wise to leave out certain aspects of the night. The scariest part was actually meeting a god, knowing that they actually exist.... light his skin was crawling just thinking about it. The last thing Barry wanted to do was to put someone in jeopardy. Then it hit him... Nox risked his life, his family's to do what he did at the mansion... Here he was doing reckless things that could not only get him killed, but possibly a entire family. He had a pretty big apology he would have to muster up. " Jeffrey I am supposed to go meet them. I don't have a choice in this matter."


    Jeffrey " I see, honestly I cannot believe you are still alive from stories that I have heard. You are your father's son, always leaping before you look.


    Barry" Jeffrey I need to know, How do you know of the atharim. It is a secret society nobody except atharim should know of its existence, or those helping them. The hunterI was with looked shocked at that, and that alone. It may be the only reason he did not kill me , but... You knew what the contribution was for, yet you LIED TO ME! WHY!"


    Jeffrey sighed " I guess since this is what it has come to." Your father Barry worked with the atharim for many years, creating gadgets, and anything else they may need to make this world a better place. It was only after did he develop the security systems that he became known for Barry. When he became ill it fell to me. I hid this because I wanted to keep you away from them, I wanted to keep you safe Barry that has always been my goal." Barry if you don't tell them what they want, they may kill you. If you tell them what they want, they may kill you."


    "I must tell you one last thing, I developed a tranquilizer so to speak. You have trained to keep control of the beast inside, but it will always fight. You must always be aware of it, and always keep control. however often it may be, it seems you still lose control every once in a while. most of which is during a nightmare, or at the extreme raise in your heartbeat. This shot is a failsafe, If you feel you are losing control take it immediately, or if around people take a small dose before you sleep." Barry the life of a wolfkin is a lonely one, for those that make friends will hurt them, or die from exposure, remember that"


    Barry" That's right I am a monster Jeffrey, just come out and say it! I will never hurt those I love including you Jeffrey. I am not a animal, I am just as human as you. whether I do this alone or not, I will help not only my loved ones. I will prove to people that being a wolkin does not make them a monster, that we aren't evil. With this shot alone we could save hundreds of lives, but first I have to convince the world!" after landing from his sporadic jump, he lowered his voice " maybe I should start with just these few hunters."


    He loaded the silver briefcase with the shot's and vials. Before Barry bolted our of the garage in his red Porsche Jeffrey threw his sword to him " you may need this to survive the night" Barry threw it in the trunk and headed for Dorian's house. He prayed tonight will not be his last.

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