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Posts posted by Goathill

  1. I understand an adaptation will vary from the original story, but any WoT adaptation that cannot grasp that the Dragon/Lews Therin a man that uses Saidin is a constant in each turning has lost the plot and is no longer in the world of WoT


    Also they made Lan cry, for that alone the show is a failure. 

  2. On 9/24/2023 at 7:08 PM, RitualM said:

    Hello, new to the forums. Read the series twice. Love it. Browsed the forums a handful of times foe info on stuff.


     I am just so upset and almost insulted by how poor the show is I need to vent so a place where people might understand.


    The way they ruined so many good characters just hurts me. I have no problem with adaptation and changes no show can be exact to a series and truthfully it rarely should be. They are different mediums and require different approaches.


    This being said, their writing of Lan, Mat, and even Nyneve to a point is infuriating.

    Mat is just.... awful, where is our playful trickster with insane luck?

    Instead we get a cowardly kid who has none of the traits of Mat. 

    Also Ta'veren being not spoken of is a huge mistake to me. 

    Lan went for hard, badass cold swordsman to all the feelings sad puppy pining over his lost relationship to Moraine after her stilling. Like wtf...


    Nyneve instead of strong willed and bull headed seems just petulant and perpetually stressed out.


    Thom? Gone. Elayne? Her introduction was so awful.... 


    I hate so many things they have done in this show. 

    They take major plot points and just ignore them. 0 context for the seanchan. Hardly a whisper of what Artur Hawkwing was even in the conversation about the genesis of the 3 oaths. So much is glossed over in a throwaway line only to be noticed by a reader.


    At this point I'm watching it just to see how much worse it can get


    My only positive comment so far is that the actor who plays Logain is amazing. I want him to be the whole show at this point.


    You came to the wrong place I am afraid, most of us that agree with you have been shunned, management here would rather have access to the production than admit just how bad the show is.


    We all knew changes would need to be made, but there are adaptations then there is ignoring the basic plot altogether.  

  3. 22 hours ago, JenniferL said:

    And yet Myrelle goes out of her way to have ethically questionable sex with him. 


    Like I said I'm ok with Henney.


    But you are confusing pretty with attractive.


    Charles Bronson would never be called pretty but I bet lots of women thought he was attractive.

  4. 5 hours ago, Jaglover said:


    I wouldn't really agree there it is more to do with the reality of the world than acts of killing. Compare and contrast Arya's journey to Harrenhal with Nynaeve being able to reach Bearlon unmolested. 


    One is brutal world based on the reality of medieval times and the other is a PG 13 world.   


    Arya journey to Harrenhal was in the middle of a war. Nynaeve passed through a couple of small villages in her own area in a time of peace. 


    Once the war starts in WoT its just as brutal. Its that the POV characters in WoT are generally at the heads of armies or they are powerful (aes sedai). Tywin and Stannis did not worry about bandits on the roads.

  5. 20 hours ago, KingRodel said:

    ...And when the books described horrifying amounts of violence, sex, and language, they kept it the same.


    Sorry, couldn't help myself. Y'all GOTers have stronger stomachs than me. Gosh I hope WoT keeps it at least TV-14 level.


    Unrelated, who does everyone think is going to be the next character to be cast? Who do you hope will be cast next?


    I've read both.


    I've always thought WoT was darker and for that matter has more sex than GoT. The language just isn't as graphic.


    There is lots of sex and lots of nudity. There is torture, rape and, graphic violence.


    It doesn't get much darker than.       Asha'man kill! 

  6. I have started the series over and am half way through TFoH she is coming off as even more of a self-center bitch than the first time. All of the other PoV characters worry and seem aware of the others problems except Egwene. The only times she thinks of the others it is how they are effecting her which she seems to think they are somehow trying to hold her back. The background given on Lanfear seems much inline with Egwene's attitudes I can easily see her turning to the DO if the story had drawn out a few more years.

  7. What crucial role in what key events? She did not have the seals she did not break them and she only even agreed to consider breaking them. Then never thought about them again The Black Tower searched for, found and, broke them. Nynaeve played much more of a crucial role. Egwene's only real talent seemed to be getting captured and saying "I am the Amyrlin seat".

  8. Her character became irrelevant after she was named Amyrlin in Salidar she couldn't speak 2 sentences without proclaiming she was Amyrlin. The whole split of the White Tower lasted much too long and was never a real player in the story after the Battle of Dumai's Wells. Yes certain Aes Sedai still played major roles but they were largely independent of Tar Valon.  I was happy to see her die I was pissed that it happened at the very end of the series all that time wasted on a self centered character which brought so little to the whole in the end.      

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