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Posts posted by ashara

  1. A new character? 8)


    All the Divs seem to be thriving at the moment what with new DLs, rp ideas, swishy boards....I really don't see why I shouldn't go get myself a new character. My only active one is my Accepted at the moment, so really- what are the upcoming "publicly" discussed rp plans of the various Divisions? For the smaller Divs- what are you really looking for? What needs the most drive at the moment?


    Sell me anything. :wink:



  2. She realized with the quick soft lifting of curves that she had pleased Nyssa. Or at least amused her. Perhaps the answer lied in both- a sensible intermingling then? Whatever the reality might be, Vera knew she wasn’t going to uncover the truth any time soon. But then, she didn’t really want to. “Borderlanders are lucky, according to some. They are strangers to the Game, and the Great Game is kept far from their towns and cities. They see a threat in the beasts of the border.†Trollocs. Myrdraal. Or simply people? Were these the horrors the Sister spoke of? To her, they still seemed to be part of a very enchanting, very popular myth: the final touches for a grand story, that had a hero and ofcourse, had a villain. That sounded appallingly similar to real life, she thought with a small smile. Who would be the villain of her life, she wondered. Writing? Words? Opening her mouth? Or was it all of them? With a vague reddening of cheeks, her eyes lifted themselves up to Nyssa’s face, who was speaking still, in earnest. …. “We might try to live as they do, free from the Game, but it would be foolish.†Yes, she knew what Nyssa meant. Was it not the very reason she hated the Game? The truth was, it was as far from a ‘game’ than possible. And that was why she disliked it so. It had taken so many lives, so many brilliant people and yet, it was of a base so petty and still so sought after. Power. A five letter word that held so much importance today, blood would be spilt, sacrifices made with eyes closed and ears deafened.


    “Life could be simple. Should be simple, if everyone lived their lived the way the Light wishes it. If we were all perfect and pure, no battle would ever be fought.â€


    There again, power was the cause and the reason it continued. Had we been born this tainted? Or perhaps….perhaps this was not a ‘fault’. Perhaps this was what we were. Created so that it made you wonder about the Light and faith. Faith that she had followed blindly for so long now. “Darkness taints the perfect world the Creator left for us, and we must do our best to defend that which is still good against the forces of that Darkness.†Vera nodded almost out of habit in response, although, suddenly, she found herself in turmoil. Was there truly faith?





    “So when we accept the horrible truth…†Layered with dry humour, the words came as a fresh, very welcomed interrupter. When she looked up at the Gray, she found eyes merry with humour looking her way which due to their genuine nature, made Vera smile herself. Suddenly, the thunder clouds above her seemed to have become just a little more weak. Or a little less important at any rate. As she continued to listen to Nyssa, the Sister’s words falling softly and smoothly, rocking to and fro in her mind like a chiming pendulum, she found herself agreeing with the other. It made complete…sense. Logic was never something Vera had prided herself in and yet here, she was looking at it in a completely cold-hearted manner. Light, she was changing. Rapidly. For the better? She didn’t know. Atleast she was quiet about it she thought, smirking slightly. Watching the Sister, with her passion driven words of intelligence and wit, she knew it was easy to be swayed by people because of sheer personality. Had Shayna not done just that? Even long after she had been buried under an alien soil, her words resonated in Vera’s mind, her smile a memory that was cemented completely. Perhaps that was the way things are. The weak become stronger by being shown the way. Guidance could never hurt anyone, she thought as her eyes followed the rise and fall of delicate white hands as they bettered the words that were being said with so much meaning and such subtle force.


    “Tell me, Vera… Do you see people using the Great Game here on this market square?â€


    Shifting her gaze from her teacher’s face, she looked across the market square, straight along the streets Nyssa had motioned towards. It was like any other market if you asked her: Busy, dirty and filled with people both very ruthless and very innocent. The streets were littered with apple cores and dry leaves; People went on by them almost without noting their presence, which was not unusual actually. And yet, somewhat upsetting. “Is it not very much the same picture you would see in any other city of wealth and prosperity? Take the woman standing at that corner, Nyssa Sedai. She is young and the plump nature of her body only adds to her beauty. Her playful smile is so natural that it makes one think that it is an expected feature. And perhaps in some ways it is. But in other ways…right now, I can also see that it is directed. Specifically towards the man next to her. He does not seem very important, certainly not welloff. The sack in his hands almost suggest a very servile nature. Perhaps he is the boy working at the smartest house round the corner.†For a bit, she paused and observed the two silently. He did not have much money she knew. It would barely be enough to buy the apples she was selling him. One…Two…Three…Sold. Laughing softly, she turned to smile at the Gray. “I never knew it was there in so great a degree. Why, I must’ve been fooled myself by many a vendor. Not that I am so easily taken.†She blushed slightly as she heard herself. Her experiences with the other gender were few and rare and at this awkward stage, she found herself blushing very often when thinking about men.


    Nyssa would be very amused. She just knew it.



    Pretty little child ;)

  3. Life as she knew it, was going well. A cool breeze flowed by her, its force thin and almost enchantingly so. The day was fresh still, Vera knew as she looked up into the long stretches of sky, the blue a young, lively shade that would gradually change into so many other, it was impossible to count how many. Saidar was a beautiful sensation that enhanced senses and as she sat there dribbling little spheres of Air, Vera found herself letting go and becoming a part of the nature that surrounded her, the same environment, she realized during a moment of revelation, that she now called home. A little away, not unlike a little child her garden was groping through the darkness into its first steps of life, thin twines curling themselves onto the stone walls that loomed behind all of them- her, the trees, the flowers, even the Tower to some extent. However, some extent only. It had been a month since Vera had crossed her first Arch, a month since she had left the little chamber she had shared for so long with Aoife. A month, she knew all this while, since she had heard the sound of Shayna’s voice. There were no whispers any more, there was no pain. She was healed. Or was she? Again, the question was answered with an ominous silence for the deep caverns of her mind knew no answer but that which she herself wanted to believe: She was free. Vera remembered the screams that had torn her apart during her Arches, remembered not only those of Shayna’s but her own. It had taken two weeks for her voice to return to the way it once was, but she knew it was going to take much longer for her to forget the paths the ter’angreal had led her through.



    This time, Vera did not try to push these thoughts away, she did not try to alienate herself from pain, for ultimately, she had realized during her five years as Novice, it would come. Letting her mind wander as much as it pleased, Vera began to play a little distractedly with the balls in her hand until she was suddenly bored with them and wanted to try something more challenging. More enticing, yet something that did not attract attention. Ripples, perhaps, she thought, a small smirk on her lips containing the pleasure she felt. Slowly she let weaves of Earth touch the soil and quickly curl around the mud. Vera was never going to be very strong in Earth, but at least she should develop her weaves so that they reached their maximum skill; Having made the threads as thick as her weak affinity with the element allowed her to, she began to push the weaves, picturing it not only in her mind but moving her hands as well, in strong forceful movements. Slowly, she found the weaves beginning to take place before her. Eyes shining, she continued to play with the weaves, her hands and gestures animated, even from a distance. It was only luck perhaps that had ensured that she had chosen a shaded corner, away from the rest and hard to find for indeed, if she had been seen in such a state, not only would she be berated for her manners but also for overuse of the One Power. It was also perhaps just luck again, that it was only a Novice who found her so, slender hands clutching to the paper in her hand as she watched the Accepted in mingled surprise and admiration. It was a rather stimulating sight, truth to be told. And one, the Novice felt, should not be disturbed. And so she waited, shifting slightly every now and then as the Accepted went from one weave to another, the joy in her eyes apparent.


    It was only when the Novice shifted so that a shadow was cast on the grass before Vera, that her presence was noticed. Turning around immediately, she let go of Saidar, smoothing her dress as she did so. What if it was a….releasing a sigh of relief as her eyes met with those of the younger girl, Vera smiled, for the Novice was one she knew and well acquainted with. For a while they continued to talk, laughing pleasantly as they talked of the Novice life Vera had left behind. Perhaps they would have continued to do so for much longer if the Accepted had not noticed the thin parchment in the others hand, pressed still into her stomach, her hands protective. Raising an eyebrow inquisitively, she questioned the white-clad girl immediately, who suddenly blushed a shade of mortification Vera knew well and understood. Gently she took the paper from the Novice girl’s still reluctant hands and unfolded it. Accepted Vera, make it so that you reach the Petitioner’s Hall immediately after this message is brought to you. Nyssa Deschain, Sister of the Gray Ajah. Nyssa Deschain. The name was known to her of course, familiar, but then, so were those of most Sisters. It was if not openly, still expected for an Accepted to be acquainted with the names of all Aes Sedai in the Tower. What puzzled her though, was the summons. Making a swift exit from the gardens, she strode towards the Hall, her steps brisk, her face one of she who was too lost in thought too be bothered by anything else.


    What indeed could she be needed for? She had not personally encountered Nyssa often, perhaps a chore there, a few words here…certainly not since she had been Raised. Was she…..dare she say it, in trouble? But if so, why would she be called by Nyssa Deschain of all Aes Sedai? Surely it would be Faerzyne Sedai’s office she would be sent to now, if it was trouble the matter concerned. Puzzled, Vera tried hard to smooth her face, imitating so many Aes Sedai she had passed and seen. Composure however, although present, was being evasive. She was a little nervous, she realized. And more than a touch taken aback. Having reached the hall, she looked around, past the various faces she saw until finally, she spotted her. Walking smoothly towards her, she made a last attempt to rid her features of the confusion she felt, knowing it would not to well for the Sedai to notice the surprise she felt. It might even bring about slight offense, which, Vera knew, she could not afford. Lowering herself, she curtsied gracefully before rising again and opening her mouth.


    “I got a summons, Nyssa Sedai..? To meet you here….â€




    Vera Cadsanome


    Shades of gray




    Masks were such a beautiful and refined way to hide things from people. Nyssa stood next to Faerzyne’s fireplace, admiring a black, porcelain mask framed with dark feathers. A rustling of clothes behind her betrayed movement from her Sister. “It’s a fine piece, don’t you agree?†the older Aes Sedai said as she walked up to the fireplace. Nyssa smiled. “It’s quite lovely… and functional of course. Cairhienin, if I’m not mistaken?†The soft tingling of bells meant that the Mistress of Novices nodded. “Of course.†Nyssa whispered, before turning. “I should be on my way. Wouldn’t want to be late for my meeting with the talented young lady you’ve picked out of the masses.†Again they shared a smile. Faerzyne had an eye for talented young women. For one side or the other, which was fine with Nyssa. It still pleased her that Faerzyne and she thought alike in so many cases.


    The fine satin of her dress rustled softly as she walked down the hallways that belonged to the Gray Ajah. As a sudden breeze ruffled the dress even more, Nyssa pulled her shawl closer around her. Sometimes it had more than one function. At least no older Aes Sedai would bother to stop her now. Even though she had been raised for quite a while now, they still tended to test her, just to see if she was indeed worthy of the shawl. Nyssa treated them all with the same graceful disdain that could turn Freja even more sour than she usually was. She smiled sweetly as she glided past a pair of Sitters, whispering about something they no doubt thought was important. She could feel their eyes on her back for a while. They were fools. Weaklings hiding behind their given status. Wearing masks of power that could crumble with the slightest breeze of a rumour. A rumour even a servant could spread. Power was such a relative thing.


    Around the corner she went, and into the masses. Even though it was a quiet day, petitioners had already gathered in the hall, and even on the steps that lead to the White Tower. They stepped aside as she approached, giving her all the space she desired. Once again she marvelled at the effect a shawl and a serene look had on people. It was no more than smoke to her. With a change of clothes and some make-up she could move among them as one of them, instead of someone they worshipped at times, and despised at others. She smiled an nodded at them, continuing on her way purposefully, yet without rushing. Grace was her mask at the moment, and she wore it well.


    Yet even for her grace was not easily maintained when one was bored and waiting for someone in a corner of a crowded hall. Fortunately her waiting ended soon, as the Accepted Faerzyne had pointed out to her arrived. The girl was hesitant, frightened even. Nyssa smiled reassuringly. “I got a summons, Nyssa Sedai..? To meet you here….†The girl before her seemed as pure as a blank page, but Nyssa knew that there had been things that bothered her. Faerzyne had told her that much. “Yes dear, I did. Faerzyne told me that you had the afternoon of, and I was wondering if you would like to join me for a walk.†Without really waiting for an answer, Nyssa placed her arm on Vera’s, and guided her out of the Hall, and into the city. For a while they walked quietly, and Nyssa could almost feel the anticipation building in Vera. As usual they drew eyes to them, an Accepted in an almost white dress, and an Aes Sedai who was dressed in dark indigo, as if she had done so purposefully to contrast with the girl next to her. After a few more moments of silence, Nyssa spoke. “Tell me, Vera… What do you know about the Great Game of Houses?â€




    The face before her, she noticed immediately now that she was close, was quite beautiful really. Nyssa Sedai had always struck her as someone attractive, pretty yes but then, so had most other Aes Sedai. Their grace, she knew, could easily match the beauty of even the loveliest of damsels and their calm…. she did not need to describe the effect it had on her, for it was this same effect that had caused -among many other things of course- the building of legends. The stark white complexion against the silky black locks, the slanted eyes- this was beyond the common prettiness she could find in many faces and swirling colours, even now as they stood before one another, puzzled glances coming there way as others of curious natures observed from a distance, clearly interested by the contrast of personalities they found themselves before. Or behind, it didn’t matter. Taking the smile as intended, Vera relaxed slightly, visibly perhaps as well, for it was with definite amounts of doubt that she mulled over having ‘imagined’ the slightly amused shine she had glimpsed in those brown eyes. “Yes dear, I did. Faerzyne told me that you had the afternoon off, and I was wondering if you would like to join me for a walk.†A pleasant voice. Like chimes really, when moved by the breeze. Only a breeze though, with just hints of something stronger present. Faerzyne. Thinking of the Mistress of Novices, she smiled. Yes, Faerzyne had had her experiences with Vera. Nothing directly of course, ‘nothing’ in the sense that she had spoken to her face to face of her…. troubles. Troubles. A safe title to cover oneself under, that.


    She did not get much choice in the matter or actually, the supposed ‘request’ Nyssa had put forward. Soon they were off, without seeming to care about another’s views or a slightly more traditional Sister as they notice the arm Nyssa had looped through Vera’s. Quite the picture. They were walking, she noticed as they took another turn, towards the city. Eyes lowered to the ground, that would change every now and then from marble to earthen brown, she did not try and create conversation. Firstly, of course because Nyssa herself seemed to be in no want of any or was waiting for a certain point to be crossed on their seemingly aimless path and secondly…secondly because she was enjoying the quiet. The peace was lulling to her mind and immediately another scene came up in her mind, a clear well detailed picture of Aoife Rois sitting coolly on the edge of a stark white mattress, her face more composed than it would naturally be. Yes, it was one and the same, for peace, like everything else in this world, came in variety. It occurred to her suddenly as she studied the rich quality of the indigo cloth that the Sister wore, that from a distance and mind you a great distance it would be, they could be mistaken for the Dragon’s banner: the Aes Sedai playing the part of the Fang while she herself played the Flame. Mouth twisting slightly, she rid herself of the image for now, for indeed, the pictured idea was not pretty. So much simpler to say that the contrast of black and white was amusing but then, that would bring reaction; That would not be grand.


    “Tell me, Vera… What do you know about the Great Game of Houses?â€


    Daes Dae’mar. Now these were words Vera found harder to pronounce than most others, for all her upbringing in Cairhien. To find it here of all things, amidst the fringes of Tar Valon while she herself continued to walk arm in arm with an Aes Sedai. It did not matter nor did it help when she reminded herself that she too would reach the same masked elegance one day, if she were to succeed. It surprised her of course, to the extent that she started slightly before containing herself, but that didn’t matter- Nyssa had noticed. She must’ve. What though, she could not helping wondering, was this about? For all her Cairhienin blood, Vera was no player of the Great Game. No, that was and always would be Shayna. She was more like her father she had begun to assume but then, how could her father have been an innocent? Shrugging subconsciously she struggled with herself in silence as she tried to think up a suitable reply, for whether or not she was skilled, she knew her facts, Vera did.†The Great Game, Nyssa Sedai?,†began Vera, her tone still hesitant for all the practice Lavinya had made her do. It is a foul, wretched thing created by those who do not possess lives.Hastily, she sealed her ever scandalous thoughts, knowing it would only harm if she listened now, for Nyssa Sedai she was sure, did play the Game. “I know that it is dangerous. I know that once you are lost in it, it is nearly impossible to get out. I know that suddenly…everything has a newer, stranger meaning.â€


    She paused suddenly as she heard herself: the words were bitter for all her hesitance. It was like the juice of sour grapes had touched her tongue, the twist her lips had found to themselves now. Looking up at Nyssa Sedai, she spoke once more, this time a little more careful in her choice of words: “I did not mean to sound so bitter Nyssa Sedai. It is just that…my homeland, Cairhien as you must know, is filled with such things. I am not...skilled with this game. My sister however, enjoyed it.†She stopped there, the ending simple, the words she knew oozing knowledge that was unnecessary and yet…




    Bitter indeed Nyssa thought as she heard Vera Cadsanome talk of her thoughts on Daes Dae’mar. It came as a surprise and yet not. She knew that Vera was born in Cairhien, and that the Great Game had to be in her blood, singing to her when she slept. Yet she also knew that even in Cairhien, people had the wrong impression of the Game she now practised without much thought. She smiled sweetly. Perhaps the White Tower changed Daes Dae’mar the way it changed the people that lived within it. Nyssa had never thought of the Great Game as dangerous, even though she knew it could be. Skill was necessary here, because even the lowliest servant of the White Tower played the game more avidly than some of the lords and ladies of Cairhien. Nyssa smiled again, storing the information Vera had given her freely in her mind, ready to be used at another time.


    “You must not apologise for the things you believe in, Vera. I can not accuse you of being wrong. I can merely attempt to change your mind.†She spoke, guiding the Accepted through the streets of Tar Valon, to one of the marketplaces. There perhaps Vera would see a more practical use of the thing she seemed to despise so. “I must warn you though. Daes Dae’mar involves all of us. Every single person who comes within sight of an Aes Sedai is pulled into it.†She left that sentence hanging, knowing full well that Vera would grasp the implications of it. She was blind to the benefits of the Great Game, not stupid.


    “Borderlanders…†she started, her eyes settling on a pair of tall Tower Guards walking by, looking fierce and dark, the way borderlanders often did. “… have the luxury of looking their enemy in the eye. They have a common cause to fight against, which unites them stronger than any other cause.†They stepped onto the marketplace, which vibrated with activity, as Nyssa had expected it would. She guided the younger woman over to a bench at the side of the square. A path cleared itself for them as people stepped aside to let the Aes Sedai and the Accepted pass. For a moment the people on the marketplace seemed to freeze. As it became clear that Nyssa and Vera had no intention to trade the moment of quiet anticipation ended, and business continued as usual.


    “Other people, and even Aes Sedai are not as fortunate. We have not looked our enemy in the eye, and therefore we don’t know how to fight it.†She savoured the irony of that statement for a moment. Some times the servants of the Light were blinder than people gave them credit for. “Do you understand why the borderlands seem to have no need for the Great Game of Houses?†she asked Vera. Perhaps if the girl saw why the borderlands were free if it, she would also see why every other country needed it.




    For a few moments they continued to walk in a steady silence, the descended atmosphere a heavy one, the ripples of noise around them an irritating contrast in her mind. Irony, she had come to think, haunted people at the worst of times. This perhaps wasn’t one of them since she needn’t be more dramatic than she already was, but sometimes…sometimes such moments would be remembered and she would qualify them then, when she was in a mood far worse than the one she was in now, that indeed, that had been annoying. “You must not apologise for the things you believe in, Vera. I can not accuse you of being wrong. I can merely attempt to change your mind.†The words, Vera noted, were well chosen…careful…cautious. Prodding yes, but prodding as one would prod the snarling dog that belonged to your neighbour. Or perhaps that was too harsh…Nyssa Sedai here was simply...diplomatic. Aptly so, she knew, as she studied the gray cloth from the corner of her eye. This was in reality, a far better way of thinking and handling things. It was at the very least, a much smarter course than the one she herself had chosen. Passions and flares were all very well, but in the end, was it mad impulse that gifted you the rush of power? Nay, there is a very fine line between passionate and intelligent and usually, they are crossed- they are mingled.


    She took in Nyssa’s words with quiet contemplation as she was sure, the other expected her to do. Implications…so many implications- she was already being pulled into the Game, Vera knew. Already, every so subtlely, it was being used on her. She wondered for a moment, her mind like that of a flippant young child, whether Nyssa had always been as good at Daes Dae’mar as she now was. Had she too been guided and prodded? By whom, it made you wonder… “Borderlanders…â€- her words came as a cool interruption, thoughtful and certainly more interesting to Vera than the vague silhouette of the subtle manipulator that had formed in her mind. Tilting her head slightly, she looked at Nyssa as she spoke, knowing full well that it was not really the Tower Gaurds she needed to watch. She knew the expression that usually courted a Borderlander’s face- stone after all that was humane, could be stone for only this long. The sudden rush of noise that flowed through the market made her lose the string of words forming in her mind and ultimately, she found herself unable to do much more than simply watch and listen. And learn, of course. She was slowly beginning to accept the ‘mission’ to be achieved in this little escapade Nyssa had planned.


    “Do you understand why the borderlands seem to have no need for the Great Game of Houses?â€


    She continued to stare into the opposite direction, that in this case being the rise and fall of a young man’s wagon wheel which was currently being placed into order. Undisturbed by the growing silence, Vera continued to contemplate as she studied the mass of colour swirling around her, the patterns vibrant, the quality rich and youthful. For a moment or two her eyes shifted to the stony cheekbones of the borderlanders they had just passed and she watched openly, for she knew after all, that they certainly wouldn’t react. “In relation to your words, Nyssa Sedai, my answer is that they know that above all others, their enemy is the shadow just across. That there is…no time for trivials like the power of their houses for indeed, there is a greater matter at hand for them and that….is none other than the fight for survival. They have an enemy too close, too near and too hostile for them to go looking for others. On the other hand though, is it not human nature to suspect? Is it thusly, not human nature that is the Game, ultimately?†The words fell smoothly, the questions of a strange, rich nature Vera did not understand and yet this was how she felt. This was what had come to her mind.




    The corners of Nyssa’s mouth curved into a slight smile, one that even reached her eyes. Reluctant as she might have been, Vera was a good student of the Great Game. It was in her blood, and that meant that eventually all denial would be made impossible. Human nature indeed. The Game sang to those who had a gift for it, and it’s sweet voice was hard to deny. Nyssa had never been one to try going without it for long. “Borderlanders are lucky, according to some. They are strangers to the Game, and the Great Game is kept far from their towns and cities. They see a threat in the beasts of the border. Some who don’t live among them might agree. Not many though. We might try to live as they do, free from the Game, but it would be foolish. The Game is here, and it’s used by too many to pretend it doesn’t exist. The survival of many depends on our skills in something the borderlanders call a ‘silly game’.†She had turned her head for a moment, and her eyes were fixed upon the White Tower. We. Our. All who dwelled within the walls of the White Tower.


    “Life could be simple. Should be simple, if everyone lived their lived the way the Light wishes it. If we were all perfect and pure, no battle would ever be fought. But alas, it is not so. Darkness taints the perfect world the Creator left for us, and we must do our best to defend that which is still good against the forces of that Darkness. Be it sword or be it word… Battles are fought on many different levels and fields.†She fell silent for a moment, thinking on what she still wished to teach Vera. It would take years for her to become as proficient in reading the patterns of the game as Nyssa was, but the Aes Sedai hoped she would at least manage to plant the seeds of interest in Vera’s mind.


    “So when we accept the horrible truth…†Nyssa started again, her eyes twinkling with mirth, almost as if to show Vera that she was joking in a way. “…we must find a way to arm ourselves against it. Powerful as we may seem, we Aes Sedai are bound by rules that make us vulnerable in the game.†Well, some were at least. Others had chosen a different path in life, and a different Lord to follow. “That means we must be better at it than every other player. It means that we must read people as if they were open books, even when they hide the truth from us. We must be able to negotiate without words as easily as we do with words. We must take every opportunity our opposition offers us, and we must be ruthless in taking advantage of it’s weaknesses. It will be just as ruthless to us when it has the chance.â€


    She sat down on the narrow bench on the marketplace, and waved over at the people going about their daily business. “Even here, in trade and in every day life, in the end it’s all about who has the last laugh. The better we are at Daes Dae’mar, the more likely it gets that we will be the one who laughs last, when we finally face that which threatens us.†Nyssa looked at Vera, hoping that the girl understood all she had said. “Tell me, Vera… Do you see people using the Great Game here on this market square?â€




    OOC: Nyssa, the reply is being posted very soon. :) Look out for it.

  4. The Night that was beckoned softly, lingering still in the dark velvet of the sky. Ripples in the wind called; subtle and almost imagined its magic was. The silence that had lured us here, a hand outstretched to show long spidery fingers loomed now and herein, and in many ways, made it more majestic. Silver stars gathered together, streaking the black of the hour for it was the sky that was the canvas today.


    They slept in a Tower grand in its might, not unlike the White Tower of Tar Valon.


    They murmured and shifted on their mattresses, their faces not unlike those of

    three Novices.


    Her eyes in the pitch black of the room were like blazing stars, not unlike the sweet gray of Novice Vera. And yet, there was a difference.


    It was the moonlight riverstream and the zephyr of the night that rejoiced in the darkened halls of the White Tower, blind in their plight for love and thus joyful. None but they dared to walk at this hour and for them too, it was different; Oblivious to all else as they twirled through many a merry dance- here just round the corner, there beneath the intricately carved ceiling. You could feel it still, the faint residues; the caress of the wind, the stray beam of moonlight, if only you know where to look. Here beneath the stars they had danced, wanting neither music nor colour. You could say that they lived for the moment. Others had stopped before, yes, but never remained for long, for those who hadn’t belong in the beginning could not appreciate that which had been stumbled upon, here at the dead of the night. As the dances of the night are watched from afar, one begins to wonder whether it is the danger that is omnipresent, ever beneath the surface that enthralls them so. She did not know.


    It was the silence that had beckoned with soft whispers earlier that was a startling beacon now. Amidst the quiet of the hour and the velvet night, behind the rat that scuttled noiselessly and before the nightcrow stood she, watching aimlessly. Or so it seemed. The white dress, stark and brilliant against the darkened night moved with surreal fluidity as she walked towards the enticing sight of the peaceful abyss they called the sky. Only a few hours before she had it as bright blue and lively, with the chirping of the birds never far away. How she wished for a brush now, to sit and dab colour with beneath the ever watchful stars, showing intricate designs of this hour. It might even be beyond her capability, she acknowledged.


    The midnight hours had kept her awake several times now, the peace that would first seem so very tempting would never change for the better, but it was her belief that things were best as they were. Attacks and spasms could not be helped, she had been told, she was what she was. Better if she let them out now, here in the silence. Better now, while alone. The voice that haunted her still would be sweet at first, if only to change drastically later- she could not afford for harm to come to those she loved, thinking of Aoife and Gaiya. Did they know, she often wondered, of this insomnia? It would not be surprising if Aoife had noticed, she was the more observant of the two. If indeed her absence had been noted, than Vera was grateful for their silence. And secretly, a little disturbed. Did they not care enough? It was a worrisome hurtful thought, that.


    It was as she contemplated on this sensitive issue that the appearance of another went unnoticed.


    ~Vera Cadsanome


    Floating in murky waters


    OOC: Hope this is okay




    ~’*’~ Silence was a spread of heavy fabric that dampened senses, the sundry of stars pinned against the sky giving the night a dauntingly palpable aura. Cool air circulated around soaring arches, past ivory mounds and around clustered structures that radiated no small amount of heat, its arch nemesis of sorts. This evening marked the third straight night where her mind had succumbed to the insomnia plague and so mechanically, Halvie took to the hushed & empty halls. Her steady footfall echoed in cavernous corridors tastefully lined with intricate drapery and polished silverware that winked subtly to the eyes of the beholder, long & swaying shadows parting as she approached. The witching hour had entered with the ringing of bells in spiral towers minutes ago, yet she retained memories of its distant sounding with startling clarity. Dimly, she wondered why that was so.


    ~’*’~ One blood red crescent moon hung sharply against other noticeable celestial beings, unobscured by scurrying clouds. Tilted green eyes noted its presence somewhat resentfully, her mind stagnant and unhinged from scheming contemplation for a wonderment grudgingly approving the heavenly landscape. In the deeper recesses of her mind, however, she cringed. This was folly, to become so tense towards something so remote, so inconsequential in her quest to rise beyond expectations in an elusive manner. Granted, a flushed moon was a most unusual vision. Irritably, Halvie smoothed the crisp edge of her shirt, having donned a new set of clothing before stepping through the threshold of her quarters. She felt a flicker of antagonism rid the heavy bundle of constricted emotions on her shoulders for the briefest moment, then slight puzzlement at her current situation before shrugging it off. She was travelling down an exhausted way of thinking yet again. She had to learn to live with rejection.


    ~’*’~ A faint rustling of cloth ahead of her caused her steady pace to falter marginally, as she keenly listened to the steady tapping of heels against flagstones heading her way. Insecurity in her current tower status found Halvie awaiting the opposite figure to come within speaking distance with some form of hateful trepidation. A red shawl, not a Green, thank the Light. There was always tension between the various ajahs, but the ageless façade passing by bore no signs of recognition, no interest in pursuing a late conversation. That bode well for Halvie when any happenstance or casual meet could send ripples out to have her budding career come crashing down. Every exchanged word fraught with difficulties and half a hundred secret meanings, tragedies lining up to stain her slate, bring her into debt, to failure, disaster. What was worse was the fact that such matters could not be ignored, pushed into some dank cavern to rot. More unpropitious, she still harboured secrets darker & far hazardous than facing down Tower intrigues.


    ~’*’~ Battle grounds. Armies. Killing. Saidar the weapon. Obsession was not a word that could carelessly justify all the feelings she held for the subject, scrolls of ancient names and grandiose battles coming to mind with ease yet experience wise, she knew relatively little of it. To compensate for that during the last decades or so, Halvie had endeavoured to increase her mental capacity for knowledge, historical events where a multitude of lessons could be gathered and applied to her own life. Yet as days flew by she understood that doing just that would simply not be enough. All this time sheltered by a harsh hand, where freedom was compressed, restrained, taken away. And now that the world finally lay open & inviting to her, Halvie found that she was incapable of leaving her sanctuary, to seek her destiny and court battle & death like a true Green.


    ~’*’~ She was gorging on irrepressible fear, where a host of issues crowding her vision within and beyond the tower, skulking in the shadows. Her eyes and ears contacts was only beginning to branch out, still in its infant stage though she had poured much effort into sustaining that fragile start, determined that it evolve into an empire of sorts for her benefits one day. Diurnal, numerous petty quarrels and dissension was assaulting Halvie, and the thoughts of the hefty pile of missives awaiting her on her desk made her give an involuntary twitch. Administration work had never truly appealed to her the way it patently did to the Browns much as she treasured its irrefutable intelligence. Perchance one day when her… youth had wrinkled away, when she was a battle-hardened woman of considerable standing. Perhaps then, when her ambitions altered to go seeking for a different sort of glory, who knew? Everything was possible, when armed with the correct mindset and power hold.


    ~’*’~ Since concluding that sulking through her initiation period was errant, Halvie had set to making use of what little at her disposal, attempting to manipulate others as she would with stones on a stone board. She still found it a touch disconcerting when those not of the shawl allotted her respect in spades, even those she had known years ago when still a neophyte clad in white and the seven coloured bands. It just felt wrong, somehow, in an ineffable manner; as though she was silently acknowledging being unworthy of it all. Yet that could not possibly be right. Halvie narrowed her eyes at the licking orange flames by the walls, frowning meditatively. Something was missing from her life, some events she had yet to undergo to feel… complete. But what? And who to question regarding such complex, abstract matters? She trusted no one completely.


    ~’*’~ It was then that she detected the presence of yet another person before her, and curiously enough, clad in the apparel of a novice. The tight knot ever looming at the back of her head suddenly became all the more palpable, curiosity tinged with annoyance & disgust. Drawing her dark dress closer, Halvie took an imperious step towards the child, the epitome of cool authority. It was time to set aside personal angst. A small smile threatened to break across her serene façade when she noticed that the novice remained oblivious to her own presence. Pity. Placing a hand on her shoulders, she augustly swung the novice around to face her. In a voice smooth as polished glass, she began her interrogation. “Name and explanation for your presence in these halls after curfew, child. And be quick about it.â€


    Halvie Sedai

    Rejected Sister of the Battle Ajah


    Ooc: It’s a lovely post, don’t worry.




    The cold was a dampened wind, descending onto her shoulders with the early morning chill, dewdrops and silver fog all playing their part. Little needles stung her arms and legs, almost playful as the mist of the approaching morning enveloped her, wrapping itself around for the most tender of embraces. This was of course all her imagination, or actually as she liked to believe: a different way of looking at life. How else could one come to believe that every single substance that lingered was not infact a ‘thing’ but a being of its own? How else could she come to believe that the embrace she felt was real and a choice made both by her and the other; It was not simply something she had walked into. Reality. It could be seen in so many different colours, that.


    Would they think her mad, if seen like this? She was not sure who ‘they’ indeed were, nor was she sure about why she was so set on thinking of things other than the nightsky and the paling moon. Was she perhaps, image conscious all of a sudden? The idea did not do well with her face, for suddenly it changed and the most awful of scarlet blushes appeared on her cheeks. She had never worried before about how others felt about her, or whether those whispers that passed her by were indeed truths revealed about her, mingled so deeply with rumour and gossip that sadly enough the reality of the ‘truth’ was lost well before it had slipped out. Her sister’s love had been enough for her; those eyes she had known so well once were now all but a glorious memory….


    The serenity that sunk so deep onto the Sister’s face was a chilling mask, beautiful in some ways and yet terrifying in so many others. Was it pity she had glimpsed while she had been forced around? She felt the rational doubt enter her mind when the idea did, for on the face that was proud and cold before her now, she saw nothing but the questioning gaze of someone who was better. Bigger. More important. Her voice was like the smoothest silk, slipping past Vera in a thick sultry tone of authority, making it ring in her head like the morning bells that announced the beginning of the day. She was in trouble, yes, but could the degree be somewhat lessened she wondered as her eyes roving, took in the imperial appearance, making her just a little more curious about the thoughts that were making little circles in the Sister’s mind.


    What infact, was she doing at such a place, at such a time? It was not, unlike for the other, in her place to question her or even wonder so about the secrets of an Aes Sedai, but Vera knew as she noted the rings underneath her eyes, that this was not her first night either. Did she too suffer from the same? The idea was glorious in itself, but ringed so deeply by fear, it was something Vera found she would never say to her. Not atleast in the manner that was haunting her now. The sudden tightness the Aes Sedai’s hold took made her look up, grey eyes daring to be a keen display of all that went through Vera’s mind. Yes, she was supposed to answer. But then, they both knew better. They both knew that it was not the explanation the Sedai was looking for, but the reason to dismiss. Nothing would sound right and true at this moment, during this hour.


    “I do not have an explanation, Aes Sedai. I do not know why I am here…but then, neither do you. Am I not right?â€


    The supposed horror that was meant to fill her just about now, in large and swift torrents that would blow her away, never came. Instead, there was something close to satisfaction in her mind. Satisfaction for the courage that had come, from seemingly nowhere. With eyes charged with a new and slightly dangerous fury, Vera watched the Sedai with nonchalance although behind those gray eyes, there was nothing but fire and ash.


    Fire and ash.


    Vera Cadsanome


    Row row row your boat, gently down the stream...


    OOC: There you go :)

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