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Posts posted by clutzyninja

  1. I may have missed someone already bringing this up, but what you're describing is what's known as the "Hero of 1000 faces."  Also known as the "monomyth."  Many, MANY (most?) fantasy, mythological, and sci-fi stories share the same cliches.  The hero starts off as a kid from BFE who knows little about the world.  This is a powerful storytelling setup, because it puts the protagonist in the same shoes as the reader/viewer.  We also don't know anything about the world that the story takes place in, so when things are explained, it's neither forced nor patronizing.  If Luke was already a Jedi and experienced star traveller, it wouldn't make any sense for people to be explaining how those things worked to him for our sake.


    To quote from the book that coined the term, "A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man." I'm sure that sounds familiar.


    It's a pretty interesting read on wikipedia.

  2. It seems what you want is for the characters to all be Lan, which would be boring.  People are flawed.  No one is perfect,  Rand has a potentially fatal flaw, true, but if he didn't and just did everything exactly perfect all the time, wouldn't that be a boring story?

    And taking a life should never be easy, let alone for a farm boy.  I'm not sure you would find it as easy to do, or as easy to deal with the aftermath, as you say you would.  Some might even say that it takes  "real man" to show the restraint he so often strives for.

  3. Honestly the character nyneave bugged me to death, with egwene and Elaine close behind in descending order. I literally skipped a lot of their chapters for all the crap. Hugs and kisses, sister this, love you that, my god for the three most powerful women on earth they are damn annoying. And nyneaves hatred of moiraine is so ridiculous? It is clear to anyone reading that it is not her fault that the boys were tarveran, she also saved their lives, not destroy them. Every time they ask a dumb question only to have moiraine calmly tell them the obvious answer, and then still stay angry at her after, as if its her fault they didn't know, I wanna scream.


    Anyway, perrins determination, for ages, to deny and fight off the wolf stuff is another stupid thing, why does he regect it? I would be lapping that shit up. He is a bitch.


    And the constant thing were he writes in the fact that all three boys think the other 2 are good with girls? Yeah it was funny the first time but after like 50 references it gets really dull. Was this dude a Mormon for Petes sake, they were grown men and Perrin and rand blush like school girls at the first hint of skin!


    I would say mat was the most interesting to read but personally fav chachter is loial, the way he gets scared in parts is really funny, and if I was in the story myself I think I would like to be sitting in the back taking notes and crushing the occasional skull with a stick the size of a mans arm, he's bad ass yet really humble, and chilled.


    I have I only just started book 4 but am seriously thinking of putting it all away because of them damn girls, will nyneave hold onto that stupid role of protector of emens feild the whole time? I ask this already suspecting she will be the eventual downfall of moiraine

    OK, your opinions just aren't really fair. 


    -Nynaeve KNOWS her dislike of Moiraine isn't accurate or fair.  Her inability to admit when she's wrong has been an established facet of her character from the jump.

    -Perrin is a bitch for not wanting to become a mindless animal?  He saw what it did to Noam,spoilers aside,  and it (rightfully) scared the crap out of him.

    -RJ does beat the horse a little often when it comes to the way the boys think about each others' prowess with women.  BUT, they are NOT grown men, they are YOUNG men.  Who grow up in a conservative village.  They didn't have porn at their fingertips like you do, so it makes perfect sense for them to "blush at the first hint of skin."  That definitely goes away, as they all become sexually active throughout the series.

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