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Posts posted by Naertho


    That reminds me of a wee story.

    End of last year, I liked a girl, she agreed to try with me but take it slow. We were not officially together at any point though. After trying for a month it turns out she had fallen for one of my close friends. A while later they get together. Now fast forward a couple months - I begin to like this other girl! She and I hang for a week or two and then well, we started dating! I made an effort to go see her whenever I could while still giving her some alone time. Turns out she didn't actually feel for me but still had feelings for another one of my close friends - they had a thing before she started hanging with me, she got attached, he didn't - and then she dumped me.

    Well the day she dumped me the guy who had girl one fall for him told me "She's a (female dog) and not good enough for you! I've always hated her." Found out today, 2 months on, girl two and guy one are now together. I think he likes to take things I had once. o.o


    Had to read that twice to get it.


    *Flow diagrams*


    Should add one.

    Naertho - myself

    Girl One - the first mentioned girl (obviously)

    'Friend' One - the one that got both Girl One and Girl Two 

    Girl Two - the Ex

    Friend Two - The heartless man :P


    Naertho - gets with Girl One

    Girl One - gets with 'Friend' One

    Naertho - alone

    Friend Two - has fun with Girl Two

    Girl Two - gets hurt

    Naertho - tries cheer Girl Two up

    Naertho - Hangs with Girl Two, gets feelings

    Naertho - dates Girl Two

    Naertho - finds out about Friend Two and Girl Two

    Girl Two - dumps Naertho

    Naertho - alone

    'Friend' One - mocks Girl Two, trying to make Naertho feel better

    'Friend' One - dates Girl Two

    Naertho - clueless

  2. That reminds me of a wee story.

    End of last year, I liked a girl, she agreed to try with me but take it slow. We were not officially together at any point though. After trying for a month it turns out she had fallen for one of my close friends. A while later they get together. Now fast forward a couple months - I begin to like this other girl! She and I hang for a week or two and then well, we started dating! I made an effort to go see her whenever I could while still giving her some alone time. Turns out she didn't actually feel for me but still had feelings for another one of my close friends - they had a thing before she started hanging with me, she got attached, he didn't - and then she dumped me.

    Well the day she dumped me the guy who had girl one fall for him told me "She's a (female dog) and not good enough for you! I've always hated her." Found out today, 2 months on, girl two and guy one are now together. I think he likes to take things I had once. o.o

  3. Just started reading the first book. Recommended by my son. Looking forward to it. I work nights so ill be reading mostly after work. Im in the first chapter. Glad to find this forum. Greetings to all from Tennessee

    I hope you enjoy the read! I think I could speak for the whole community here and say; you're bound to love it!









    I translated this as I went along, many lols had




    I do french at school so I translated as I read the french


    I always laugh at people that type something in a language they do not know or only vaguely know to be shown up like thus.



    nah, it's meant to be outrageously wrong, it's a tumblr thing


    My Tumblr has changed a lot since I was properly active then!



    memes crop up pretty fast (not to mention you might possibly just have missed it - like maybe you're on the opposite side of tumblr)


    Possibly - I don't usually look for things like that :P







    I translated this as I went along, many lols had




    I do french at school so I translated as I read the french


    I always laugh at people that type something in a language they do not know or only vaguely know to be shown up like thus.



    nah, it's meant to be outrageously wrong, it's a tumblr thing


    My Tumblr has changed a lot since I was properly active then!




    Oh my, am on a WoW Twink Forum and there is always this one that tries put me down, and they are from New Zealand also - it is irritating beyond belief.




    Aha, World of Warcraft. Twinks are those that stay at a particular level and try gain the best gear at that specific level and then beat up on others that level :P



    ah, like people who have silver teams on UT


    Yeah, there are several types of things of similarity all over the gaming community.





    "Come, you spirits

    That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here,

    And fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full

    Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood,

    Stop up the access and passage to remorse,

    That no compunctious visitings of nature

    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between

    The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts,

    And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,

    Wherever in your sightless substances

    You wait on nature's mischief!"

    Who says this and in where would you hear it?

    I recognise this one at least

    As thy should!

    Tis Lady Macbeth, no?


    It is indeed



    "Come, you spirits

    That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here,
    And fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full
    Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood,
    Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
    That no compunctious visitings of nature
    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
    The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts,
    And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,
    Wherever in your sightless substances
    You wait on nature's mischief!"
    Who says this and in where would you hear it?



    I recognise this one at least


    As thy should!

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